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Accidents - 1860 - 1889

Short Reports in Date Order

Northampton Mercury, 17 November 1860

Accident—A singular accident occurred on Monday evening at Wellingborough Bridge. Mr. Grose, farmer, Rushden Lodge, had hired a gig from the Crown and Anchor Inn, which adjoins the river Nene, but not being quite ready to go when the horse was put in, the ostler, thinking the horse would stand, left it and went into the house. When Mr. Grose was ready the horse and gig was nowhere to be found. Soon after a boatman came to say that a horse and gig was in the river. They immediately proceeded to the river, and found the poor animal plunging about in the water. Ropes were procured, and after some time they succeeded in getting it out in an exhausted condition. One of the shafts was broken, and the other had got across the horse’s neck.

16 August 1873 - Northampton Mercury

RUSHDEN—Accident—On Monday week, Mr. J. T. Sykes, dealer, was proceeding towards his home near Mr. Skinner's, he was thrown from his cart under the following circumstances: It appears he had a young horse, and had been out for drive for the purpose …..

27 September 1873 - Northampton Mercury 

RUSHDEN—Accident—On Monday last Mr. John Martin, beer-house keeper, met with an accident, which it was at first feared might prove fatal. Mr. Martin occupies an acre of land in a field between Rushden and Higham, which has been cropped with wheat .....

Northampton Mercury Saturday February 17th 1877, transcribed by Susan Manton

Accident—On Saturday evening last, as a party were returning home from hearing the Bishop at Rushden Church, when half way between Rushden and Higham Ferrers, the backing broke and let the cart down, breaking the shafts and precipitating the passengers with much force to the ground. We are informed Mrs. Templeman, who had not been in the cart many minutes, received rather serious injuries, so much so that she has been confined to her bed since. Britten, the driver, received a very severe shaking, and injury to the leg and side. There were several persons in the cart which belonged to Mr. Britten, of Chelveston but, with the above exceptions no serious injury was received.

Wellingborough News, 11th May 1878, transcribed by Kay Collins

RUSHDEN—DISTRESSING CASEOn Saturday morning last a woman named Denton went into the wharf at Higham Ferrers, exhibiting unmistakable signs of having been in the water. She asked Mrs. West to get her a trap and take her home, as she had been in the river to seek her daughter, who was in heaven. A trap was procured, and the unfortunate woman was conveyed to her home. It appears that some two or three years ago she lost a daughter, just arrived at womanhood, and the loss had such an effect on her mind, that she is hardly accountable for her actions. We hear that since Saturday she has been very ill.
Wellingborough News, 20th July 1878, transcribed by Kay Collins

Last week, Wm. Allen, whilst engaged loading hay for Mr. T. Sanders, in a field near Rushden Moors, slipped and fell to the ground, sustaining serious injuries.—On Monday, a girl, named Clayton, whilst climbing a gate pitched on her head, and was so much hurt that she was confined to her bed on the day when, but for the accident, she would have visited the Crystal Palace.
Wellingborough News, 31st August 1878, transcribed by Kay Collins

ACCIDENTOn Tuesday, a lad, named York, whilst engaged loading corn, was, unfortunately, knocked down and run over by a passing conveyance. The injuries the lad received were so serious that he had to be removed to the Infirmary.

Wellingborough News, 5th April 1879, transcribed by Kay Collins

IrchesterSERIOUS ACCIDENTOn Tuesday, Mr. John Barnes, of this village, was driving home from Rushden, having a piano in his cart, when, by some means or the other, he was thrown out of the vehicle, and so seriously injured that his life was despaired of.

Wellingborough News, 19th April 1879, transcribed by Kay Collins

SERIOUS ACCIDENTOn Good Friday a serious accident occurred at the Gas Works, by which two men named J. Ekins, of Rushden, and J. Saxby, of the Shorncliffe Iron-works, were severely burnt. A new holder is in the course of erection, and nearly completed, and the men were working at it with the intention of finishing it on Friday, when a valve was found to be slightly open, thereby admitting a small quantity of gas into the holder. As soon as this was known the valve was closed, and the men, who thought there was not sufficient gas in the holder to prevent them from going on with their labours, entered the holder and resumed work. After a short time it was found necessary to have a red-hot rivet put through a hole in the roof, where it was to be fastened. This immediately caused an explosion, and the result was that Saxby and Ekins who were inside at the time, were severely burnt about the hands and face, so much so that it was thought dangerous to move them. Saxby lies in a precarious condition.

