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Royal Flying Corps
Rushden Echo, 10th November 1916, transcribed by Kay Collins

Flight A.M. Edward Wadsworth, of the Royal Flying Corps, formerly of the firm of Messrs. Wadsworth, coachbuilders, Newton-road, Rushden, passed through the town on Wednesday with an aeroplane, though it could not be said that he paid a “flying visit” to Rushden, as the aeroplane had been “wounded” in action, and was being conveyed in a motor trolley to be repaired. Mr. Wadsworth was accompanied by seven comrades, and their progress through the town evoked a good deal of interest.

Rushden Echo, 8th June 1917

The Committee of the Cromwell-road Roll of Honour have this week sent cigarettes to over 40 boys whose names appear on the Roll, and several letters of appreciation have been received, but we are sorry to say that several have been wounded.  Among the letters received is one from 2nd A.M.W. Packwood, Royal Flying Corps, who writes: "€œI have to thank you for the cigarettes.  It is very kind of the subscribers and the committee, and I wish you every success in the work you are carrying on."€

Rushden Argus, 29th June 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins

We have to congratulate Fred. Willmott, of the Royal Flying Corps, youngest son of Mr. A. Willmott, shoe manufacturer, Rushden, on receiving promotion. He joined up 18 months ago, and went to France in February, being given his stripe at once. Since then he has been made a sergeant, and is transferred to the Engineers.

Rushden Echo, 1st June 1917

Extract from report of marriage Mr Alfred Clement to Miss Margaret Ette:
Charles Ette her brother is serving with the Royal Flying Corps......

Rushden Argus, 18th January 1918

German plane shot down in Egypt
This excellent photo is of a German Machine brought down in Egypt recently by our Flying Corps. It was sent home by 2nd Air Mechanic George Westley, of the R.F.C., a son
of Mr. R. Westley, of 2 Albion-place, Rushden.

H Wills RFC
This photo comes with the name H Wills, marked under the rear wheel of the motorcycle. His uniform badge is the Royal Flying Corps.

Please contact us if you can help with any other information.

Rushden Echo, 4th December 1925, transcribed by Kay Collins

Airman’s Accident – Collision of Two Aeroplanes in Mid-Air
Mr. W. E. Parrish Receives Nasty Injuries

A Rushden airman, Leading Aircraftsman William Edward Parrish, of Windmill-road, received nasty injuries as a result of a collision in mid-air on Wednesday morning at Manston Aerodrome, near Ramsgate. Aircraftsman Parrish was piloting one aeroplane, and the other machine, flown by Leading Aircraftsman Edward E. Dunn, was above Parrish’s aeroplane. The sun was shining very brilliantly at the time, and it is believed that Dunn was momentarily blinded by the sun’s rays.

Both men were being trained as pilots, and from eye-witnesses’ statements it appears that the ’plane flown by Dunn was landing when it crashed on top of Parrish’s machine was it was leaving the ground.

The men fell from a height of over 600 feet. Dunn was killed instantly.

By a strange coincidence, both men were members of the station Rugby team, and their machines fell in the field where they had often played. Dunn was a native of Maidstone. Both were 23 years of age.

Aircraftsman Parrish was taken to Ramsgate Hospital suffering from severe injuries to his head and right ankle.

We have on several occasions given accounts of the brilliant athletic achievements of Leading Aircraftsman Parrish. His squadron officers are very proud of having such a promising member of the Royal Air Force. Aircraftsman Parrish will have completed six years in the ranks next July, and to continue his career in the same Service he has been undergoing training as a pilot. It was only last Saturday that he passed his final examination for a pilot. He is very studious, a non-smoker and teetotaller, and previous to joining up he was a member of St. Peter’s Church Choir, Rushden, He ran with the Kettering Harriers.

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