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Rushden Echo, 1st November 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins
Miss Ida Ann Thompson

Obituary—We regret to record the death which took place on Tuesday morning, at 45, Midland-road, of Miss Ida Ann Thompson, aged 21 years, only daughter of Mr and Mrs W A Thompson. The deceased for the past three years had suffered from tuberculosis, but was able to keep about until Friday last, when she contracted influenza, her strength, owing to her long illness, being insufficient to combat the complaint. She was a member and regular attendant of St Peter’s Bible class. Much sympathy is felt with Mr and Mrs Thompson in their bereavement, as they have now no family left, their only son, the late Pte Clifford Thompson, Northants Regt., having been killed at the battle of Loos three years ago. The funeral took place this (Friday) afternoon at the cemetery, the first portion of the obsequies being conducted in St Peter’s Church.

Rushden Echo, 8th November 1918

THE FUNERAL of the late Miss Ida Ann Thompson, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Thompson, of 45, Midland-road, took place on Friday last at the cemetery, in the presence of many sympathisers.  The first portion of the obsequies was conducted in St. Peter’s Church by the Rev. P. E. Robson (Rector), who also officiated at the graveside.  The coffin, of polished elm with brass fittings, bore the inscription:-

Died October 29th, 1918.
Aged 21 years.

The mourners were as follow: Mr. W. A. Thompson (father), Miss S. Thompson (aunt), Miss A. Thompson, of Irchester (aunt), Mrs. J. Hitchen (friend), Miss L. Panter, of St. Albans (friend), Miss L. Osborne, Mrs. D. Foster and Miss B. Curtis (friends).  The deceased’s mother was unable to follow.  A number of beautiful floral tributes to the memory of the deceased were placed on the grave.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Thompson desire to express their grateful thanks for the many expressions of sympathy they have received in their sore bereavement.

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