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Union Church
"Rushden Park Road Baptist Sunday School - Work and Workers of a Hundred Years 1810-1910" by Herbert Lack (p42)

Haydn Packwood (son-in-law of Wm Colson - Baptist church secretary) was the school Superintendant for a short time but in 1881 he and the Misses Colson withdrew from the school and church to form the Union Church (this later developed as the Congregational Church).

Wellingborough & Kettering News, May 14th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

Extract from meeting of the SCHOOL BOARD—MONDAY, MAY 9TH.

A letter from Miss M. A. Colson was read, asking the Board to allow the use of their schoolroom on Sunday afternoon for a Sunday School, as a temporary arrangement, on behalf of the Union Church meeting at the Temperance Hall.

From what transpired it would seem that the Union Church are going to open a Sunday School, and as the Temperance Hall is engaged in the afternoon for the next six weeks, they wanted to engage the Board Schools that time.

Mr. Packwood thought that as the schools had been let to the Wesleyans for service they might be let for the purpose asked.

Mr. Claridge thought they would hardly be justified in letting the schools for sectarian purposes.

Mr. Wilkins said the Wesleyans had only gone to the schools as a temporary accommodation. He was of the same opinion as Mr. Claridge, that the schools should not be let for sectarian purposes.

Mr. Packwood stated that he had good reason to believe the Temperance Hall would be at liberty in the afternoon at the end of June, and then the schools would not be required. He could assure the Board that if the application were refused it would be a very great disadvantage to the promoters of the proposed school, which would be started elsewhere. The London School Board let two of their schools for Sunday School Work.

Mr. Denton did not see, as the school had not been formed, that anyone would suffer if the rooms were not let. It would not make much difference if the school was not commenced for a few weeks.

Mr. Packwood said there were special reasons why the opening of the schools should not be deferred, but he did not think he was bound to state them.

Mr. Claridge did not think the application would have been made if they had not let the schools to the Wesleyans, and he wished they had not let them to the Wesleyans.

Mr. Wilkins said he should not like it to be said that the schools were let for proselyting purposes.

Mr. Packwood said he did not think that word should have been used, as the work intended was only to reach those who did not attend anywhere.

The Chairman thought that if that was the abject it was very commendable.

The further consideration of the subject was adjourned.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, August 6th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

SUNDAY SCHOOL EXCURSIONOn Monday, August 1st, the teachers and scholars of the Sunday School in connection with the Union Church, at Rushden, went for their first annual treat to Earl's Barton, and all things considered, a more suitable spot could not have been selected. At twelve o'clock the scholars, numbering about 40, together with their teachers and friends, making up altogether a company of 100 persons, assembled at the Temperance Hall, where two wagons were in readiness to convey the children, while about half a score of light traps had been provided to carry the adults. The Rev. G. B. Stallworthy, of Wells, and Mr. R. J. Jarvis, of New College, London, both of whom have occasionally supplied the pulpit, accompanied the party. After a very pleasant ride, Earl's Barton was reached about two p.m., where a beautiful grassy meadow, belonging to Mr. Daniel Sheffield, was placed at the disposal of the children and their friends. Here various games were indulged in and most heartily enjoyed until half-past three, when an adjournment was made to the Baptist Schoolroom, where a tea for both scholars and friends had been provided. Mr. Jordan, of Barton, catered for this repast in very handsome style, and after the merry games in the field ample justice was done to the meal. After tea was over, the whole party was conducted through Mr. Sheffield's tastefully-arranged gardens, these handsome grounds being just now in their fall summer beauty, and from thence to Hyde Park, to inspect the wonderful show of poultry, &c. After this the field was visited for another hour's play, and then the final adjournment was made to the schoolroom, where refreshment was again provided. At 7.30 a start was made for Rushden, which was reached soon after nine o’clock, just before a, shower of rain came on. Throughout the day the most delightful weather prevailed, and both the children and their friends spoke of it as being one of the most enjoyable holidays they ever had. Mr. Sheffield's kindness in lending the playing field, and granting an inspection of his gardens and park, contributed greatly to the success of the excursion, and it was a general subject of regret that the absence of that gentleman from home prevented the teachers and scholars from personally testifying to him their appreciation of his favours.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, September 24th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