Note: the annual gas report 1879 states the men were Ekins & Loseley

Wellingborough & Kettering News, February 19th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

ATTEMPTED SUICIDE—On Tuesday an old man named Smith Wilmer attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat. He has been ill for years, and has suffered from great depression of spirits. Considering the age of the sufferer the wound inflicted is of a serious character, but hopes are entertained that the rash act he has committed will not have a fatal termination. At present the would-be suicide is in a precarious condition, but he has the best medical treatment, and is carefully nursed.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, June 25th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

RUSHDEN—Last Sunday, a bundle containing female wearing apparel was found in a pond in this village, under circumstances which gave rise to suspicion. The pond was emptied by the police, but nothing which could throw additional light on the subject was discovered.
[Not quite an accident!]

Wellingborough & Kettering News, August 27th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

ACCIDENTOn Saturday last as one of the Midland trollies was returning from Higham to Irchester station with a heavy load and two horses, the thiller horse commenced kicking and displacing the breeching, became unmanageable. The driver was endeavouring to let off the trolley when the horse made a swerve and he lost his balance and fell, both wheels and the trolley passing over his leg, very much injuring the ankle and thigh. He was conveyed to the surgery of Mr. Crew, where his injuries were attended to by Mr. Croon, Mr. Crew's assistant, but the leg was so much swollen that it could not be ascertained what was the extent of the injuries. We have since heard, however, that no bones have been broken (although there was nearly three ton weight on the trolley), and that Percival, the man injured, is going on as well as could be expected.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, October 15th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

RUSHDEN—Dilapidated Husbandry—On Sunday night, last, owing to the dilapidated state of a well-cover on the farm premises occupied by Mr. Thomas Laughton, at Rushden, a horse suddenly found itself in anything but a loose box, committing a sort of involuntary suicide. It is only fair to Mr. Laughton to add that he has only recently entered into occupation of the farm, and therefore cannot be held to blame for the dilapidated state of the well, although unfortunately he has to bear the loss.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, December 10th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

Accident-On Wednesday evening Mr. Ebenezer Cox, of the New Inn, Rushden, and his brother of the Strode-road, in this town, were riding in a trap, when the horse bolted and in turning the corner of Winstanley-road, near Mr. Davidson’s shop, an upset occurred, resulting in both men being thrown out with considerable violence. We regret to state that Mr. E. Cox was rather seriously injured.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, December 31st, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

ACCIDENTIn consequence or the very dangerous state of the footpath near the residence of Mr. T. Sanders, between Higham Ferrers and Rushden, the Rushden postman, J. Seckington, fell on Saturday evening last and very seriously injured his knee.

Wellingborough News, 20th May 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

ACCIDENT—On Monday last Mr. Andrew Groome, accompanied by his wife and child, was driving from Rushden to Northampton and was within three miles of his destination when the horse became unmanageable, and ultimately threw out the occupants of the vehicle. Fortunately, however, neither of them was hurt, save Mr. Groome receiving a slight injury to his ankle.

Wellingborough News, 23rd September 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

ACCIDENT—On Saturday last a young man named George Farey, son of Mr. Joseph Farey, went out with a party of others to gather nuts, and while getting over a stile slipped and fractured his knee. He was conveyed home on the following morning, and is progressing favourably.

Wellingborough News, 23rd September 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

PODINGTONACCIDENTS—On Friday last a lad named Joseph Bodington was engaged driving a dung cart on the Vicarage Farm, when passing through a gateway with a load the wheel caught the lad and knocked him down, and the wheel of the cart passed over his foot very badly crushing it. He was at once conveyed home where he is progressing, but very slowly. On Sunday afternoon a young gentleman from Rushden was passing through Hinwick on a bicycle when, coming down the hill by the Horseford, it caught against a stone and he was pitched off. He was picked up insensible by some friends and taken to the Wheat Sheaf Inn, where he was well cared for by the landlady, while his friends proceeded to Rushden to provide a conveyance to get him home. At 3.30 a horse and trap arrived. The poor fellow had by that time much revived, but he was dreadfully shaken and unable to set his foot to the ground.

