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Co-op Demonstration 1895 transcribed by Shirley Denton, 2007
The New Stores - No 3

Wellingborough Road view
Windmill Road view

Editor's Note: The writing in this Minute Book was very difficult to read, so please forgive us if we've got some of the names wrong.

Demonstration Committee for the opening of New Stores No.3 Wellingborough Road on Wednesday December 4th 1895.

Males Females
Mr. Joseph Garley  Mrs. Underwood
Mr. T.W.T. Field.  Mrs. C. Hanger
Mr. Wm. Baisley Mrs. Scroxton
Mr. Geo. Parker Mrs. Tew
Mr. G.W. Button Mrs. Ladds
Mr. F. Desborough Mrs. Parker
Mr. --- Betts  Mrs. Penness
Mr. Ed Bettles  Mrs. Bettles
Mr. Zerah Newell Mrs. Brightwell
Mr. W. A. Sharp
Mr. Chas  Hanger
Mr. Ebn  Brown

Minutes of the Demonstration Committee Meeting held October 31st 1895.

Proposed by W. Wright, Seconded by J. Spencer that T. Field Chairman of Demonstration Committee. Carried.

Pro. by W. A. Sharpe, Sec. by J. Spencer that G. Parker, be Vice Chairman. Carried.

Pro. by G. Parker, Sec by E. French that W. Bazeley by Secretary. Carried.

Pro. by J. Spencer,  Sec. by J. Garley that Mr. T. Brightwell write to the Rugby and Kettering Co-operative Societies asking if they will kindly lend their banners and mottoes, for the demonstration on Dec. 4th. Carried.

Pro. by E. French, Sec. by E. Brown that Mr. Brightwell write for a large lump of coal about 14 or 15 cwt for demonstration.  Carried.

Pro. by J. Spencer, Sec. by G. Parker that a prize be given for the best decorated perambulator, also a prize for the best decorated mail cart in the procession. Carried.

Pro. by W. Wright, Sec. by T. Betts that Mr. Brightwell write to ask if they will oblige us with the use of the crockery and Independent Wesleyan Schools for the Tea on Dec. 4th. Carried.

Pro. by J. Garley, Sec. by W.A. Sharpe that a Free Tea Ticket be given to every member of the Cooperative Society.   Carried.

Pro. by E. French, Sec by A. Willmott that we provide 2000 tea tickets 1200 salmon colour, 700 members tickets colour blood red, 100 Delegates tickets white. Price 6d each. Carried.

Pro. by W.A. Sharpe, Sec. E. Brown that Knowles and Anthony have the order for printing the tickets. Carried.

Pro. by Z. Newell, Sec. F. Desborough that the two Co-operative Productive Societies be written to requesting them if possible to close their factories half-day on December 4th & assist in making the opening of No.3 store and the demonstration a complete success. Carried.

Meeting adjourned until Thursday Nov. 7th. 8 o’clock.

Minutes passed as read. Thomas Field.

Minutes of the Demonstration committee meeting Nov.7th.

Moved by E. Brown that we get 50 posters to read as follows.

Look out for the great Cooperative demonstration and opening of No.3 stores on December 4th.

Sec. E. Bettles. Carried.

Moved by J. Garley that a dozen cards be printed announcing that flags may be obtained at the Drapery Stores and inviting members to compete for the prizes &c. Sec. by G. Parker.  Carried.

Moved by G. Betts that all the female committee be entrusted to get assistance and material for decorations and mottoes and the making of the same.  Sec. by E. Bettles.      Carried.

Moved by W. Ladds that we order from the wholesale society, 1 cwt, currant cake, 1 cwt sultana, 1 cwt, plain, l cwt seed cake all of the best quality, also that Mr. Lack order 100lbs fresh butter, Sec. by C. Hanger.  No.1. bakery (carried) to supply buns and scones.  Moved by Mr. Lack that a pass check be given to all those at tea imprinted with the stamp of the society. Sec. by G. Parker. Carried.

Moved by C. Betts that Mr. Brightwell invite a number of the pioneers of the society to ride in a conveyance at the demonstration.  Sec. W. Ladds. Carried.

Moved by W. Ladds; T. Fields, G. Parker and W. Bazeley be appointed as a sub-committee.  Sec. E. Brown.   Carried.

Minutes passed as read.

Meeting adjourned until Thursday Nov. 14th 8.o’clock.

Meeting of the Demonstration committee meeting Nov. 14th. 95.

Moved by G. Parker that we secure 3 large breaks 2 from James Sargeant and 1 for A. Abbott for pioneers on Dec. 4th.  Sec. by E. Bettles. Carried.

Moved by W. Sharp that the Athletic cycle club be invited to take part in the procession and that 2 prizes to be given for the best turnouts.  Sec. by W. Wright. Carried.

Moved by J. Garley that a free tea ticket be given to all the employees of No.3 stores. Sec. by E. Bettles. Carried.