RUSHDEN UNION CHURCH—On Thursday evening, the 15th inst., harvest thanksgiving services in connection with this Church were held in the Temperance Hall. The Rev. J. Northam, of South Creake, Norfolk, presided, and very earnest and appropriate addresses were also delivered by the Revs. J. Near, of Ringstead, J. C. Burnett, of Bedford, and Mr. J. Cowley, a student of Lancashire College. Two anthems were well rendered by the choir, and the service altogether was of a very interesting character. A letter was read from the Rev. T. Bromage, of Wellingborough, regretting his inability to attend, and a letter from Mr. H. Cooper, of Northampton, to the same effect, both gentlemen assuring the meeting of the great pleasure they would have felt in assisting by their presence had circumstances permitted.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, December 31st, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

CHRISTMAS TREESFor some time past it had been the conviction of many earnest Christian workers that some further accommodation was necessary for the increasing population of the village, and in April last the Temperance Hall was engaged for the holding of services on the Sunday and week evening. The attendance at first was rather small, but as time went on it gradually increased, while now the number that attend has increased fourfold. A flourishing Sunday school has been established, and it was found necessary that to meet the increasing attendance a more commodious room should be provided. Accordingly a piece of land with a good frontage in Church-street was purchased, and as it was thought the schools were of the first importance Mr. E. Sharman, of Wellingborough was engaged to get out plans for a set of schoolrooms, and Mr. Stephens, of Rushden, has contracted for the erection of the buildings, which are very nearly completed. They consist of a large room and two class-rooms on the ground floor, with a large room capable of seating 240 persons. The cost of the ground and schools is about £800. On Tuesday the rooms were so far complete as to enable a Christmas tree and concert to be held in them. They were very tastefully decorated. In the centre of the large upper room was the tree, laden with fancy and useful fruit, and tables were arranged round the room laden with fancy and useful articles, some very choice pictures being lent to beautify the rooms. The lower room was arranged for music. The following are the building committee:—Messrs. F. Knight, W. Colson, G. L. Bradfield. T. Tailby, and W. Ambridge. The ladies presiding at the stalls were the Misses Colson, Mrs. E. and F. Knight, Mrs. and Miss Ward. Miss Rowlatt, Miss M. A. Harris, Miss Ashby, &c.

Wellingborough News, 25th March 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

RUSHDEN UNION CHAPEL—On Monday evening last a service of song was given in the above place of worship (kindly lent for the occasion) by the Wellingborough Primitive Methodist Choir, assisted by a few friends, entitled "Eva." The connective readings were given by Mrs. Newton. Mr. T. Keller presided at the harmonium. A collection was made at the close in aid of the Chapel Fund.

Wellingborough News, 3rd June 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

SCHOOL SERMONS—On Sunday last two sermons were preached in the Union Church, by the Rev. A. E. Harbonar, of Finsbury Chapel, London. The chapel was crowded in the evening. The collection in aid the Sunday School amounted to £9 16s.

Wellingborough News, 10th June 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

OPEN AIR MISSION AT RUSHDEN—On Thursday, the 1st inst., an open air meeting was held on the Green, Rushden, to inaugurate an open air mission on purely unsectarian lines. We are informed that the initiative was taken by some of the friends of the Union Church, and arrangements having been made, the first meeting was announced from all the pulpits on the previous Sunday, and a large gathering assembled. The Rev. W. A. Davis presided, and addresses were delivered by the chairman, Revs. J. Balland, T. Bromage (Independent Wesleyans), Rev. G. Garlick, (Union Church), and Rev. G. Pung (Baptist). The Primitive Methodists were represented by the Rev. G. Newton, and not a few members of the Established Church were present. The following is the Committee of management:— Church of England: Rev. Canon Barker and Mr. W. Packwood; Primitive Methodists, the Rev. G. Newton, and Messrs. Wood and Dickens; Old Baptist Meeting, Rev. W. A. Davis, Messrs. J. Cave and O. Bayes; Succoth, Rev. G. Pung, and Messrs. T. Newell and J. Ladds; Independent Wesleyans, Revs. T. Bromage and J. Ball, and Messrs E. Claridge and J. Jacques, Union Church, Rev G. Garlick, and Messrs. T. Tailby and H. Packwood, hon sec. The following letter was read from the Rev. Canon Barker:-

Rushden Rectory, June 1st, 1882.

