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Rushden Argus December 29th 1889
Rushden School Board - 1887

The Wellingborough News, 16th December 1887, transcribed by Jim Hollis

Rushden School Board

The monthly meeting of the Board was held on Monday last, when there were present Messrs. Samuel Knight (chairman), G. H. Skinner, W. Clarke, John Claridge, and Geo. Denton.

The Clerk presented vouchers for the payment of £27 17s. 7d. to Messrs. Clayson Bros., and £74 15s. 6d. to the Public Works Loan Board.

Mr. Sugars and Mrs. Maddock appeared before the Board re the illegal employment of their children as half-timers, and were ordered to send them to school regularly until they had passed the second standard.

Site For Infant School

The Chairman reported that at a committee meeting of the Board it was proposed by Mr. George Denton, seconded by Mr. John Claridge, and carried unanimously, “That Messrs. Stafford and Rogers having offered the six plots of land, the property of Mr. Fitzwilliam, situated upon the Wellingborough-road, and numbered upon the plan of the estate 44 to 49, at 2s per yard, that providing the vendor will agree to reserve 30 feet as a roadway on both sides, and if the roads are ultimately made, and the Board shall not be called upon to pay any portion for making the same, that the Clerk be instructed to accept on behalf of the board the said six plots, and proceed to have the purchase completed as early as possible.” In accordance with this resolution the Clerk had been in communication with Messrs. Stafford and Rogers, who had replied accepting the offer of the Board, and consenting not to call upon the board for any portion of the expenses connected with making a road upon the south-east side of Lot 44. They could not, however, undertake to reserve Lot 50, as it might not be required for road making. The total amount of purchase money for the six plots was £140.00. – The Board instructed the Clerk to accept this offer, subject to official approval, it being understood that the vendors will make and obtain a sufficient fence on the north-east side of the ground. The provision of plans and specifications for the proposed school was left with the Committee.


A letter was read from Mr. C. Browning, dated Nov. 30th, resigning his position as assistant master in the Boys’ School. The resignation was accepted. Mr. Browning’s engagement being subject to a month’s notice on either side, his connection with the school will terminate on the 30th inst. Mr. Heygate suggested that in the future it would be advisable that all assistant teachers be subject to two months’ notice, and all head teachers to three months’ notice. The Chairman proposed that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for a male assistant for the Boys’ Department, at a salary of £50 per annum. Messrs. Denton and Claridge were in favour of advertising for a female assistant. Mr. Skinner seconded the proposition, which was carried. – A letter was read from Mrs. Wood, resigning her position as head mistress of the Infants’ School, on account of ill-health, and asking the Board to release her as soon as possible, and also for a testimonial. According to Mrs. Wood’s engagement, her notice will not expire until March 10th, 1888, and the Board decided to liberate her upon this date, or as much earlier as they are able to appoint a suitable successor. The Clerk was instructed to give Mrs. Wood a testimonial, stating that she had discharged her duties to the entire satisfaction of the Board; and to advertise for a successor at a salary of £60 per annum.

Alfred Street

The notice of apportionment from Mr. Sharman, architect, was read, stating that the total expense in connection with the making of this street was £64 12s. 6d., and the proportion to be paid by the Board was £8 4s. 9d.


A letter was read from Mr. M. Reid Sharman, stating that the Rural Sanitary Authority were not yet prepared to take the necessary steps to have this road put in repair.

Technical Education

Mr. Samuel Smith’s letter upon technical education was again mentioned, and referred to the Committee for consideration.

Christmas Holidays

It was decided that the schools break up for the Christmas holidays on the 23rd inst., and re-open on Jan. 2nd, 1888.

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