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The Rushden Echo and Argus, 16th May, 1930, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Rushden Enlarged and Beautified

More Houses : More Tree Planting

Satisfactory Progress with “Through” Road Negotiations

Grass in Residential Parts : Advice to Householders

Most of the business at the usual meeting of the Rushden Urban Council on Wednesday tended to develop and beautify the town. There was probably never a meeting held when more work of that particular character was accomplished.

The members present were Messrs. G. W. Coles, J.P. (Chairman), L. Perkins, B.Sc., M.B.E. (vice-chairman), Tom Wilmott, J. Roe, A. Allebone, C.C., F. Green, D. G. Greenfield, M.D., C. Claridge, F. Knight, J.P., L. Tysoe, C. W. Horrell, C.A., J. Allen, T. Swindall, A. Wilmott, J. Spencer, J.P., J. Hornsby and J. T. Richardson, with the Clerk (Mr. G. S. Mason), the Surveyor (Mr. J. W. Lloyd), and the Sanitary Inspector (Mr. F. S. F. Piper).

New Housing Scheme

It was reported by the housing committee that the Surveyor submitted a plan for the proposed lay-out in connection with the erection of further houses on the Irchester-road site, which was approved. He was instructed to proceed with the preparation of plans for 60 houses, 38 non-parlour and 22 parlour, and to submit them to the Ministry of Health for approval. Immediately upon receipt of such approval it was resolved to advertise for tenders at once.

The report was adopted.

Submitting the above report, Mr. Perkins said the committee thought it would be advisable not to build nearest to Westfield-avenue because of reserving sites for shops. There was generally a bigger demand for houses of the non-parlour type. Mr. Swindall asked whether plans of lay-outs could be brought to the council meetings for members not on the housing committee who would like to see them.

Mr. Tom Wilmott suggested that it might be advisable for the housing committee to get tenders for 30 houses first, and when that lot were nearing the stage for roofs, to apply for further tenders. He believed the Council would get the whole of the houses done just as quickly, though they would not save anything. They would keep local men employed.

Mr. Allebone, referring to the suggestion of Mr. Swindall, said that a frame could be erected in the lobby, and any such lay-outs or plans of structural alterations could be tacked up there just before meetings of the Council, so that members could see them.

Mr. Claridge said that any members could see such plans by calling on the Surveyor.

Mr. Perkins said that he had been anticipated by Mr. Allebone in a most intelligent manner in regard to the display of plans. He, also, thought it would be well to do as was done in the County Hall, and have a plan – perhaps a blue-print – of such layouts in the lobby, so that any member could see for himself. Regarding Mr. Wilmott’s suggestions, he did not think there was any objection to the tenders for 30, but the Council should get permission of the Ministry for the whole of the scheme, because the Ministry moved in a leisurely fashion. The scheme could be divided into four distinct contracts, and it might suit the convenience of the Council to defer two of the contracts. But they were up against the difficulty that if they could get 60 houses in by the beginning of the autumn it would be a greater advantage to the people waiting. Further, even if they reduced the number of houses to 30, they could not guarantee that tenders would be accepted from Rushden builders if there were lower tenders from outside. (Mr. T. Wilmott: “Exactly.”) The question should be considered at the next meeting of the Council.

Dr. Greenfield asked whether anything had been done in regard to the planting of trees. Little spots had been left for such purposes and trees took a long time to grow. He thought they should have some definite plan brought forward for the winter, if that was the proper time.

Mr. Perkins promised that advice would be sought as to the right time and the committee would act on it after they had examined sites on the Irchester-road.

Swimming Club’s Requests

The baths and parks committee reported that owing to the cost of washing it had been necessary to increase the price charged for the use of a towel from 1d. to 2d.

Applications were received from the newly formed Rushden Swimming Club and from a proposed new swimming club at Wollaston for facilities as clubs, for using the bath.

The Clerk was instructed to reply that while appreciating the efforts of the clubs in the promotion of swimming and life saving the committee felt quite unable to recommend the council to grant the exclusive use of the bath at any time to any particular club.

Refreshments In Park

The committee also reported that only one tender had been received for the provision of refreshments, viz., from Messrs. T. Wall and Sons, £20, for the sale of ice cream, which had been accepted. The question of the provision of other refreshments was left to the sub-committee.

Children’s Fete

A letter was received from the Educational Department of the Rushden Co-operative Society for permission to assemble their procession of children in Spencer Park, on July 5th, from 2 to 2.30 p.m., also for permission to use Jubilee Park on the same day for their children’s sports. They also required to erect a stall for the purpose of selling refreshments.

It was resolved to recommend the council to accede to the application.

The question of the provision of suitable lavatory accommodation in Jubilee Park was again considered. The Surveyor submitted an amended plan which the committee approved.

The Surveyor was instructed to obtain tenders and the emergency sub-committee were empowered to accept the lowest.

A scheme for the occupation of the bandstand in Spencer Park during the coming summer by the various bands of the town was submitted and approved.

Mr. Hornsby said he thought it was rather a big increase to raise the cost of borrowing towels from 1d. to 2d.