MY DEAR SIR,—I regret that I cannot be present to-night at the first of the open air services. With all my heart I wish God speed to this special effort to bring the good news of Jesus Christ within hearing of every soul in Rushden. I hope to attend other of these services, and, if possible, take a part in delivering our Master's message. The prosperity and growth of Rushden are matters on which every body remarks—work and wages are said to be always found here. That we may not turn these blessings into curses, I feel that we must make special efforts to put away evil from amongst us and be a people serving the Lord. I greatly desire that Rushden should be as noticed for its freedom from lawlessness, drunkenness, vice, and theft, as for its trade and prosperity. I wish earnestly that every resident and every lodger in Rushden will watch with a godly jealousy over its name as a truly Christian village; that these open air meetings may be the means of helping many to see more plainly the curse necessarily connected with habits of law-less self-indulgence, laziness, drinking, and godless disregard of the Sunday; and of showing yet more plainly the happiness attached to efforts to live as children of a Father in heaven, doing His business, and growing up as He wants to see them, is the sincere prayer of yours very sincerely, JOHN T. BARKER.

The meeting was concluded by the doxology and benediction.

Wellingborough News, 1st July 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

BAZAAR—On Monday a bazaar and sale of work in connection with the Primitive Methodists was held in the Union Church (kindly lent for the occasion.) Subsequently a public tea was held followed by the service of song entitled "Buy your own cherries," by the Goodey Family. At the latter the Rev. G. Newton presided, and the singers were heartily applauded. The following took part in the bazaar:—Mrs. Wooding, Mrs. Dickens, Mrs. F. Denton, Mrs. Mackness, Mrs. West, Mrs. Freeman, Miss E. Sears, Miss J. Maddams, Mr. G. Wooding, Mr. J. Cox, Mr. W. Dickens, Mr. W. Sears, and the Rev. G. Newton of Wellingborough. The proceeds were towards the expenses of furnishing the Primitive Methodist Chapel.

Wellingborough News, 12th August 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

CHILDREN's TEA—On Monday last the scholars attending the Union Church Sunday School had their annual fete. They were conveyed in traps to a field near Mr. T. Tailby's lodge on the Newton-road, where everything was done to further the enjoyment of the youngsters and all were delighted with the holiday.

Wellingborough News, 30th September 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

UNION CHURCH—On Feast Sunday two sermons were preached in the above place of worship, in the morning by the Rev. G. Garlick, and in the evening by Mr. Henson, of London. There were good congregations. On Monday a public tea was provided in the same place, after which a social meeting was held. About 100 sat down to tea, and these were added to in the evening. Some excellent recitations and songs were given, as well as harmonised music, the different performers acquitting themselves with credit. The following was the programme:—Chairman's remarks; anthem, choir; song, Mrs. Henson; song, "summer showers," Miss K. Packwood; recitation, Mr. C. Bradfield; duet, Miss Pusley and Mr. Edwards; song, Miss M. A. Harris; reading, by the Rev. A. E. Harbourn; duet, the Misses Pusley and Colson; song, Mr. C. Stringer; song, "Cup of tea," Mr. Edwards; an address by Mr. Harbourne; song, Miss Pusley; song Miss B. Wilby; song, "The currant bun,'' Mr. Henson; song, Miss M. A. Harris; and song, Miss Kate Packwood. Brief addresses were given by Messrs. Henson and Edwards, and the Rev. A. Harbourn, of London. On Tuesday evening the programme was repeated.

Wellingborough News, 3rd February 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

On Sunday last, the Rev. G. Garlick, who for several months has been the pastor of the Union Church, Rushden, gave a farewell address. In the morning the rev. gentleman preached at the Old Baptist Meeting, and in the evening he addressed a crowded congregation, including many adherents of the Union Church, at the New Hall, offering in the course of his discourse some remarks having special reference to the circumstances under which he left Rushden. The proceedings opened with a hymn from Sankey's selection, and subsequently the Rev. G. Pung offered prayer. The lessons read by Mr. Garlick were Isaiah liii., and a part of Luke vii. The rev. gentleman then proceeded to speak from the words "He was despised and rejected of men." He disclaimed at the outset of his address, any intention of giving utterance to words calculated to stir up strife, but he thought it due to his friends and well-wishers in Rushden, that he should take a public opportunity of thanking them for their kindness and sympathy towards him. He then dwelt at some length upon the text in its relation to Christ, who notwithstanding His sympathy and earnestness was despised and rejected of men. Sympathy and earnestness, he considered, were essentials in a Christian preacher, but in Paul's case, as well as that of the Master himself, the spiritual harvest was limited owing to the unbelief of the people. The preacher then said that it had been urged against him that he had shown a lack of earnestness in his work at Rushden, and he desired in reference to that point to read two letters that bad been written at the time of his institution as pastor of the Union Church.