Wellingborough News, 12th May 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

ACCIDENT—On Thursday, the 3rd inst., as Mrs. R. Brightwell, aged 80 years, was walking across her house she caught her toe in the matting and fell against the drawers and fractured her hip. Mrs. Brightwell is the oldest Wesleyan in Rushden, and many years since, before there was a Wesleyan Chapel in Rushden, used to go to Higham Ferrers to worship. It is somewhat strange that Mrs. Brightwell's mother at the age of 84 years met with a similar accident.

Wellingborough News, 30th June 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

ACCIDENT—On Tuesday a lad named Taylor was playing in the street with other lads, when he fell down and broke his arm.

Wellingborough News, 10th May 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE—Great excitement was caused during the latter part of last week by the disappearance of a man named Pruden, living on Higham Hill, who went to Wellingborough Market and did not return. On Sunday and Monday parties were dragging the river for his body, it being feared that he was drowned, but on Tuesday he returned and stated that he took train from Wellingborough to Irchester, and was taken on to London, and not having money enough to pay the fare was detained, and hence the delay.

Wellingborough News, 5th July 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

ACCIDENT— On Saturday last some hawkers of tinware met at Rushden, and after spending the day drinking together, a dispute arose and a free fight ensued, in which one of them received such injuries that he could not get back to his tent in the Recreation Ground at Higham Ferrers. Assistance was procured and he was conveyed thither, and medical attendance obtained, when it was found he had injured his knee, and not broken his leg as was feared.

NARROW ESCAPE FROM DROWNING — On Wednesday evening, as several young men were bathing near Higham stanch, one of them got out of his depth and went down several times. There were several in the water, but none dared to venture to his rescue until a young man named Joseph Byrne, who had been in the water and was on the bank dressing, plunged in, and succeeded in taking him to the bank in an insensible state. The means resorted to to restore animation fortunately proved successful, and he was profuse in his expressions of gratitude to his deliverer.

Wellingborough News, 5th July 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

ACCIDENT—On Saturday evening as a man named J. Nunley was returning from fishing near the wharf, and while walking from the latter place to his residence in the Hay Way, he slipped, and had to be carried home. The unfortunate man broke his leg in an accident some five months before, and it was at first feared that he had sustained a similar injury on this occasion, but on Dr. Crew examining the leg he stated that although injured it was not broken, but that there was a bad sprain of the ankle.

Wellingborough News, 6th September 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

ACCIDENT—On Monday afternoon Thos. Jacques, aged 77 years, was at work digging gravel in Mr. G. Tailby's pits, near Higham Ferrers, when about a barrow full of earth fell from the top (loosened doubtless by the heavy rain on Sunday), a distance of some twenty feet, and struck the old man, who was in a stooping position, across the shoulders, knocking him down and partly covering him. He was got out and taken to Mr. Tailby's and put to bed, but we are pleased to state, on examination by Dr. Bowridge, it was ascertained that no bones were broken or dislocated, and although severely bruised no more serious injury was sustained.

Wellingborough News, 4th October 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

ACCIDENT—On Friday afternoon last a collision took place between the van of Warren, the Rushden carrier, and a brick cart, driven by a lad in the employ of Mr. C. Bayes. One of the shafts of the cart was broken off, and the horse thrown down. No further damage resulted. Both parties claim to have been on the right side.

Wellingborough News, 18th October 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

FALLING INTO A PUDDING—Last week a child belonging to William Darnell, the Orchard, accidentally fell into a pudding. It appears the pudding was just taken from the oven, and placed upon the ground, when a child, of tender age, over-balanced himself and sat down in it, the consequence being that a large superficial burn was inflicted upon the abdomen and thighs. Under the treatment of Dr. Owen the child is now progressing favourably.

Wellingborough News, 29th November 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

ACCIDENT—On Tuesday a little boy, five years old, the son of Mr. G. W. Button, was sliding on some ice near the Board Schools, when he fell, and sustained a severe fracture of the left thigh. He was at once conveyed home, and Dr. Freeman was speedily in attendance, and set the broken limb.

