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The Risdene Echo, December 2005

The Closure of the Rushden After Care Committee
1929 – 2005

Arnold F. Maddams (Chairman)

Patient recreation at Rushden Sanatorium
Patient recreation at Rushden Sanatorium

The Rushden After Care Committee was officially wound up at the AGM on March 2nd 2005 after 76 years of voluntary service to the people of the locality.

It was formed in 1929 at the instigation of the County Council who encouraged all towns to set up committees to give help and care to sufferers of Tuberculosis.  The disease was rife at that time and hospitals were full, including Rushden Sanatorium.  It was felt that some patients, though slowly, were improving and could go home if care and help were given.

A large committee was formed comprising the doctors of the town, some of the councillors and many prominent businessmen.  Several organisations and all the churches were represented each by one member.

The help given was six eggs and six pints of milk per week, which were necessary ingredients to assist a patient to recover.  Small gifts of money were introduced where the need was apparent.  There were 148 patients on the books at one time.

The funding of the committee was firstly by an amount per person from the NCC and then by donations – some of which were very generous.  The total amount of money needed far outstripped the income so other funding had to be found.

The sale of Christmas Seals was set up.  They were distributed all over the town and also sold in factories.  This source of income carried on until 2000.

A bowls committee was formed with a view to running a tournament for clubs from any town to enter, and a trophy was donated.  This was well supported and, with entrance fees etc, a large amount of money was made.  The Rushden Town Bowls Club hosted all the matches.  This tournament ran until 2002 and, oddly, the last time the competition was played the trophy was won by Rushden after an interval of some years.  The trophy was engraved each year and can be seen as it is held at the Rushden Club in Northampton Road.

The other large occasion to raise funds was the “At Home” in the grounds of the hospital.  This was run until 2000 by which time the committee were advancing in years and were unable to continue the event.  All sorts of organisations were more than helpful over the years by running stalls on our behalf.  The huge raffle at this event was always a success.

As the years have passed the committee became fewer as were the patients.  We had in fact taken on and helped some cystic fibrosis sufferers as funds were available.

Down to a handful of patients, although still with funds, it was decided to close rather than linger on slowly.  It was decided that we approach the Rushden doctors to enquire whether there was any equipment that they needed which we could finance.  Items were chosen and a happy occasion took place at Adnitt Road Medical Centre with the presentation being made on Tuesday 14th June.  A further donation was made to Rushden Memorial Clinic and the remainder of funds to Papworth Hospital which, in earlier years, had been connected with TB, and at one stage we had one of our patients involved with that hospital.

Many stalwarts, such as Dr Lord, Dr Fisher, Mrs Hensman, Mr A. Colton, Mr W. Capon, Mr T. Thacker, Miss Sherewood, Mr C. Watts and successive headmasters of Alfred Street School, deserve a mention.

I apologise for any omissions as so many have been involved, but offer my sincere thanks to all who have helped over 76 years.

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