The first letter was from the Rev. T. Hayward, of Rockford, one of the secretaries of the Essex Congregational Union, who in that capacity had been acquainted with Mr. Garlick's work at Wickford, in Essex, the scene of his former pastorate. Mr. Hayward stated that when Mr. Garlick first went to Wickford he found a place nearly forsaken, and the building in a very dilapidated position, but he had succeeded in getting a neat and pretty chapel built, and a larger congregation in attendance than had been known at any previous time. He had also established a flourishing mission station at a village four miles distant, and a young men's mutual improvement society in connection with the church. The cause of Mr. Garlick's leaving Wickford was not that the people were tired of him, but that it was felt he was worthy of a wider sphere of usefulness. The second letter read was from Mr. R. Henson, of Rayleigh Collegiate School, Essex, who stated, after referring to Mr. Garlick's successful work at Wickford, that he took a great interest in the welfare of the young, and was one of the most generous and kind-hearted men he (Mr. Henson), knew. He was leaving Wickford because he was capable of filling a more extended sphere, and owing to several of his principal supporters having left the neighbourhood.

Mr. Garlick, resuming, said that with those facts before them, and in view of their marked approbation and manifestation of sympathy, he desired to thank them most sincerely. Since the facts of the case had become known the different ministers of the town had rallied round him, and shown him such an abundance of Christian sympathy as to greatly cheer him in the disappointment and grief he had experienced. He also thanked many of the friends connected with the Union Church, who had treated him in the most Christian-like manner. And what should he say of his enemies? He would not denounce them, but would say, in the language of Stephen, "Lay not this sin to their charge", and in the language of Christ, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." He did not suit some people, because apparently he was unable to march with the lightning rapidity shown by the conqueror at Tel-el-Kebir. He could not—was it likely—raise a church in six months. The rev. gentleman concluded by again thanking his Rushden friends for their sympathy, and expressing the hope that his successor might be able to build up a church on Congregational principles. Mr. Garlick resumed his seat amidst general expressions of sympathy and support.

Rev. G. Pung then expressed in a few well-chosen words his heartfelt sympathy with Mr. Garlick, whom he believed to have been most unjustly treated. He was a man of God, and a Christian worker of great resource. From a political and social standpoint he did not believe a better man could have come to Rushden, and they deeply deplored the circumstances under which he left the town.

Mr. W. Henson, of London, who spoke with evident feeling, referred to his former visits to Rushden, and contrasted them with the painful circumstances under which they met that evening. He felt that as an old friend he could do no other than come down and help Mr. Garlick to bear the unjust treatment he had received. The speaker then spoke in very warm terms of his affection and esteem for the late pastor of the Union Church.

The meeting was then brought to a close with the usual devotional exercises and a collection.

Wellingborough News, 3rd February 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

The Rev. W. A. Davis, pastor of the Old Baptist Church, writes us as follows:—"My dear Sir,— Will you please give publicity to the following word of explanation in your next issue. In the report of the enthusiastic and important service held in the New Hall on Sunday evening last my name will probably be missing. My absence was enforced through sickness, or I should have been most happy in giving public expression to my conviction of Mr Garlick's high-toned character, and sterling earnest piety. He is a gentleman who has fairly won the esteem of the community in general, and the churches in particular, and merits what he possesses—our truest confidence and deepest sympathy. I can only regret that he is so soon compelled to leave us, and trust that his stern experience may yet prove a blessing to some church worthy of his devotion.

Wellingborough News, 10th February 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

"A member of the Union Church" writes us as Follows:—

"Will you kindly insert the following letter in your next issue? I think a little enlightenment is due to your readers on affairs connected with the above church, and as you have already opened your columns for correspondence on this subject, I have ventured to continue it."

