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Wesley Guild

Rushden Echo, Friday, October 4, 1901, transcribed by Greville Watson

Wesley Guild

The autumn session of this Guild, in connection with the Park-road Wesleyan Church was opened on Friday night, when officers were elected as follows:- President, Rev.C.F.Groom; vice-presidents, Messrs. S.Michell, and C.Cross; treasurer, Mr.S.Lawman; secretary, Miss C.Watson; role secretary, Mr.J.Crouch.  an interesting programme for the quarter has been prepared.  During the evening the following items were given:- Song, “The home lights afar,” Miss Louie Causebrook; recitation, “The great fire at Rushden,” Mr.J.Crouch; song, “Rest,” Miss Scott; reading, “Clerk Muggins,” Mr.F.Noble; song, “Angel faces,” Miss Clews; reading, “Trouble in Amen Corner,” Miss Tunstall; song, “I’ve read of a beautiful city,” Mr.Lawrence Clark; reading, “The children’s feet,” Miss Short.  Refreshments were provided, and a pleasant evening was spent.

Rushden Echo, Friday, November 1, 1901, transcribed by Greville Watson

A Reading Competition

took place last Friday night in the Park-road Wesleyan school-room in connection with the Wesley Guild.  Mr.S.Michell and Miss Scott were the judges, and two prizes were awarded.

Rushden Argus, Friday, January 3, 1902, transcribed by Greville Watson

Guild Tea

The Park-road Wesleyan Guild and Sewing Meeting held their annual tea on Tuesday, followed by a social, at which recitations were given by Mr.Lockey, Miss Ekins, and Miss Short, and solos by Miss Short and Miss Darnell.  A feature of the programme, however, was the carol singing of the girls connected with Mrs.C.Smith’s class.

Rushden Echo, Friday, September 16, 1904, transcribed by Greville Watson

The Winter’s Work

A social gathering was held in the Park-road Wesleyan schoolroom on Tuesday evening, the Rev.H.J.Atkinson presiding over a large company.  The principal business was to discuss the programme of church work for the coming winter, and it was decided to form a branch of the Wesley Guild, arrange cottage meetings, and to map the town into districts for aggressive and social work.  Refreshments were provided, and several musical items were given.

Rushden Echo, Friday, September 30, 1904, transcribed by Greville Watson

Wesley Guild

A branch of this Guild has been formed in connection with the Park-road Wesleyan Church, and the following officers have been appointed: President, Rev.H.J.Atkinson; acting vice-president, Mrs.Atkinson; secretary, Miss C.Watson; treasurer, Mr.T.Cunnington; role secretary, Mr.L.Clarke; magazine secretary, Mr.G.Mitchell; sectional vice-presidents – Devotional, Mr.S.Michell; Literary, Mr.C.Cross; Christian Service, Mr.A.Short; Social, Mrs.Button.  A most attractive programme has been prepared for the session.

Rushden Echo, Friday, October 14, 1904, transcribed by Greville Watson

Wesley Guild

The first meeting of the Guild was held last night in the Park-road Wesleyan school-room.  Mrs.H.J.Atkinson, the acting vice-president, gave an address on “The Guild Ideals.”

Rushden Echo, Friday, November 4, 1904, transcribed by Greville Watson

Park-road Wesleyan Church

A quartette singing contest took place last night at the Park-road Wesleyan school-room in connection with the Wesley Guild. The Rev.H.J.Atkinson presided over a large audience. Four quartette parties competed, and the prizes were won by Miss Waring, Miss Scottm Mr.F.Skeeles, and Mr.A.Clarke, each receiving a cabinet-sized photo frame. The Chairman and Mr.C.Wooding were the judges, presented the prizes to the winners. Miss Green recited, and Miss Watson sang the solo, "After." Refreshments were served, and a thoroughly pleasant evening was spent.

Rushden Echo, Friday, November 4, 1904, transcribed by Greville Watson


Rev.H.J.Atkinson on "Sir Walter Scott"

With the praiseworthy object of raising money for the Benevolent Fund of the Wesley Guild at Rushden, a lecture was given on Tuesday evening in the Park-road Wesleyan Church by the Rev.H.J.Atkinson, the subject being "Sir Walter Scott." Prior to the meeting, a torch light procession, headed by the Mission Silver Band, attracted a good deal of attention, and there was a large attendance. Mr.C.W.Horrell presided.

