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Baptists' Recreation Club
Rushden Echo, 9th March 1923, transcribed by Kay Collins

Baptist Recreation Club - Useful Organisation at Rushden
“A Field Fit for Young People to Play In”
The annual meeting of the Park-road Baptist Recreation Club was held yesterday week in the Assembly Rooms, Rushden, the Rev J A Sutherland presiding over a good attendance.

The Secretary (Mr Horace Wright) reported that the past year had been of outstanding interest, because they had signed an agreement and they had paid a deposit of £50 to purchase outright at £500 the ground they were using. He felt certain that that would give the members to work for a “field fit for young people to play in.” They were pledged to raise £150 by May 1924. The past season had been in direct contrast to the previous season in regard to the weather. Many matches had to be abandoned through wet weather, but the grass had grown better. During the winter months they had had the ground re-laid, and they hoped to get four tennis courts in addition to a good cricket pitch. The different sections were working together in a splendid spirit of comradeship. It had been suggested that next autumn they have a number of trees and shrubs planted, the cricketers attending to their share. He thanked the various games secretaries for the way in which they had helped him, and said they could confidently look for a good season next summer.

Mr J F Knight (treasurer) reported that about £125 was raised last year. Mrs Lewis Allen reported that refreshments had brought in a profit of £5 11s. The Tennis club report was given by Mr A Rose, who said that 81 members had joined. Mr J Sykes, jun. Reported for the cricket section, and Mr L Allen for the hockey members. Mr W A E Sherwood said that towards the purchase of the ground about £54 had been raised and £130 promised.

On the proposition of Mr A Ablett, seconded by Mr E Barley, the reports were adopted.

In the general discussion which followed it was decided that subscriptions be the same as last year. The question of a programme of indoor recreative activities was left for discussion at a future meeting. The members decided, on the proposition of Mr Sherwood, seconded by Mr J Allen, to send an expression of thanks to the officers and members of the Church for their generosity in securing the ground by purchase. Thanks were also accorded the groundsman for his services. The cricket and tennis sections were asked to furnish the club with a list of necessary kit to be bought.

Office were elected: President, the Rev J A Sutherland; vice-presidents re-elected with the addition of Messrs H K Green, Harry and Horace Knight; treasurer, Mr J F Knight; secretary, Mr Horace Wright; collectors, Mrs H Swindall, Miss D Stringer, Messrs A S Knight, J Allen, and F J Sharwood; committee re-elected.

Rushden Echo, 19th February 1926, transcribed by Kay Collins

Rushden Baptist Recreation Club - The Annual Business Meeting – A Successful Year
The annual meeting of the Park-road Baptist Recreation Club was held on Feb 11th in the Assembly Room, the Rev J A Sutherland presiding, supported by the secretary (Mr Horace Wright), the assistant secretary (Mr G E Bayes), and the treasurer (Mr J F Knight). An apology was received from Mr C A K Green.

There was a good attendance of members.
In his report, Mr Wright reminded members that that was his seventh. He acknowledged his great indebtedness to Mr G E Bayes for invaluable services rendered in businesslike manner. Their past year’s activities had been similar to other years and no doubt thousands would like the same opportunity. The different sports sections had kept up their membership fairly well. Although the playing had not brought any gold vases or wooden spoons—(Laughter) some brilliant performances had been put up by cricket players, at least one of whom would be expected to beat the Australians. (Laughter) The weather had been fairly kind to them. The Tennis Club had enjoyed the use of two stop-nets. The seating accommodation had been improved. They were looking forward to the time when the Tennis Club would have their own courts. They were all proud that one of their members had been elected one of their City Fathers. (Hear, hear) They would assure him that the honour was shared by all the members. The members much regretted the loss through death of two supporters in Mr C E Bayes and Mr Wm Green. A number of improvements would be wanted, costing about £100. They had six acres of ground and it was used by about 100 people for probably four months of the year. They had to consider whether they were making the best use of the ground. He concluded with thanks to Mr J F Knight and to the groundsman (Mr Walter Webb).

Mr Knight presented the balance sheet, which showed receipts: Cash in hand at beginning of year £22/4/10, crickets subscriptions £16/13/3, vice-president’s donations £8, special effort per Mr W Sherwood for the field purchase scheme £7, profit on teas £3/15/0, tennis £24/3/3, social £14/8/0/, with other items a total of £99/6/10. After expenditure had been met there was a balance of £36/19/9 at the bank.

Satisfactory reports were presented on behalf of the various sections; tennis, cricket, football, and refreshment.

Officers were elected: President, Rev J A Sutherland; vice-presidents, re-elected with the addition of Messrs F J Sharwood, J Jones, Eli Wright, A Gramshaw, and E L Brightwell; treasurer, Mr J F Knight; secretary, Mr Horace Wright; assistant secretary, Mr G E Bayes (with hearty thanks to all the three latter for services rendered); collectors, Mrs J Sykes and Mrs L Allen; general committee to be elected by the various sections, tennis and cricket to have ten representatives each.

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