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Rushden Argus, 5th July 1912
Councillor and Mrs. Bates
Silver Wedding

On Thursday at the Trades Union Club, Rushden, Councillor and Mrs. Charles Bates celebrated their silver wedding.

Councillor Bates is president of the Rushden and District Branch of the Boot and Shoe Operatives’ Union, and vice-chairman of the Rushden Council.

Subsequently Councillor Bazeley (branch secretary), on behalf of the executive and collectors of the union, presented Mr. and Mrs. Bates with a handsome silver Queen Anne tea service. The inscription was: “Presented to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bates, 8 Denmark-road, Rushden, in commemoration of their silver wedding, May 29th 1912, by the executive and collectors of the Rushden and District Branch of the Boot and Shoe Operatives’ Union.”

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