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Rushden Argus, Friday, April 25, 1902, transcribed by Greville Watson

Wesleyan Bazaar at Rushden

The progress of Wesleyan Methodism in Rushden is clearly marked by an undertaking now entered upon by the church there.  The society was first organised in 1880, and two years later the present church and schools were erected at a cost of £2,500.  The debt then incurred has gradually been reduced, till only a sum of £120 remained to be paid.  Meanwhile school, church, and congregation have so increased that a new church is felt to be urgently needed.  It was therefore decided that a bazaar should be held for the double purpose of clearing the debt and forming a nucleus for a new building fund, the time chosen for the effort being Monday and Tuesday of this week.  The schoolroom was utilised for the purpose, and, through the efforts of the large band of workers, was transformed into a most cheerful and attractive sale-room.  Ranged round the sides of the room were stalls and shelves, upon which a large variety of articles, useful and ornamental, were temptingly displayed, whilst various accessories, calculated to give pleasure and entertainment to visitors whilst swelling the sum total of receipts, were provided at different points.  Messrs.C.W.horrell and J.W.Bright acted as joint secretaries, whilst the following ladies and gentlemen attended most assiduously and obligingly to the several departments:- Stall No.1 (Ladies’ Sewing Meeting): Mrs.T.Cunnington, Mrs.J.W.Bright, Mrs.J.Nattrass, Mrs.L.Cunnington, Mrs.T.Watson, and Mrs.S.Michell.  Stall No.2 (gentlemen’s consisting of groceries, hardware, crockery, Japanese goods, perfumery, stationery, etc.,): Messrs.J.Nattrass, H.Staniland, J.W.Bright, C.Smith, G.Battersby, and C.W.Horrell.  Stall No.3 (Wesley Guild): Miss C.Watson, Miss A.Michell, Miss G.Source, and Miss L.Scott.  Stall No.4 (fruit, sweets, and flowers): Mrs.C.Smith’s class and Mr.F.Betts.  Stall No.5 (refreshments): Mrs.J.Smith, Mrs.C.W.Horrell, Mrs.G.Battersby, and Mrs.A.Groome.  Bran dips were in charge of Misses Violet Michell and Madge Nattrass, whilst an electric battery, height measuring machine, and other appliances were introduced.  In connection with No.1 stall an autograph quilt occupied a conspicuous position.  This bore 199 names, including those of the present president of Conference, three past presidents, Mr.R.W.Perks, M.P., past and present ministers of the Higham Ferrers Circuit, and others well-known in the district and different parts of the country.  The quilt was offered for sale during the bazaar.  Four entertainments were provided, the following programmes being arranged:- Entertainment No.1: Whistling competition for gentlemen; old men’s race; song, Miss Waring; song, Mr.L.Clark; selection by double quartet party; recitation, Mr.Lockie; pianoforte solo, Master G.Wingrove.  Entertainment No.2: Whistling competition for ladies; dancing sprites; song, Miss Thornton; song, Mr.Betts; duet, Misses Button and Watson; recitation, Mr.Button; auto harp solo, Miss Watson.  Entertainment No.3: Old men’s race; song, Miss Button; song, Mr.Craxton; duet, Misses Waring and Scott; recitation, Miss Nash; gramophone, Mr.Ashby; selection by double quartet party.  Entertainment No.4: Dancing sprites; song, Miss Darnell; song, Mr.Battersby; duet, Messrs. Betts and Watson; recitation, Mr.Lockey; selection of hymns by the guitar, zither, auto-harp, and mandolin trio party.  A ping-pong tournament was also organised, and a public tea was provided on Monday.

The opening proceedings on Monday were presided over by the Rev.T.E.Thompson, resident minister, who was supported by Ald.T.Sanders, of Higham Ferrers, Messrs.J.W.Bright, C.W.Horrell, C.Cross, J.Nattrass, and C.Smith, a large company being present.  After the hymn, “All hail the power of Jesus’ name,” had been sung, a prayer was offered by Mr.Gadsby, after which the Chairman expressed the pleasure felt that Mr.Sanders was with them to perform the opening ceremony, especially as it followed so closely upon the great effort at Higham Ferrers.  (Applause.)  Alderman Sanders remarked how pleased he was to give them some littlehelp in their effort, and to see them working so heartily for Christ’s cause, and the uplifting of the community.  He knew of no higher exercise than the giving of their labour for such objects, and whilst those who could give large sums were comparatively few, all could give of their labour.  By labour the value of material was greatly enlarged, as they could see from the beautiful things around them.  He trusted they would have great success from their labours, and congratulated them upon the prospect before them of clearing the debt, and after a humourous address declared the bazaar open.  Mr.I.Cunnington moved a vote of thanks to Mr.Sanders, referring to the help rendered by that gentleman eleven years before in connection with the building of the church, expressing pleasure that he was with them to see the debt extinguished.  Mr.C.Cross seconded the vote, and in putting it the Chairman expressed the hope that the £120 needed would be more than realised, announcing that Mr.Sanders had given him £5 towards the object.  The vote was heartily accorded, and after Mr.Sanders had briefly replied, the business of selling was entered upon.  A large number visited the bazaar during the afternoon and evening.

