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School Board - 1881

Wellingborough & Kettering News, January 8th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

School Board For Rushden

Notice Is Hereby Given in reference to the above District that:—

1.—The above School Board have (subject to the approval of the Education Department) made certain Bye-Laws in pursuance of the powers given to the School Board by s. 74 of the Elementary Education Act, 1870, as amended by the Elementary Education Act, 1876.

2.—A printed copy of the proposed Bye-Laws will continue deposited for inspection by any ratepayer at the office of the School Board, situate in the Market-square, Wellingborough, for one month from the date of the publication of this Notice.

3.—At the expiration of the said month the said proposed Bye-laws will be submitted to the Education Department for approval.

4.—The School Board will supply a printed copy of the said proposed Bye Laws gratis to any ratepayer.


Wellingborough & Kettering News, January 15th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

SCHOOL BOARD—On Monday evening the usual monthly meeting of this Board was held. There were present: Mr. G. Denton, in the chair; Mr. W. Wilkins, and Mr. J. Claridge. The Clerk was instructed to communicate with the Loan Commissioners, with a view to closing the account and repaying the balance. The Clerk reported that the accounts had been submitted to the auditor and passed. The Board decided that a copy of the accounts should be put up in the Vestry-hall. Clerk reported that the auditor strongly objected to the master taking the fees as part of his salary; he said the fees should be paid in periodically to the school treasurer. On the motion of Mr Claridge, seconded by Mr. Wilkins it was resolved that the suggestion of the auditor be adopted, and that the master pay the fees in to the treasurer once a quarter. The Clerk also reported the provisional approval of the alteration of the byelaws, and asked if he should have them printed. It was resolved not to have any printed, but to alter all copies that might be applied for by a ratepayer.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, February 19th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

SCHOOL BOARD The ordinary meeting of the Board was held on Monday last, all the members being present. A cheque was drawn for the repayment to the Public Works Loan Commissioners of the unexpended balance of the loan, and a precept of £100 was authorised. The School Attendance Officer called the attention of the Board to the forthcoming census, and hoped some steps would be taken to obtain a complete census of the children of the parish, the information upon which he was working not being so complete as he could desire. It was decided that the Clerk should ascertain from the Education Department if the returns could be made available for the purpose of obtaining a census of the children under 13 years of age.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, April 16th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

SCHOOL BOARDOn Monday evening the usual meeting of the School Board was held. Present:— Mr. G. Knight in the chair; Messrs. W. Wilkins, G. Denton, and J. Claridge. A precept on the overseers for £70, to be paid to the treasurer on the 4th of May, to cover the expenses of the Board to the end of June, was ordered. A letter from the Public Works Loan Board was read, stating that in future the half-yearly repayment will be £11 14s. 6d., instead of £12 0s. 10d. as formerly. Mr. Wilkins reported that the Penny Bank was still progressing satisfactorily; over 500 deposits had been made during the last quarter, amounting in the aggregate to £17 8s. 8d. It was the practice to open accounts with the Post Office Savings Bank whenever the deposit in any individual case amounted to £1, and in this way £19 had been transferred during the past quarter. The balance in the Post Office Savings Bank in the names of the trustees was £37 1s. 10d., belonging to 126 depositors. There was no other business before the Board.
Wellingborough & Kettering News, May 14th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

Present: Mr. S. Knight, chairman; Mr. G. Denton, vice-chairman; Messrs. W. Wilkins, J. Claridge, and H. Packwood.

Miss Harvey, the assistant-mistress, tendered her resignation, and asked to be relieved from her duties as soon as convenient, as she had been appointed assistant mistress to the Merchant Seaman's Orphan Asylum, at Snaresbrook.

The Board, after considerable discussion, decided to release Miss Harvey at once, and, in answer to her application, the Clerk was instructed to write her a testimonial.

There were four applications for the vacant office, and a committee was appointed to consider them.