C. Betts here mentioned a scheme that 50 members sons be obtained between 8 and 12 years of age to bring up the rear of the procession, each to hold a flag with a banner in front with a motto. “The future co-operators”, a free tea ticket to be given each boy.  Moved by G. Parker that C. Betts carry out the above scheme. Sec. by J. Garley. Carried.

Some members of the committee were deputed to obtain names and give in at the next meeting.

Moved by E. Brown that C. Betts go to Maycocks, Wellingborough to hire a suit to carry out his scheme. Sec. by J. Garley.  Carried.

Moved by J. Spencer we accept the army barracks for the tea.  Sec. W. Wright. Carried.

Moved by J. Spencer that Mr. Brightwell write to the wholesale society for 100 hand flags lend or hire.  Sec. W. Sharp.  Carried.

Meeting adjourned until Nov. 21st at 8 o’clock.

Moved by J. Garley that G. Parker and W. Wright go to Kettering on Saturday Nov. 16 for decorations. Sec. By W. Sharp. Carried.

Minutes passed as read.     Thomas Field.

Minutes of the committee. Nov. 21st. 95.

Moved by W.A. Sharp that 3 prizes be given for best decoration of the cycles taking part in the procession. 1st prize £1, 2nd 10s., 3rd. 5s. To be confined to the Athletic Cycle Club and co-operative members. Seconded by J. Garley. Carried.

Moved by Z. Newell that we do not entertain Mr. Adnitt’s suggestion in regard to having 2000 hand bills circulated with No.3 stores lithographed on them. Sec. E. Parker. Carried.

The draft of the sub-committee for the large bills was submitted for approval to the full committee which was discussed at some length and passed with a few alterations, it was proposed by J. Garley, that the order of the procession be struck out.  Sec. by Z. Newell on a vote being taken 8 voted for the proposition and 9 for it remaining as it was. The proposition was therefore lost.

Moved by J. Garley that we have 200 large posters printed as early as possible. Seconded by Z. Newell. Carried.

Agreed that the sub committee and C. Betts should look over the decorations at Mr. Lack’s on Saturday evening at 6.o’clock.

Meeting adjourned until Thursday Nov. 28th. 8pm.   

Minutes passed as read. Thomas Field.

Minutes of Committee meeting Nov. 28th.

Moved by W. Wright that we engage Mr. F. Betts to decorate the mottoes 3 across the road at No.1, 2 & 3 stores and the front of No.3 stores.  Sec. by E. Brown. Carried.

Moved by J. Newell that we order from no.1. baker, scones and buns to the amount of £2.  Sec. by J. Garley. Carried.

Mr. J. Garley. Volunteers to make tea at the Army Barracks assisted by W. A. Sharp, also W. Ladds at Wesleyan Schools, assisted by E. Brown and Z. Newell. Offers accepted.

Moved by J. Spencer that we apply for 18 small urns from Baptist chapel and 8 from Coffee Tavern. Mrs. Ladds, Mrs. Scroxton & Mrs. Underwood to make the applications.  Sec. by W. Wright. Carried.

Moved by J. Spencer that we order for the tea: 200 loaves, 200 lbs of sugar, 25 of tea and 20 jars of jam & marmalade. Sec. by Z. Newell. Carried.

Moved by J. Spencer that W. Wright instruct G. Willmott to supply 20 galls of new milk for the tea. Sec. by E. Brown. Carried.

Meeting adjourned until Dec. 2nd 8 o’clock.

Minutes of the Demonstration committee Dec. 2nd. 95.

Moved by G. Parker that the streamers from the Manchester Wholesale Society be distributed in different parts of Rushden.  Seconded by J. Garley.   Carried.

Moved by J. Garley that the Miller’s men have a shilling more that usual for taking flour round in procession.  Sec. by G. Parker.  Carried.

Moved by E. Bettles that the committee meet at 8 o’clock Wednesday morning. Sec. by J. Garley.  Carried.

Thomas Field.

Demonstration committee meeting Dec. 7th. 95.

The committee met to receive the money for tea tickets sold and return of unsold tickets, after which money was expended for work done and loss of time, then the meeting was adjourned until Monday Dec. 16th. 95, 8 o’clock. The Secretary to pay the bills and prepare a balance sheet in the meantime. 

Thomas Field.

Minutes of the Committee Dec 16th 1895.

Moved by J. Garley that 10/- be given Mr. Lack for hire of crockery. Sec. by W. Wright.  Carried.

Moved by W. Wright that we grant £1 each to Wesleylan School fund and Salvation Army fund, for the use of them for the tea.  Sec by W.A. Sharp. Carried.

Moved by C. Betts that Z. Newell and G. Spencer audit the demonstration accounts.  Sec. by E. Bettles. Carried.

Moved by Mrs. Bettles that the demonstration committee have a supper and the committee of management be invited.  Sec. by J. Garley. Carried.

Suggested that we have the supper Friday night (Christmas week) and Mrs. Field, Mrs. Garley and Mrs. Sharp together with three of the committee of management make the necessary arrangements. Mr. Ladds, Mr. Wright and Mr. Spencer were appointed from the management committee to work in conjunction with the demonstration committee.

Demonstration Accounts

NRO Ref: RICS box
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