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Building Fund

Rushden Echo, Friday, October 25, 1901 transcribed by Greville Watson


With the two-fold object of proving that the help of ladies is not absolutely necessary in carrying out a social evening, and of assisting the building fund of the Park-road Wesleyan church, a tea and entertainment were held in the school room on Tuesday, organised by the gentlemen of the congregation. Tea ws served in excellent style, the dispensers of the beverage being, of course, gentlemen. Following the tea was an entertainment, gentlemen being responsible for the whole of the items. The programme included vocal and instrumental music, &c., and the performers were Messrs. C.Wooding, H.Wooding, G.Wooding, jun., T.Watson, Bright, Oldham (Sherrington), Nattrass, Lockie, Lockey, W.Michell, Lawrence Clarke, Albert Clarke, and others. The Rev.C.F.Groom presided. A much-appreciated item was an impromptu speaking competition, the two successful competitors being promised a "bronze medal of Queen Victoria" which they duly received in the form of a halfpenny. The arrangements for the tea and entertainment were carried out by the Rev.C.F.Groom and Messrs. I.Cunnington, Watson, Nattrass, Bright, Battersby, Lockey, and Spicer, and the sum of £2.10s was raised.

Rushden Argus, Friday, January 24, 1902, transcribed by Greville Watson


A meeting was held at the Park-road Wesleyan Church on Tuesday for the purpose of considering the best means of raising £160 to clear off the debt of the chapel and house before the third week in April. It was announced that 200 tickets at 1s. each had been sold in connection with the visit of the Rev.Mr.Chadwick. It was decided to form a club to collect weekly money which can be spent at the bazaar, and 15 collectors were appointed. Stalls will be taken by Mrs.Charles Smith's class, the Wesley Guild, the Sewing Meeting, and there will be a general store managed by gentlemen. Mr.Watson was appointed to take charge of the entertainments.

Rushden Argus, Friday, January 2, 1903, transcribed by Greville Watson


On Christmas Eve a party of friends, numbering over twenty, connected with the Park-road Wesleyan Church visited a large number of places in the town and sang various hymns and carols in keeping with the season. The special object in view was the raising of money in aid of the new chapel building fund. On Friday collectors went round for the purpose, and met with a gratifying response, in addition to warm expressions of the pleasure given by their efforts.

Rushden Echo, Friday, March 18, 1904, transcribed by Greville Watson


The senior class of girls in the Park-road Wesleyan Sunday School arranged a social gathering on Monday night in the school-room in aid of their contribution to the building fund of the new church. There was a very large attendance. An excellent programme weas given under the presidency of the Rev.R.B.Woodward, comprising pianoforte solos by Miss Rose Knight, two recitations by Miss Nash, and one by Mr.C.Wagstaff, and songs by Miss Annie Cunnington (2), Mrs,Arthur Taylor, and Mr.T.C.Clarke (2). Refreshments were served, and games were also entered into with heartiness.

Rushden Echo, Friday, March 18, 1904, transcribed by Greville Watson


Yesterday, in aid of the new Wesleyan Church Building Fund, a very pleasant function was held in the Park-road Wesleyan school-room, Rushden, taking the form of a sale of work, with various side entertainments.  There were three main stalls – one under the auspices of the Ladies’ Sewing Meeting, one arranged by the Mothers’ Meeting, and one in connection with the senior Sunday school classes.  Mrs.T.Cunnington is president of the Sewing Meeting, Mrs.S.Michell secretary, and Mrs.T.Watson treasurer, while Mrs.Woodward is president of the Mothers’ Meeting, and these ladies, with many others, assisted at the stalls.  Mrs.C.Smith, Mrs.Battersby, and Miss Smith had charge of the refreshment stall, and they were assisted by other ladies.

The sale was opened at 3 p.m. by Rev.R.B.Woodward, who said that the articles on the stalls were evidence of much thought, and the work of making them had been a labour of love.  He hoped that the goods would soon change hands and that a goodly sum would be raised for the building fund.

The entertainments, which were well patronised, were organised by Miss Watson and Miss Michell.  At the first entertainment the Rev.D.Pughe presided.  Songs, &c., were sung by Miss West, Miss Annie Cunnington, and Mr.G.E.Cunnington; and Miss Nash recited.  Under the presidency of Mr.Nattrass a splendid entertainment was given by Miss Holyoak and party from Higham.  At the third entertainment, Mr.I.Cunnington presided, gramophone selections being given by Mr.T.Watson and mouth organ solos by Mr.Goodwin.

Nearly £60 was raised in all, viz., £41 at the Sewing Meeting stall (including entertainments and entrance money); £8, Miss Scott’s Sunday school class; £4, Mothers’ Meeting stall; £4 15s., refreshment stall.  Other sums have still to come in.

The sale will be continued this (Friday) evening, opening at 5.30.

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