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Evening Telegraph, October 20. 2004, By Nick Tite
People's champion
Tributes to woman dedicated to county

     Maye Dicks has died at the age of 86.

Mrs Dicks, a former chairman of East Northamptonshire Council and the county council, a much-respected magistrate and grand-dame of the county's Labour Party, was a champion to the underdog and a fighter for justice. She was made MBE in 2000.

Tributes poured in from friends, colleagues and political foes after hearing of her death on Sunday

East Northamptonshire Labour councillor Les Rolfe and his wife, Jenny, who served with Mrs Dicks on Rushden Town Council, said they had lost "a friend, colleague and mentor."

Elsie Maye DicksThey said: "Maye will be sadly missed. She was a champion for the underdog and did so much for Rushden. We're very sad."

Conservative leader of East Northamptonshire Council John Richardson said Mrs Dicks, was a formidable political opponent.

The community had lost a "a remarkable woman," he said.

Friend and former county council colleague Harry Graham said: "I'm very sad. Many people will have memories of Maye they will treasure forever. She was a wonderful woman who did so much for Rushden."

Wellingborough and Rushden MP Paul Stinchcombe described Mrs Dicks as "shrewd, wise, caring, brave and formidable in many ways, but always with a sparkle in her eye.

He said: "Maye Dicks dedicated her life to the service of others.

"She will be mourned by the whole county but particularly by the people of Rushden, who will remember her as a caring friend who did not just listen but went on to help.

"Few, if any, will ever give so much to the community they belong to.

"I will miss her greatly."

Elsie Maye Dicks was born in Rotton Row, Raunds, and went to Raunds Church School before moving to Rushden Intermediate School. She worked in the shoe industry in Raunds and met her future husband, Bill, in 1935.

Mr Dicks died shortly before the couple's 60th wedding anniversary and their son Robin also passed away.

She made her mark in the National Union of Boot and Shoe Operatives and, after joining the Labour Party, helped bring shoe workers holiday pay and women workers equal pay deals.

Aside from serving on the county, East Northamptonshire and Rushden councils, Mrs Dicks helped to form Serve in Rushden, was chairman of Rushden Pensioners Wipe and helped with Mencap, the Salvation Army and the Over-60s Club, as "well as being instrumental in setting up East Northamptonshire Twinning Association.

Mrs Dicks lived in Grafton Road, Rushden, but moved to the Imperial Court residential home in Duck Street, Rushden six months ago.

Her funeral will be held at 1pm on Friday, October 29, at St Mary's Church, Rushden, followed by a reception at Rushden Hall. A private family service will then be held at Kettering Crematorium.

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