A letter from Miss M. A. Colson was read, asking the Board to allow the use of their schoolroom on Sunday afternoon for a Sunday School, as a temporary arrangement, on behalf of the Union Church meeting at the Temperance Hall.

From what transpired it would seem that the Union Church are going to open a Sunday School, and as the Temperance Hall is engaged in the afternoon for the next six weeks, they wanted to engage the Board Schools that time.

Mr. Packwood thought that as the schools had been let to the Wesleyans for service they might be let for the purpose asked.

Mr. Claridge thought they would hardly be justified in letting the schools for sectarian purposes.

Mr. Wilkins said the Wesleyans had only gone to the schools as a temporary accommodation. He was of the same opinion as Mr. Claridge, that the schools should not be let for sectarian purposes.

Mr. Packwood stated that he had good reason to believe the Temperance Hall would be at liberty in the afternoon at the end of June, and then the schools would not be required. He could assure the Board that if the application were refused it would be a very great disadvantage to the promoters of the proposed school, which would be started elsewhere. The London School Board let two of their schools for Sunday School Work.

Mr. Denton did not see, as the school had not been formed, that anyone would suffer if the rooms were not let. It would not make much difference if the school was not commenced for a few weeks.

Mr. Packwood said there were special reasons why the opening of the schools should not be deferred, but he did not think he was bound to state them.

Mr. Claridge did not think the application would have been made if they had not let the schools to the Wesleyans, and he wished they had not let them to the Wesleyans.

Mr. Wilkins said he should not like it to be said that the schools were let for proselyting purposes.

Mr. Packwood said he did not think that word should have been used, as the work intended was only to reach those who did not attend anywhere.

The Chairman thought that if that was the abject it was very commendable.

The further consideration of the subject was adjourned.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, July 16th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

SCHOOL BOARD—The monthly meeting of the Board was held on Monday evening, Mr. J. Knight, Mr. G. Denton, and Mr. H. Packwood being present. The Clerk reported a balance at the Bank of £177 2s. 1d.—The Chairman called attention to the want of sufficient accommodation in the Board Schools for the scholars attending. He had visited the schools that afternoon, and found them being taught in the passages.—Mr. Packwood said he had noticed the same thing, and stated that the number of scholars on the books was 315, and the average for the past week was 213, whilst the accommodation for the schools was only for 195. After some conversation, it was decided, to place the subject on the agenda for discussion at the next meeting.—A man named Allen waited on the Board in reference to his son, who he wanted to attend the National Schools as an half-timer, but as he had not passed the standard the Master refused to take him as an half-timer.—The Board informed Allen they were powerless in the matter, as until the boy had passed the second standard he could not attend as a half-timer. The following cases of irregular attendance also came before the Board: John Twelvetree's daughter Clara; John Clayton's son Fred; and Elihu Clarke's children, Robert, Joseph, and Ellen. In several of the cases, the children being over 10 years of age, the parents claimed them as half-timers, but as they had not passed Standard II., the Board resolved to take proceedings if the bye-laws were not at once complied with.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, September 17th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

RUSHDEN SCHOOL BOARD—There was no meeting held on the ordinary meeting night, there being no members in attendance.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, October 1st, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

BOARD SCHOOLS—On Friday the children belonging to the above schools to the number of 350 were provided with tea in the schoolroom, followed by some good games in the playground, after which the older scholars assembled and short addresses were given by Mr. Knight (chairman) and Mr. Denton (vice-chairman). Mr. Wilkins (through illness) and Messrs. Packwood and Claridge were unable to be present. Mr. W. Clarke gave a recitation, and several songs were sung by the scholars. The prizes of those who had earned them in the past year were awarded, and during the evening a plentiful supply of fruits and sweets were distributed among the scholars, who thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, December 17th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

School Board MeetingOn Tuesday evening the monthly meeting was held, when the ordinary business was transacted. It was resolved to appoint a committee of ladies to superintend the sewing department. A precept was issued on the overseers for £75. It was also resolved that the schools should only be closed one week at Christmas. This was all the business of public interest.

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