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Rushden Echo, 18th October 1912
Joseph Moulton
Rushden Lady Rescued from Drowning – Carnegie Hero Fund

A pleasing ceremony took place at a meeting at the Trade Union Club, Rushden, on Monday, to consider the minimum wage question, namely, the presentation to Mr. Moulton, of Higham Ferrers, one of the members of the Rushden District branch of the Boot Operatives’ Union, of a cheque for £5 and a framed certificate from the Carnegie Hero Fund, for his gallantry in rescuing a Rushden young lady from drowning, which incident was recorded in the “Rushden Echo” at the time.

Mr. Bazeley read the following letter from the officials of the fund:-

“W. Bazeley Esq., Dear Sir, On the 2nd July last you drew the attention of the trustees of the Carnegie Hero Fund to the circumstances under which, on the 30th June 1912, Joseph Moulton rescued a young woman from drowning in the river Nene near Higham Ferrers. I am glad to inform you that after consideration of all the circumstances the trustees have decided to recognise the case as within the scope of the Hero Fund, and have awarded Joseph Moulton a framed honorary certificate and the sum of £5 in recognition of his action. It seems desirable that awards of this kind should be presented in a more or less public way, and the trustees would deem it a favour if you would kindly arrange for having this done. I enclose a cheque in his favour for the purpose, also a receipt for him to sign and return after he has received the cheque. I have to thank you on behalf of the trustees for the interest you have shown in the case, and for the trouble you kindly took in the way of furnishing them with information.”

Mrs. Elliot, of Oundle, in making the presentation, said that the motto on the certificate most fittingly expressed what Mr. Moulton had done, “He serves God best who most nobly serves humanity.”

The text of the certificate was as follows:- “The Carnegie Hero Fund Trust. Founded September 1908. Presented by the Trustees in recognition of heroic endeavour to save human life to Joseph Moulton, Higham Ferrers, June 30th 1912. Dunfermline, September 26th 1912. John Ross (chairman), Wm. George (secretary).

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