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Rushden Weather for 1909
Summary of the records taken at the School Gardens, Station-road,
for the Royal Meteorological Society.

Rushden Echo, 4th June 1909, transcribed by Kay Collins

May 1909


Mean maximum shade temperature for the month, 72.47 degrees; mean minimum temperature for the same period, 39.02 degrees. The highest shade temperature 93.7 degrees was registered on the 21st, while the lowest temperature, 29.1 degrees was recorded on the 9th and 19th.


Average for the month 4.94 based on the system that 0 represents a cloudless sky, while 10 denotes a completely overcast one.


Rain fell on 10 days only. Total amount for the month 1.23 inches. Total amount for the present year to the end of May 6.17 inches.

Characteristics of the Weather for the Month

a) May has been a month of very bright sunshine even for this month.

b) Hot days have been followed by frosty nights especially during the first half of the month.

c) From the 2nd to the 24th showers, and these only light ones, fell on three days, consequently the rainfall is again very deficient.

d) The last seven days were warmer, with a higher night temperature, and very showery.

e) Ground frosts were frequent during the first half of the month.

S Saddler

The Rushden Echo, 5th November 1909, transcribed by Kay Collins

October 1909


Mean maximum shade temperature for the month, 59.42 degrees; mean minimum temperature for the same period, 43.93 degrees. The highest shade temperature 70.2 degrees was registered on the 1st, while the lowest temperature, 27.5 degrees was recorded on the 31st.


Average for the month 7.4 based on the system that 0 represents a cloudless sky, while 10 denotes a completely overcast one.


Rain fell on 24 out of the 31 days. Total amount for the month 3.16 inches. Total rainfall for the present year to the end of October 20.04 inches.

Characteristics of the Weather for the Month

1 A cold, cheerless, damp month, rain falling on all but seven days.

2 Very heavy rainfalls recorded on the 26th, 23rd, 27th, and 7th.

3 Curiously enough the highest temperature was reached on the first day, and the lowest on the last day.

4 A high night temperature was registers during the first five days, while a corresponding low one was noted on the last seven days.

5 Very boisterous weather was experienced from the 22nd to the 26th.

6 Frosts were registered on three nights.

7 A very fine rainbow was to be seen on the evening of the 3rd.

S Saddler

Note: he was master at Alfred Street School

see also the school log book

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