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Rushden Echo, 14th April 1916, transcribed by Kay Collins
Rushden Co-operative Society
Runaway horse and coal trolley
Runaway Horse—On Friday afternoon last no little alarm was caused in Fitzwilliam-street by an incident that might well have been fraught with serious consequences. A horse, belonging to the Rushden Co-operative Society, and which was attached to a coal trolley, whilst standing at the top of Fitzwilliam-hill, took fright at something or other, and bolted down the steep, declivity. A passing pedestrian made a plucky attempt to stopping the animal and partially succeeded, but the heavily loaded vehicle on the steep gradient compelled him to abandon the attempt, and the horse and vehicle proceeded down the hill at a furious pace, and crashed into Mr. Jervis’s hairdresser’s shop at the bottom, smashing the window. The shafts of the dray were snapped off at this point, and the horse then bolted up Duck-street hill and along High-street to the station coal yard where the company has an office. The horse was quite uninjured and the damage to the dray was confined to the broken shafts above mentioned. It is a fortunate thing that the driver was not on the dray when the horse commenced its mad career.

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