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Presented by Karon Watson, September 2014
Grace Warboys
1922 - 2014

These are Grace's own words written shortly before she died.

I remember sitting in a little wooden chair in Sunday School [at Park Road Methodist Church] wearing a yellow voile dress with little yellow buttons which my Grandma had made for me. I think the Leaders were Winifred Cunnington and Miss Partridge, Mr Capon was the Superintendent. He came to speak to me once, but I don't remember what he said, as I was too busy watching how often he blinked his eyes!!

When I was sixteen (1938) Frances Bayes asked me if I would play the piano for the Primary Department, morning and afternoon. This I did for four years. I also became a church member at 16, along with several other young people and I also joined the choir. John Cooke was the Conductor and Mr Hazeldine who was an excellent organist

September 3rd 1939 war was declared, and I was in the choir stalls and saw a steward walk up to the pulpit to tell the Minister the terrible news. We had a prayer together, and went home.

I joined the NAAFI in 1942 and was sent to Molesworth, which soon became an American Air Force Base with Flying Fortresses. It was very basic, coke ovens for cooking and coke stoves in our rooms. We worked sixty hours a week for 18/6d.

One day some mice got in the sacks of flour, and all the droppings had to be sieved out and the flour used!!

Back home after the war I joined the Sunday School, Choir, Wesley Guild and the Girls' League. We had thriving Brigades and in December we had lovely Bazaars. I must also mention The Dramatic Society, we put on some very good plays. 'Bonadventure', 'They Came to a City', and 'Barnet's Folly' are a few I remember. What wonderful memories!

The Church has always been part of my life, which I miss very much, but good friends keep me in touch as they carry on the Lord's work. So many people have given of their talents, time and money over many years. Brigade Officers, Sunday School Leaders and so many others need to be remembered and thanked. We have been truly blessed and must thank the Lord for all these wonderful friends.

Grace was a prolific poet

She wrote poems on a variety of subjects.

Click here to view some of her poems

This was Grace's Eulogy spoken by Rev. Shirley Baker, prepared by Bob, Barbara and Sandra who were her neighbours.

Grace was brought up in Rushden, and moved to Cromwell Road with her parents when she was 18 months old. She went to the local Primary School and then Intermediate School in the Hayway.

She loved Park Road Methodist Church and was a member of the congregation from an early age joining the Girls' Brigade, teaching at Sunday School, and being involved in pantomines, plays and concerts playing the piano.

Grace played the organ at both Park Road and Yelden Church and belonged to the Women's Guild.

She worked in the NAAFI at the American Air Force Base at Molesworth during the war where she met Joan, who would become her lifelong friend up until Joan's death a few years ago, however Grace was still in contact with Joan's two sons, John and Peter.

Grace used to bike from Rushden to Molesworth and only had the odd afternoon off, [one in every four weeks]. Occasionally her father would bike over to Molesworth to see her. She was occasionally given a lift from the camp into Thrapston where she would catch the bus home. She also recalled that some nights when she arrived back near Molesworth she would have to walk about a mile down an unlit track back to camp. Grace was there for about 4 years making many friends and probably losing some.

After the war she went back to work at Chapmans and lived at home with her parents. She met Bill, at work. They married in 1960 and were married for 49 years and continued living at 150 Cromwell Road. They looked after Grace's mum until she died. Bill died just before their Golden Wedding Anniversary.

Grace worked part time in a family run Off Licence until she was 73 and again still kept in contact with the family.

Grace and Bill's neighbours, Barbara, Bob and family came in 1996, they were taken under Grace and Bill's wing. She was an extremely good cook, particularly with pastry and she would often bake them a mince tart or a sponge cake. Grace and Bill used to spend Christmas Dinner with them and when Bill died Grace continued to have her Christmas dinner with them. Barbara popped in during the day to see she was OK etc. Family members loved going for afternoon tea where the table would be groaning with lovely food and either tinned salmon in the carnival glass dish or tinned ham with all the salad and trimmings etc, with a voice saying "There's plenty more". She loved children and enjoyed watching Helen and Claire and then their children grow up. Claire's children probably made too much noise sometimes especially after they found the piano in the front room.

Grace loved Classical music and spent her time listening to her radio, doing her crossword puzzles and writing poetry. She loved 'Dad's Army' on TV and would chuckle when she related the episode to her neighbours and also made them laugh. At Christmas 2013 she had a poem printed in The Methodist Newsletter.

She wrote "Special Poems" for people's anniversaries etc and could write a poem on any subject. She eventually went into Rushden Park Nursing Home where she wrote many poems which were read out.

She always had a lovely smile for everyone and never said a bad word about anybody, was always so kind and her parting words to you when you left were "Come when you like". Grace will be terribly missed.

I only recently got to know her and after reading her poems felt very priviledged to have met her. A truly lovely, talented Christian lady.

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