Our correspondent is in error in supposing that we have opened our columns to correspondence respecting Mr. Garlick's removal. A short letter from the Rev. W. A. Davis appeared in our last impression, but the circumstances at issue were not entered into, and the definite object of the letter was to apologise for non-attendance at the New Hall on the previous Sunday evening. Apart from this communication no letter has been sent us on the subject. We are always reluctant to refuse to insert correspondence but as this appears to us to be a case in which a newspaper controversy can only tend to foster strife we must respectfully decline to insert our correspondent's letter. The recent meeting at the New Hall was a public event, and was therefore chronicled in our columns; and we should of course do equal justice to any public meeting called upon the other side of the question. The responsibility for such meetings, however, would rest upon those who convened them and not upon ourselves; but as the insertion of letters—and especially anonymous letters—comes properly within our discretion, we have no other course left to us than to act upon our own judgment.

Wellingborough News, 24th February 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

ENTERTAINMENT—On Wednesday last, in accordance with the Band of Hope Union plan, a very interesting and amusing entertainment was given in the Union Church by the Rushden Succoth Band of Hope, consisting of songs, part-songs, recitations, readings, concertina solos, &c. The following took part in the programme:—The Misses A. Vorley, E. Crick, E. Denton, L. Chettle, K. Tye, N. Vorley, L. Clarke, R. Vorley, E. Desborough, L. Sanders, and M. Pung; and Messrs. Baker, A. Eden, and J. Ellis, and Master B. Ladds. All the pieces were well received. Miss B. Fisher presided at the harmonium. The attendance was very good.

Wellingborough News, 28th April 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

HALLELUJAH FREE AND EASYOn Thursday evening in last week, upwards of 30 members of the Union Church and Blue Ribbon Army of Rushden visited Podington. After a service in the open air they adjourned to the Wesleyan Mission-room, singing in ranks, "We're marching to Zion." On reaching the Mission-room, which was crowded to excess, upwards of one hundred persons not being able to gain admission, they commenced the "Hallelujah Free and Easy," which consisted of hymns, experiences, prayers, &c. The duet, "The better land," was given with good effect by the Misses Mary and Martha Bull, of Rushden. The Doxology brought the proceedings to a close. Good attention was shown throughout. A short prayer meeting followed.

Wellingborough News, 5th May 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

SPECIAL SERVICES—On Saturday evening the Union Church held a tea, which was well attended. They also have one every Monday afternoon. The Wesleyans are holding special services during the present week, and the Salvation Army are continuing their meetings.

Wellingborough News, 2nd June 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

UNION CHURCH—On Sunday special school sermons were preached in the Union Church to good congregations, morning and evening, by the Rev. C. Rushby, of Staleybridge, and a children’s sermon in the afternoon.

Wellingborough News, 19th April 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

UNION CHURCH—The third anniversary of the Union Church was commemorated on Easter Sunday, when two sermons were preached by the Rev. C. Rushby, of Stalybridge. On Monday a stall for the sale of useful and fancy articles was held in the Schoolroom, presided over by ladies of the parish and congregation. At 4.30 a tea was provided, to which about 140 sat down. At 7.30, by request, the service of song, entitled "Christie's old organ," was given by the choir, kindly assisted by Miss Fuller and Mr. E. Clark. The connective readings were given by the Rev. A. C. Rushby, and the illustrative pictures were shown by the oxy-hydrogen lime light, by Mr. F. Simco, of Wellingborough. At the close, in a few but very appropriate sentences, a vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Rushby, seconded by Mr. H. Packwood, and carried.

In the evening an entertainment was given by the members of the Band of Hope. The chair was occupied by Mr. R. Edwards, who, in a very hearty and practical speech, introduced, the programme for the evening, which was as follows:— Hymn, children; recitation, Annie Stokes; duet, Fanny and Kate Ashby; dialogue, 13 girls; song, Miss Ellen Barker; recitations by Beulah Clarke and Pollie Lack; hymn, 12 children; recitation Albert Armbridge; song, Annie Greaves; dialogue, 13 boys; hymn, children; recitation, Woo. Warner, song, Katie Denton; recitation, Nellie Cook; song (encored), Mr. John Colson; recitation, Ellen Cox; eong, Miss Harris; recitation, Wm. Jones; song, Miss A. Ward; recitation. Miss A. Willmott; song, Mr. R. Edwards. At the conclusion of the entertainment a vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. Edwards, an old Band of Hope boy, for presiding. After the meeting oranges and sweets were distributed amongst the children. The amount of £30 was realised by the sales, which, with £10 subscriptions, will be placed to the credit of the Building Fund.

