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Politics 1898

The Argus, 4th March 1898

Local Notes

The leaders of the Conservative party hailed with delight the announcement made last week by Mr. G. Denton that he would not seek re-election on the County Council in view of the avowed intention of  Mr. Paul Cave to contest the seat, thinking thereby that their representative would be returned unopposed. But the Rushden Liberals did not intend to allow the day dreams of the Tory party to be realised. There is too much pugnacity in their nature for them to permit their opponents to creep into office without a word of challenge. Mr. Denton's objection to contest Mr. Paul Cave was purely a personal one, and was not, as one writer's imagination suggested, because, he considered Mr. Cave endowed with exceptional abilities to transact county affairs. Mr. Cave's nomination was looked upon as a game of bluff, and this no doubt led Mr. Denton to declare at the meeting held on Saturday last that the Liberal party would not allow him to be  returned unopposed. Owing to the urgent request of a large number of the inhabitants, and influenced no doubt, by the attitude of the Conservative party, Mr. Denton consented to allow himself to be nominated. Other nomination papers were handed in on behalf of Mr. John Claridge, Mr. Paul Cave and Mr. Fred Knight. As was   anticipated, Mr. Paul Cave withdrew his candidature at the prospect of a fight, and Mr. John Claridge and Mr. Fred Knight declined to oppose Mr. Denton. Thus the retiring candidate was allowed to be returned unopposed, to the gratification of the majority of the inhabitants, who were not slow to recognise and appreciate the sterling business qualities shown by Mr. Denton.

The Argus, 25th March 1898

Rushden Urban Council—Five of the ten candidates for the four vacant seats on the Urban Council withdrew their candidatures this morning. These were Thomas Field, Jabez Mould, John Noble, Cornelius West, and Thomas Wilmott. The candidates remaining are William Bazeley, John Claridge, George Denton, Fred Knight, and George Fountain. The first four of these will have the support of the Liberal Association, and the latter is being run by the Conservatives.

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