Wellingborough News, 14th January 1887, transcribed by Kay Collins

ACCIDENT—An accident of an exceptionally painful nature befell Mrs. Thompson, wife of Mr. James Thompson, of Lewis-terrace, a few days since. According to the best information we can obtain upon the subject, the unfortunate woman was coming up Skinner's-hill on her way home, and on account of the dangerous state of the path, occasioned by the snow and ice, was walking in the middle of the road. It being rather dark and her hearing defective, she did not notice the Co-operative Society's bread cart coming down the hill and before she was aware of it, it was close upon her and knocked her to the ground. The driver called out, and endeavoured to pull up sharp, but was unable to make her hear, and on account of the state of the road and the fact of going down-hill, was unable to come to a standstill until too late. Mrs. Thompson was at once conveyed home, and Dr. Owen having been summoned, he found the jaw very badly fractured. Whether one of the shafts caught the poor woman on the side of the head, or the wheel passed over her face, is not known, and the sufferer can give no account of the occurrence. Dr. Owen is doing his best to alleviate the excruciating pain, and the Samaritan Society are interesting themselves in the case, and we trust that between the two the sufferer may find speedy relief.

Wellingborough News, 21st January 1887, transcribed by Kay Collins

ICE ACCIDENTSMr. Horace Brawn, while taking part in a "hockey" match on the ice on Monday afternoon last, fell heavily and dislocated his shoulder. He is now progressing towards recovery, and the same may be said of Mr. Woodward, plumber, who has been imprisoned within doors for the last few days by a sprained ankle, sustained while skating.

Wellingborough News, 25th February 1887, transcribed by Kay Collins

TRAP ACCIDENT—On Saturday evening last, as Mr. and Mrs. Britten, of Chelveston, accompanied by a young son, were driving into Rushden from Higham Ferrers, the horse shied at something in the road, and becoming unmanageable ran up the bank opposite Rushden Villa, the residence of Mr. Amos Cave, overturning the conveyance, breaking the shafts, and precipitating the three occupants into the road. Fortunately both Mr. and Mrs. Britten escaped with the shaking and a sundry bruise or two; but their son falling upon his head, received an ugly scalp wound, necessitating his immediate conveyance to Dr. Owen's surgery, where he received every attention, and was able to proceed home with his parents.

Wellingborough News, 25th March 1887, transcribed by Kay Collins

ACCIDENT—On Monday morning, as Mr. George Perkins was carting some hay with a pony and trap, a truss fell to the ground, and the animal taking fright knocked Mr. Perkins down, the wheel of the vehicle passing over his legs. He was assisted home and fortunately his injuries were not so serious as at first anticipated.

Wellingborough News, 1st July 1887, transcribed by Kay Collins

ACCIDENT—On Friday last, Harry, son of Mr. W. Denton, of this village, fell from a tree and broke his arm.

Wellingborough News, 15th July 1887, transcribed by Kay Collins

A WEDDING PARTY UPSET—Last week as a couple from Rushden were driving to Wellingborough to be married the vehicle in which they and their friends were riding was upset near the London and North-Western Station, and they were thrown out. They escaped without any severe injuries, the principal misfortune being damage to the wedding dresses. After these little drawbacks had been got over, the party was able to proceed to the office of the Registrar without any further "slip."
Note: Was this perhaps William Knightall & Deborah Wykes? See Stray Marriages before 1900

The Wellingborough News, 23rd September, 1887, transcribed by Gill Hollis

ACCIDENT—On Wednesday morning, as a painter in the employ of Mr. W. Spencer, was engaged in painting the upstairs window of the premises in High-street in the occupation of Mr. J. Clipson, the ladder upon which he was standing slipped out at foot, precipitating the young fellow to the ground and spraining his ankle badly. The end of the ladder also fell upon the shop door, destroying a large square of plate glass.

The Wellingborough News, 2nd December 1887, transcribed by Jim Hollis

Rushden Accidents
On Saturday last a labourer working on some houses in course of erection in Montague-street, slipped off a temporary scaffolding, and a hod of bricks falling upon one of his legs, the ankle bone was seriously fractured. Medical attendance not being immediately obtainable, the sufferer was conveyed to the Northampton Infirmary.

