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Private Walter Denton - survivor

G/23137 1st Suffolk Regiment

Son of George & Annie Denton of 97 Cromwell-road. Born 1882 Rushden.
The Rushden Echo Friday 25 September 1914, transcribed by Nicky Bates

Rushden Family's Record - Three Boys at the Front - A Fourth Wounded in South Africa
Mr and Mrs Denton of Cromwell-road, Rushden, have three sons serving in the war against Germany.

Walter has to his credit 16 years, which he has spent in the Suffolks. He fought in the South African war and was fortunate in escaping serious injury. He writes from Weymouth, from where he is expecting to be transferred to the scene of war, saying that he is well.

Benjamin has belonged to His Majesty's Army for 13 years, eight in the Suffolks and five in the reserves. A third son Jack, joined the Northamptons two years ago, so the three sons are not likely to fight side by side.

Another son, Dick, lost four fingers whilst fighting in South Africa, and is in consequence unable to fight against Germany. He is on the pensioners' list.

Evening Telegraph, Thursday, 1st October 1914, transcribed by John Collins.

Rushden Soldier Family
Mr. Denton, of 97, Cromwell-road, Rushden, has received letters from his two sons who are serving in France. Walter Denton, who has spent 15 years in the Suffolks, including the Boer War experience, writes from the fighting line. “Just a line to tell you I have pulled through so far, and hope to come through the whole lot with luck.” His third son, Jack, who is with the Northamptons at Weymouth, writes he is going to move from Weymouth on Tuesday for active service abroad. Mr. Denton has another son, Benjamin Denton, in the fighting line, but has not heard from him. He has been in the Army 13 years, eight of them in the Suffolks and five in the Reserves. Another son, Dick, is debarred from serving against the Germans, as he lost four of his fingers fighting for his country in South Africa.
The Rushden Echo Friday 2 October 1914, transcribed by Nicky Bates

Rushden Man with the Force "Pulled Through So Far" "The Whole Business"
Good news comes from the front this week from Private Walter Denton of Cromwell-road, Rushden. He says: "I have pulled through so far and hope to go through the whole business all right if I have luck." The particular place from which this message was sent is not known but it is from the 5th Division of the Expeditionary Force. It is assumed that he has been in engagements although he does not say so.

A Brief Respite - Two Rushden Men at Home
Private Arthur Tiney, of Little-street, Rushden, and Lance-Corpl W Denton, of Cromwell-road, Rushden, came home for a day or two this week before going to fight the enemy.
The Rushden Echo Friday 30 October 1914, transcribed by Nicky Bates

Letter Returned - Where is Private Denton, of Rushden?
Communications from Private Walter Denton, of Rushden, who is at the front, have ceased for some time past and this week a letter from home was returned. Mrs Denton has re-directed the envelope, and hopes soon to get a reply. Private Jack Denton is still at Winchester.

A letter from Private B Denton, who is at the front states that he has been with his brother Walter for about a month. Private B Denton, who says he is quite well, hopes soon to be home.

The Rushden Echo Friday 25 December 1914, transcribed by Nicky Bates

Frostbite - Rushden Cousins Invalided Home
Pte J Denton (Rushden), 2nd Northants Regt., has been invalided home from the front for 21 days, having sustained frostbitten feet in the trenches. His parents, Mr and Mrs George Denton, have two other sons both serving at the front, viz., Privates Walter and Ben Denton, of the Suffolk Regiment.

It is a singular coincidence that Pte J. Denton is a cousin of Pte A Denton (Rushden), who has been invalided home through the same cause. Pte J Denton prefers not to relate any of his experiences for publication.

The Rushden Echo Friday 22 October 1915, transcribed by Nicky Bates

Rushden Soldier Home on Leave
Pte Walter Denton, 1st Suffolks, son of Mr and Mrs George Denton, of 97, Cromwell-road, Rushden, has been home on leave. He returned to France last Sunday. He has been hi the army over 17 years having served through the South Africa war.

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