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Rushden Echo, Friday, October 25, 1901, transcribed by Greville Watson


With the two-fold object of proving that the help of ladies is not absolutely necessary in carrying out a social evening, and of assisting the building fund of the Park-road Wesleyan church, a tea and entertainment were held in the school room on Tuesday, organised by the gentlemen of the congregation. Tea ws served in excellent style, the dispensers of the beverage being, of course, gentlemen. Following the tea was an entertainment, gentlemen being responsible for the whole of the items. The programme included vocal and instrumental music, &c., and the performers were Messrs. C.Wooding, H.Wooding, G.Wooding, jun., T.Watson, Bright, Oldham (Sherrington), Nattrass, Lockie, Lockey, W.Michell, Lawrence Clarke, Albert Clarke, and others. The Rev.C.F.Groom presided. A much-appreciated item was an impromptu speaking competition, the two successful competitors being promised a "bronze medal of Queen Victoria" which they duly received in the form of a halfpenny. The arrangements for the tea and entertainment were carried out by the Rev.C.F.Groom and Messrs. I.Cunnington, Watson, Nattrass, Bright, Battersby, Lockey, and Spicer, and the sum of £2.10s was raised.

Rushden Echo, Friday, December 27, 1901, transcribed by Greville Watson


of the senior members of the Park-road Wesleyan Band of Hope took place last night, a large number being present.  Tea was served, Misses Ball, Wooding, Louie Causebrook, Darnell, Underwood, Hankins, Elsie Short, and Ekins presiding at the tables.  Afterwards games were played, and during the evening Miss Waring contributed an excellently rendered solo, and Mr.F.Noble gave a reading.  Mr.E.Miller presided.

Rushden Echo, Friday, January 17, 1902, transcribed by Greville Watson


A social evening was held at the Park-road Church on Wednesday. Tea was served by Miss Scott, Mrs.Betts, Mrs.Battersby, and Mrs.Groome. Afterwards, various games were enjoyed. On Tuesday, the annual trustees meeting was held, and among the matters for discussion was the forthcoming bazaar.

Rushden Echo, Friday, January 24, 1902, transcribed by Greville Watson


At the Park-road Wesleyan Church, on Monday, 120 parents were present at the annual tea. The ladies presiding at the tables were: Miss Scott, Miss Watson, Miss Deighton, Miss M.Waring, Mrs. Cunnington, the Misses Desborough, Miss Adkins, and Miss Cunnington. Mr.A.Gadsby presided over the subsequent proceedings, when a programme was gone through. Miss L.Deighton sang a solo in good style, and recitations were given by Miss Scott and Miss Waring. The Rev.T.E.Thompson gave an appropriate address.

Rushden Argus, Friday, January 2, 1903, transcribed by Greville Watson


The New Year's gathering which has been held for some time by the Wesleyan Church took place on Thursday evening. Tea was partaken of in the schoolroom, a good number sitting down. At the subsequent meeting Mr.Nattrass presided, and other gentlemen giving addresses were the Rev.R.B.Woodward and Mr.A.Short.

Rushden Argus, Friday, January 2, 1903, transcribed by Greville Watson


The annual tea and social of the Park-road Wesleyan Band of Hope took place on Friday evening in the schoolroom. The arrangements had been made by the secretary (Mr.H.Wooding), and the tea was provided and served by the senior members, about 100 sitting down. After tea games of various kinds were indulged in, and a most pleasant time was spent.

Rushden Argus, Friday, January 2, 1903, transcribed by Greville Watson


On Monday evening the members of the Park-road Wesleyan Choir met for their annual tea and social evening in the schoolroom. Tea had been provided by Mrs.A.Groome, Miss Wooding, Miss Short, and Miss Deighton, assisted by other friends. About sixty members of the choir and friends were present, and after tea an enjoyable time was spent in games of various kinds, refreshments also being served during the evening.

Rushden Echo, Friday, January 1, 1904, transcribed by Greville Watson


The senior members of the Band of Hope had their annual tea on Monday and the junior members were similarly entertained on Tuesday. After tea, games, &c., were played. The choir held a social evening on Wednesday. Tea was served at 4.30, and the remainder of the evening was spent in social enjoyment. A pianoforte solo was given by Miss Causebrook; Mr.Button recited; and songs were sung by Miss Ada Green, Miss Florrie Darnell, and Mr.Albert Clarke. Last (Thursday) night a social was held in connection with the Adult Bible Class. Tea was served, and a pleasant evening followed.

Rushden Echo, Friday, January 8, 1904, transcribed by Greville Watson


Last night the annual social of the Sewing Meeting was largely attended. A capital programme was given, including recitations by Mr.Lockey (Raunds), and gramophone selections by Mr.Watson.

Rushden Echo, Friday, February 5, 1904, transcribed by Greville Watson


The senior class of girls in the Park-road Wesleyan Sunday School arranged a social gathering on Monday night in the school-room in aid of their contribution to the building fund of the new church. There was a very large attendance. An excellent programme weas given under the presidency of the Rev.R.B.Woodward, comprising pianoforte solos by Miss Rose Knight, two recitations by Miss Nash, and one by Mr.C.Wagstaff, and songs by Miss Annie Cunnington (2), Mrs,Arthur Taylor, and Mr.T.C.Clarke (2). Refreshments were served, and games were also entered into with heartiness.

Rushden Echo, Friday, February 5, 1904, transcribed by Greville Watson


A social was held last night in the Park-road Wesleyan schoolroom in connewction with the Adult Bible Class. Mr.T.Cunnington presided. Mr.S.Michell gave a very interesting geographical talk on "Cornwall." Refreshments were kindly given by Mr.Staniland. Mr.G.Cook gave a song, and Misses Deighton and Atkinson sang a duet. The Rev.H.J. and Mrs.Atkinson gave brief addresses.

Rushden Echo, Friday, November 17, 1905, transcribed by Greville Watson


A series of Pleasant Saturday Evenings have been arranged in connection with the Park-road Wesleyan Church, and the first meeting was held on Saturday last in the schoolroom. A good musical programme was provided, and refreshments were served. During the evening Mrs.H.J.Atkinson gave an address on the leading events of the week. Nearly every church in the town has now come into line in catering for the public on Saturday evenings.

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