On Monday afternoon, as a football match, “Married v Single,” was being played for the benefit of W. Brudenall, who some weeks since fractured his collar bone when playing in a match, W. Richardson (who was playing for the Single) fell, and sustained a similar injury.

The Northampton Mercury, 26th January 1889, transcribed by Kay Collins

Alleged Attempted Suicide
On Friday, January 18, an old man named Josiah Barry, it is alleged, attempted his life by cutting his throat. A lodger named Joseph White went into the house and found traces of blood on the floor and furniture, and, going to the old gentleman, he perceived blood on his clothes and his hands. He went for assistance, and Dr Owen quickly attended, and sewed up the wound, which is in a longitudinal direction. Barry is 75 years old, and it is supposed that he committed the act in a moment of temporary aberration.

The Northampton Mercury, 16th February 1889, transcribed by Kay Collins

Accident—On Friday of last week a party from Rushden went to take a carcase to the Kennels at Milton Ernest. Having delivered their load, they went into the saddle-room, and the “puppy judging” being on, the company treated the grooms and helpers, and our friends from Rushden partook of the hospitality. They made a start for home, but before they had gone far misfortune overtook them, and they were thrown out of the cart, both shafts of which were broken off, and the cart otherwise damaged. In consequence they had to get home as best they could, leaving the fragments of the cart by the side of the road.

Wellingborough & Kettering News 15/02/1889, transcribed by Peter Brown

Attempted Suicide at Rushden
On Tuesday, about midday, some commotion was caused by the rumour that a man had committed suicide, and upon investigation it transpired that although the rumour had “gathered somewhat by the way” the fact that a man had taken poison, and was in a dangerous condition, was but too true. It appears that John Minney, a shoe finisher, some 60 years of age, and who was at one time an inmate of Berry Wood Asylum, had taken a dose of oxalic acid. Dr Owen, who was in the vicinity at the time, was hastily summoned, and discovered that the man had taken a half-an-ounce dose, which would in the ordinary course, be sufficient to kill two persons. He at once administered an emetic, and was happily successful in removing the cause of the danger, and we are informed that the unfortunate man is now progressing favourably. It is generally thought that Minney is not responsible for his action in making this attempt on his life. The unfortunate man has since recovered from the effects of the poison, and was removed today, under medical orders, to Berrywood Asylum.

The Northampton Mercury, 16th February 1889, transcribed by Kay Collins

Attempted Suicide—On Tuesday last a man named John Minney, a shoemaker, took a dose of oxalic acid. The assistance of Dr Owen was obtained, and the antidotes were applied successfully. We hear he is now going on favourably.

Wellingborough & Kettering News 15/02/1889, transcribed by Peter Brown

Rushden - A Curious Accident
On Friday evening Feb 8th, as Mr Philip Whitbread, of Rushden, was returning to Wellingborough with a load of hay, when coming down the hill near Mr Turnell's Lodge a gust of wind of extraordinary violence took him off the front of the cart. Fortunately the horse stopped, and a man with Mr Wilde's van being near at hand picked him up and conveyed him home, where he lies in a precarious state. The man found him lying in front of the wheel unconscious, and for some minutes he thought life was extinct. Whitbread is a heavy man, upwards of 70 years of age, and no doubt would fall heavily.

The Northampton Mercury, 23rd February 1889, transcribed by Kay Collins

The Late Gun Accident—The Rev W J Tomkins (Baptist minister) and the Rev A C Smith (Congregational minister) are getting up a subscription for Miss Dunkley, who lost her arm through the recent lamentable gun accident.

Wellingborough & Kettering News 19/04/1889, transcribed by Peter Brown

ATTEMPTED SUICIDEElizabeth White, Rushden, was charged with attempting to commit suicide at Rushden, on March 29, by throwing herself in a pond.-Supt, Bailie said the prisoner was 41 years of age, and a short time ago she was confined of an illegitimate child. She was living with her mother, and on the day in question she went and threw herself from the upstairs window on to the pebbles below. She was taken into the house, but afterwards eluded the mother, and went and threw herself into a pond, where she was rescued by some men.—The mother of the woman attended, and said her daughter had promised not to do anything of the kind again. Her brother at home would look after her.—The Bench allowed White to leave the Court under the care of her mother.