Mr. Coles said it cost 1d. to have a towel washed, and there was no allowance for replacement. Also they wanted to encourage people to bring their own towels.

Mr. Tom Wilmott asked whether Mr. Hornsby thought 1d. was too much for washing a towel. Personally he did not like sweated labour.

“No, I do not think it is too much,” Mr. Hornsby remarked.

Replying to Mr. Knight, Mr. Allebone said that the plans for lavatories in Jubilee Park had been reduced with the object of having suitable premises. It was no use putting up a place that would want repairing in a few years’ time. Rather, they should do as was always done with public property in Rushden, and have something worth putting up. The cost was estimated to be about £175 and the site would be as at present used.

The report was adopted.

Masonic Hall for Rushden

The plans, highways and lighting committee recommended that plans be passed for a bungalow in Washbrook-road for Mr. A. Dickens; house and shop in Newton-road for Mr. H. Auger, junr.; house and shop in Robinson-road for Mr. W. H. Cave; house, Wellingborough-road, for Mr. T. Sanders; Masonic Hall, Wellingborough-road for the Pemberton Lodge of Freemasons; offices, Portland-road, for the Free Gardeners Friendly Society; and eight garages in High-street South for Mrs. P. J. Deighton.

Under the provision of the Factory and Workshops Act (1901); means of escape in case of fire, the Surveyor read his report on Mr. Ralph Tarry’s factory in College-street with regard to the means of escape of persons, employed therein, in case of fire and stated that in his opinion such means were provided. It was resolved to issue a certificate to this effect as provided by section 14 of this Act.

The Surveyor was instructed to inspect the factories of Messrs. C. W. Horrell, Ltd., in Moor-road and Fitzwilliam-street and confer with Mr. Horrell as to what better means of escape could be provided and to report to the next meeting of the council.

The Clerk reported that the upper portion of Harborough-road had been made up under the Private Street Works Act 1892, and the final apportionments duly paid by the owners. It was resolved to recommend the council that the road be taken over as a public highway repairable by the inhabitants at large and that the usual notices to this effect be posted in the road.

The report was adopted.

New Road

An inquiry as to what progress was being made with the proposed footpath between Pyghtles-terrace and Harborough-road was made by Mr. Allen.

Mr. Spencer said the matter was under consideration, and he understood that steps were being taken to interview the owners of the land.

Mr. Tysoe : I should have liked it better if Mr. Allen had said the proposed “road” instead of “footpath.” I hope it will be a road. Satisfactory progress is being made, but we are not able to state anything definite yet.

Milk “Fairly Satisfactory”

The health and sanitary committee reported that an application had been received from Mr. S. J. Smith, of “Suncote” Bedford-road, Rushden, to be registered as a retail purveyor of milk at “Holmesdale,” Bedford-road, Rushden, in the place of Mr. John Smith. It was resolved to recommend the council to accede to the application.

The Inspector reported that since the last meeting three samples of milk had been taken, during transit to the consumer, and submitted for bacteriological examination. The committee considered the reports fairly satisfactory, but instructed the Inspector to see the purveyors concerned and inform them that they hoped for an improvement at the next examination.

Cemetery Fence

The question of the provision of a fence at the rear of Winchester-road was again considered. The Surveyor was instructed to obtain prices for an oak fence with concrete foundation and submit to the cemetery sub-committee who were empowered to accept the lowest and put the work in hand.

The report was adopted.

Hackney Carriage Licences

The Clerk reported to the finance committee that 248 hackney carriage licences had been issued by him during the year ended 31st March last and that the council had received fees from the Ministry of Transport amounting to £62 in respect thereof. It was resolved to recommend the council that half of this amount be paid to the Clerk for extra work in connection with such licences.

The report was adopted.


A letter was read from the Rev. P. Barwell Spriggs, Vicar of St. Peter’s Church, offering an invitation to the chairman and members of the Council to attend a civic service at St. Peter’s Church on Sunday evening. The writer stated that he was asking the representatives of public bodies to attend the service. He suggested that the Council lead a procession of representatives from St. Peter’s Church Rooms into the church.

“Is it a church celebration?” Mr. Swindall asked.

The Clerk explained that it was nothing to do with the local church, but was a national affair. All over England civic services were to be held in Anglican churches.

On the proposition of Alderman Horrell, seconded by Mr. Spencer, and supported by Dr. Greenfield, the invitation was accepted.

Mr. Wilmott asked whether there was anything to report as regards the Rushden Hall.

Mr. Coles : Not at present.

A suggestion that the Council roadmen be set to clip grass on the sides of the roads was made by Mr. Claridge. He said that the Council had beautified the road in residential parts by the planting of trees, but the grass between those trees, so far as he could see, had never been mown. It would add considerably to the appearance if the grass were cut down the Wellingborough-road. Several householders had cut the grass in front of their own houses.

The Chairman said it could be referred to the highways committee.

Mr. Tysoe : I shall be asking that the same be done in Higham-road! The best thing is for everyone to go out and to cut that in front of their own houses. It is too big a job for the Council to tackle.

Mr. Allebone : Though this has been referred to the committee my own view is that if we are going to clip every little bit of grass in Rushden like that we shall want at least four extra men to do it.

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