Rushden Argus, Friday, April 25, 1902, transcribed by Greville Watson

Wesleyan Bazaar

The attendance at the bazaar and sale of work in connection with the Park-road Wesleyan Church was again most encouraging on Tuesday evening.  Much interest was taken in the various entertainments given, and a good sum was realised by the sales.  The result of the two days’ effort was that about £150 was taken, and it is expected that when the accounts are balanced the debt of £120 will have been cleared off, and a sum of about £30 will remain as the nucleus of the new building fund.  The sale on Tuesday was briefly opened by the Rev.T.E.Thompson.

Rushden Echo, Friday, April 7, 1905, transcribed by Greville Watson

Wesleyan Bazaar at Rushden

A Huge Success

A two-days' bazaar was held in the Park-road Wesleyan school-chapel, Rushden, on Wednesday and Thursday, in aid of the building fund of the new church, and the function proved to be a big success. Mrs.H.J.Atkinson was the secretary of the bazaar, and the stall-holders were:-

No.1. -- Mrs.T.Cunnington and Miss Cunnington.
No.2. -- Mrs.Horrell, Mrs.Staniland, and Mrs.Bright.
Sewing Meeting Stall -- Mrs.Watson, Mrs.Michell, and Mrs.Nattrass.
Young People's Stall -- Mrs.Isaac Cunnington and Mrs.H.J.Atkinson.
Bible Class Stall -- Miss Scott.
Refreshment Stall -- Mrs.Battersby, Mrs.Chas.Smith, and Mrs.T.A.Knight, assisted by Mrs.Smith (High-street South), and Miss Wyldes.
Flower Stall -- Mr.F.Betts.

The principals as above were assisted by a large number of workers, and considerable enthusiasm was manifested in the efforts to make the affair a financial success. Entertainments were organised by Mrs.H.J.Atkinson, Mr.Watson, and Mr.Betts.

The stalls, which were arranged in the old chapel, were prettily decorated by a number of friends.

The opening ceremony took place on Wednesday afternoon. The Rev.H.J.Atkinson presided, and said that the new church was an admirable building and would be a credit to Methodism and an ornament to the town. It was very remarkable for a young town to do as Rushden had done, and for a young cause (as theirs was) to do as this had done. It was not long since the present chapel was built, and now they were about to open the new building.

Mr.A.Fairbairn, of Kettering, in opening the bazaar, said that Methodism was very much alive in Rushden. Some years ago he lived in Rushden for a few weeks, and it was to his residence in Rushden that he owed his association with Methodism. Their new church was a credit to Rushden. It was aboiut the prettiest building in the town, and the interior was quite equal to the exterior. He wished them every success.

On the motion of Mr.T.Watson, seconded by Mr.I.Cunnington, a cordial vote of thanks was passed to Mr.Fairbairn.

The sales were then proceeded with.

Keen interest was taken in a vocal quartette contest on Wednesday evening. The test piece was "Excelsior." Mr.Jos.Farey, the judge, awarded the prizes:-

1 -- Miss Waring, Miss Alice Clark, Mr.F.Betts, and Mr.E.Sugars.
2 -- Miss Hadden, Miss Scott, Mr.A.Clark, and Mr.H.Wooding.

The concerts were exceedingly well patronised. On Wednesday evening, Mr.I.Cunnington presiding, a pianoforte solo was given by Master G.Wingrove, and songs by Miss Noble, Miss Button, and Mr.Craxton. Mr.Watson gave gramophone selections. A feature of the concert was the charming performance of five young girls -- who had been carefully trained by Mrs.H.J.Atkinson -- Misses E.M.Atkinson, T.Nattrass, Winnie Staniland, and Winnie and Mabel Cunnington, who gave a character song, "The dolls," in delightful style, Miss Atkinson taking the solo. They received a vigorous encore. Misses Atkinson, W.Cunnington, and Nattrass sang "The modest Quarkeresses." Dressed in Quaker costume, they looked very quaint and pretty, and Mrs.Atkinson must be congratulated most heartily on the success of her efforts.

Last night there was a hat-trimming contest for gentlemen, Mr.Percy F.Button making the arrangements. The contest caused great fun. Mr.Battersby won the first place.

A concert was also held, arranged by Mrs.Atkinson and Mr.Betts. Songs were given by Miss Alma Denton, Miss Noble, and Miss Watson; Miss Nash recited, and the five girls again did splendidly. Mrs.Atkinson and Mr.Sugars were the accompanists.

The bazaar realised the magnificent sum of £150.

Rushden Echo, 12th April 1912

New Organ—Now that the debt on the trust fund of Park-road Wesleyan Church has been reduced by the handsome sum of £206 by the bazaar, the erection of a new organ is in contemplation.

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