Wellingborough & Kettering News 24/05/1889, transcribed by Peter Brown

TRAP ACCIDENT—On Saturday evening last, between nine and ten o'clock, Mr. J. Abbott, of Rushden, was driving a party through Higham Ferrers, when near the Swan Inn the vehicle was run into by a party consisting of a man, woman, and child. The force of the collision threw all three of the latter out of the trap, but fortunately with the exception of a shaking, neither the passengers nor the horses were injured.

Wellingborough &Kettering News 26/07/1889, transcribed by Peter Brown

ACCIDENT—A serious accident occurred near Rushden on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Lovel, landlord of the Oakley Inn, Rushden, had driven over to Wellingborough, and was returning in his trap, in company with another Rushden man, named Shorley, [and Mr Parker] of Higham Ferrers. As they were going up the hill near Knuston Hall, the reins of the horse by some means became unbuckled, and the horse, turning on one side, pulled one wheel of the trap on to the bank by the side of the road. The three occupants of the vehicle were thrown out two of them seriously hurt. Lovel escaped with a shaking and a few scratches and bruises but Parker was badly cut on the face and head, and one of the bones in his arm was broken. Shorley received injuries to his head and face of a serious nature, and had to be conveyed home. Parker has since been attended by Dr. Thomas, and Shorley by Dr. Parkins, and the sufferers are going on as well as can be expected. The horse was rather fresh on the occasion of the accident, it being the first occasion of working it for some time.

Wellingborough & Kettering News 13/09/1889, transcribed by Peter Brown

Narrow EscapeWhat might have been serious accident took place on the Green on Saturday evening. A roundabout propelled by a horse was in full swing, when from some cause or other the animal kicked up its heels, and snapping an under a portion of the wood-work, broke loose from its fixtures and staggered about in a giddy manner between the revolving centre and the wooden horses. The children enjoying a ride quickly disappeared—a few fell off, others were snatched up by their parents, and the machine was quickly brought to a standstill; but beyond the fright to both parents and children, we have not heard of any one being injured, the horse, which must have received some nasty knocks in staggering from side to side, being apparently the greatest sufferer apart from the damage caused to the framework of the apparatus. The incident put an end to any further business that night, and the closure was accordingly applied.

Wellingborough & Kettering News 04/10/1889, transcribed by Peter Brown

Shooting Accident — On Feast Monday, Mr. George Brown, of High Street, while out shooting in the vicinity of the Moors with a companion, met with a somewhat serious accident. It appears he was on the opposite side of the hedge to his companion, whose gun accidentally went off owing to the trigger getting caught in some brushwood. Mr Brown received some 23 of the shots in the muscles of his right arm. We understand, however, that under the care of Dr. Owen he is progressing favourably towards recovery.

Wellingborough & Kettering News 13/12/1889, transcribed by Peter Brown

Trap Accident—On Wednesday evening last, as Mr. D. P. Boyd, of Rushden, was returning from Ringstead, where he had been addressing a meeting, the conveyance in which he was driving was run into near Stanwick by a vehicle coming in an opposite direction, the driver of the last-named apparently being fast asleep, and in an intoxicated condition. The collision was so violent that Mr. Arthur Brittens, who was in company with Mr. Boyd, was precipitated into the road, and Mr. Boyd’s son fell on top of him, but fortunately no serious injury resulted, the most damage being sustained by the vehicles, the wheels of which were so interlocked as to take three quarters of an hour to separate them. Had it not been for the fact that Mr. Boyd had already pulled his horse right on to the side of the road, the consequences might have been more serious.

Rushden Argus, 20th December 1889,transcribed by Kay Collins

Accident to Police Inspector—Last Saturday afternoon, Inspector Phenix and his son (Mr F Phenix) were driving from Rushden to Wellingborough, and when they were between the ‘Oakley Arms’ and Mr Sanders’ Lodge, from some cause or other the horse shied, and in doing so broke a portion of the harness. This further frightened the animal, and he plunged so that he broke the other harness, and got clear of the trap. Inspector Phenix was pitched out head foremost, and was very badly shaken, and injured his shoulder and arm, but, fortunately, no bones were broken. The refractory horse was stopped by some labourers near Mr. Turnell’s farm.

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