The Chairman said that in the 19th century the people did honour to men worthy of it, for Walter Scott received a baronetcy, but in the 20th century such honours went to naval or military men, or those who had some connection with breweries.

Having dealt with Sir Walter Scott as a poet, the lecturer showed that his hero occupied a pre-eminent position among novelists. Speaking of the attitude of the Christian Church towards fiction, Mr.Atkinson said it was only in recent years that religious people appeared to have recognised that novel-reading was not necessarily wrong, and that it was possible for a novel to be a very useful book. In these days a really good novel by a really good writer was worth its weight, not merely in gold but in bank-notes. Novel-reading was undoubtedly the favourite indoor form of amusement and pastime. Speaking broadly, the present generation read and was

Influenced by Novels

and newspapers, and cared little for anything beyond. People would read novels: the only thing was to provide them with good ones. This was what many good men were doing, and a wholesale condemnation of fiction would be unwise and unjust. For one person who woiuld read an essay there were 20 who would read a work of fiction in which the same truth was enforced as was contained in the essay. And surely a bright book might be as good as a dull one. (Hear, hear.) Dealing with the question as to whether there were any lasting results from fiction, the lecturer instanced "Uncle Tom's Cabin," which had startled thousands of people out of their indifference to the traffic in human beings. When they remembered that for 40 years there had not been a single slave in the United States of America, they must thank God for that novel, "Uncle Tom's Cabin." (Cheers.) Then again, Charles Dickens had exposed the horrors of "Dotheboys Hall" and his "Oliver Twist" was an early and exceeding bitter "cry of outcast London," while Sir Walter Besant's novel, "All sorts and conditions of men," had led to the establishment of the People's Palace in East London. So that works of fiction were not altogether unproductive of practical results. It was to Sir Walter Scott they owed the fact that the great stream of English fiction was now

Clean and Healthy.

Scott's books were always wholesome, and just before his end Sir Walter said, "I have written nothing which on my death-bed I should wish blotted out." (Applause.) In the Waverley Novels, truth was never sacrificed to art, nor were the author's personal predelictions allowed to interfere with his fairness. Mr.Atkinson then dealt with Scott as a man. Scott's works speedily became the delight, not only of his own countrymen, but of all the educated people of Europe, yet he retained his modesty, kindness of heart, and gentle deportment. The testimony of the poor concerning him was not that he was sometimes charitable. it was something far more than that. A poor old woman said of Scott, "He considers us all as his blood relations." (Applause.) A kinder man than Scott never lived. Having shown the true worth of Scott both in prosperity and adversity, the lecturer said that Sir Walter's name would go down to posterity as a synonym of modern nobleness. One great lesson of Sir Walter Scott's life and work was the old lesson, "Whatsoever they hand findeth to do, do it with thy might."

The Chairman said the object of the gathering was to aid the Benevolent Fund of the Wesley Guild for the assistance of those cases of dire necessity which might crop up during the coming winter months, and it was quite necessary there should be a fund of that description.

On the motion of Mr.C.Cross, seconded by Mr.H.Staniland, an enthusiastic vote of thanks was passed to Mr.Atkinson for his lecture.

Rushden Echo, Friday, November 24, 1905, transcribed by Greville Watson

Wesley Guild

Last night an attracative programme was given at a social gathering in the Park-road Wesleyan school-room, the Rev.H.J.Atkinson presiding. The company numbered about 90. Mandoline solos by Mr.P.F.Britton, vocal solos, quartettes, readings, etc., were much appreciated. Refreshments were served.

Rushden Echo, Friday, December 29, 1905, transcribed by Greville Watson

Park-road Wesleyan Church

The annual treat to the members of the Band of Hope took place on Tuesday. Tea was served to about 120, and an enjoyable entertainment was given. The Rev.H.J.Atkinson presided. The members of the choir and friends had their annual social on Wednesday, about 100 being present. Last night the Wesley Guild had a very enjoyable Christmas party in the school-room, an excellent programme being given.

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