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Politics 1878 - 1884
These posters came from a bundle of what we think may have been printers' proofs.
Some are printed on the backs of old posters.
Board School Opening
Board School Opening
Wednesday Nov 5th 1879
Lecture by E F A Briggs Esq
Friday 25th April 1879
Address by Mr R G Roe
Friday March 21st 1879

Wellingborough News, March 2nd 1878, transcribed by Kay Collins

RUSHDEN - LIBERAL ASSOCIATIONUnder the auspices of this Association, Mr. R. Wilkinson, of Addington, gave his lecture, "Social life in Russia, and why do we hate the Russians?" to a large audience, in the Temperance Hall, on Wednesday evening. The Rev. Mr. Bradfield presided. At the close, in response to an invitation from the Chairman, Mr. R. Dearlove, while admitting that the lecturer had ably dealt with the subject, said that in regard to the second division he had been very one-sided, and all on the wrong side. Mr. Dearlove could not allow that the Government of Russia was equal to our own, neither could he admit that her religion was the true religion, for it was as idolatrous as the Romish. Russia, he contended, had caused ten times more misery and wretchedness than the Bashi-Bazouks. He argued that the English Government had all along acted on the side of moral right, and called for three cheers tor Lord Beaconsfield. Some confusion arising at this suggestion, Mr. Dearlove said he was afraid there were a good many political dissenters present. He was not a dissenter, although he was a political dissenter and he expressed a hope that a resolution approving of the policy of Lord Beaconsfield might go forth from that meeting. He concluded by moving a vote of thanks to the lecturer.—Mr. Cole seconded the proposition, which was supported by the Rev. Mr. Pung.—The motion was carried unanimously, and Mr. Wilkinson, in acknowledgment, said it was a mistake to suppose that he had said that the Government of Russia was equal to our own; he only meant that it was equal in the particular paints mentioned. He should never think that a despotic was equal to a constitutional government.

Wellingborough News, 17th August 1878, transcribed by Kay Collins

RUSHDEN - NATIONAL MOVEMENTS AND PARTY POLITICSOn Monday evening delivered an address upon this subject, on the green, supported by the Rev. R. E. Bradfield, who occupied the chair. Mr. Paton criticised the government of the country, past and present, and described Sir W. Lawson as the only true national leader of the present day, and the Permissive Bill as the only true measure of national reform.— Mr. Brambley afterwards addressed the meeting.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, April 17th, 1880, transcribed by Kay Collins

THE ELECTION has caused much interest to be taken in the politics of the country, and both sides have worked with a will, but here the Liberals have a large majority. On Friday morning last they started nine conveyances, loaded with supporters of Mr. Spencer, in procession, and, so far as we can learn, we believe every vote was polled. On the result of the poll becoming known at Rushden, the Liberal supporters procured the services of the Temperance Band, and formed a triumphal procession, marching round the village. They also went to Higham Ferrers, where they were joined by the Higham contingent of Liberals, and marched through the town, cheering. The Tories, not to be outdone in outward display, sent over to Rushden for the National School Band, which arrived about nine o'clock, and a counter demonstration was got up. We venture to say so much electioneering interest has never before been witnessed in this ancient little borough. Cheering, and other displays of feeling were kept up until a late hour.

Wellingborough News, 31st March 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

RUSHDEN - THE AFFIRMATION BILL—A petition containing 957 signatures, has been sent off this week praying the House of Commons to pass the Affirmation Bill introduced by the Government.

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