Wellingborough News, 27th September 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

Union Chapel Harvest Thanksgiving
The harvest thanksgiving services of the above place of worship were held on Sunday last, and were largely attended. The interior of the building was beautifully decorated with a profusion of fruit, and a collection of flowers and potted plants in bloom. At the entrance to the chapel were placed a number of growing plants, and the gas standard was adorned with a variety of corn inter-mingled with wild berries, oats, and greenery. The chapel itself was quite a picture, the rostrum especially being: very tastefully treated. Around ... ... ... and fruit, and suspended across its front was a chain of oats, in the centre of which was arranged a very artistic wreath. The book-rest was edged with greenery, and on the west end wall were hung two wreaths and sheaves of wheat, beneath which hung a cluster of apples. On either side of the rostrum were arranged with excellent effect a bountiful collection of vegetables and fruit, relieved by vases of choice flowers, and growing plants. The windows were also heavily laden with fruit and vegetables. The services were conducted by the Rev. M. E. Parkin, who took as his text in the morning the words, "Thou openest Thy hand and satisfieth the desire of every living thing," (Psalm cxlv., 16), and in the evening, "Thou crownest the earth with Thy goodness and Thy paths drop fatness," (Psalm lxv., 11). In the morning Psalm lxv. was chanted, and
a "Thanksgiving hymn," by T. Crampton, was sung. At the evening service the anthem "All Thy works praise Thee," (by H. Church) was sung.

Wellingborough News, 11th October 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

UNION CHAPEL—On Sunday evening last the first of a series of set subjects ("The vital question") was dealt with by the Rev. M. E. Parkin (Nottingham Institute), who took as his text "What think ye of Christ?" The building was well filled.

Wellingborough News, 6th December 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

UNION CHURCH—The Rev. A. E. Harbourne enters upon big pastorate at the Union Church on Sunday next. ln the morning the rev. gentleman will deliver a discourse on the "Knowledge of the Church," and in the evening the subject will be "Remembering a friend." All are cordially invited.

Wellingborough News, 27th December 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

OLD FOLKS' TEA—On New Year's Day a knife and fork tea will be provided for the old folks of Rushden at Union Chapel, free of charge; to be followed by an entertainment, illustrated by lime-light views by the pastor, Rev. A. E. Harbourn.

1885 Feeding the Poor

Northampton Herald, 19th July 1886

Another scandal has arisen at Rushden to break the monotony of every-day life there, and it is all the more regrettable since it is in connection with a religious body, the dispute being between the Pastor of what is known as the Union Chapel and certain of his people. The Rev. Mr. Harbourn (the pastor) asserts the right to superintend the Sunday School, a right which was challenged on Sunday morning week by three members of his congregation. One of these, named Freeman, asserted that he had been appointed superintendent at a teachers', meeting, which has been described as a "bogus" one, it being held without the knowledge, and in the absence of the Pastor. On the occasion referred to an altercation ensued, the result of which was that the Pastor dismissed the school, and ultimately locked the alleged offenders in the schoolroom. Matters, however, do not seem to have reached a crisis till Sunday evening last, when, according to promise, Mr. Harbourn referred to the circumstances of the case from the pulpit. Having quoted "authorities" to show that it was his to lead and not to follow, he entered upon more personal questions. One of the "faithful" was loud in his interruptions, and had to be removed by three other members of the congregation after the fashion of the "frog's march." Quietness, if not peace, was ultimately restored, and the service proceeded with. But subsequently outside the building there was a lively demonstration in favour of the Pastor. There is usually more than appears on the surface in these matters, and it may be that the least said the soonest mended.

Wellingborough News, 27th May 1887, transcribed by Kay Collins

UNION CHURCH—A meeting of the trustees and committee of this church took place on Friday evening. The members of this cause (which has had a somewhat chequered career) have during the past few months been distributed among the various congregations in the village, during which time the church has been closed. The cause of the closure is doubtless fresh in the memories of our readers, and we are informed by a member of the committee that during this period the premises have been offered to the County Congregational Association, and also to the Congregational Church at Wellingborough, and declined by both. The members of the church have now decided to make another effort themselves, and subject to the favourable conclusion of negotiations now in progress a new era in the history of this cause will shortly be commenced.

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