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Congregational Church
Roll of Honour

The Rushden Echo, 10th September 1915, transcribed by Gill Hollis

Roll of Honour

The “Rushden Congregational Church Magazine” has the following:-

The list of those who are serving their King and Country is steadily growing and the following table has been compiled with the object of recognising our esteem for those who have joined the forces. All the following have been connected with either the Church or the Sunday school:-

Bishton, Pte. J., Bedford Regt. (now in the Mediterranean).

Cater, Pte. H., Bedford Regt. (Wounded several times and now in England).

Elliott, Sergt. E. C. Royal Engineers.

Gibbs, Corpl. A., 1st Northants, (Wounded at Neuve Chapelle).

Gibbs, Pte. W., 1st Northants, (Killed at Neuve Chapelle).

King, Pte. H., Suffolk Regt.

King, Pte. W., Suffolk Regt.

Percival, Pte. W., Ambulance Transport Worker.

Perkins, Signaller H. S., Bedford Regt. (At the front).

Sargent, Pte. L., Northants Regt.

Spavins, Pte. Walter, Canadian Contingent, (At the front).

Tew, Pte. L., Northants Regt.

Underwood, Pte. J., Ambulance Transport Worker.

Waller, Horace, Royal Naval Air Service.

Note:- This List is probably incomplete. Would any reader having knowledge of other persons who should be on kindly communicate with the secretary of the Church?

Rushden Echo, 21st July 1916, transcribed by Kay Collins

Roll of Honour
A special service was held in the Congregational Church on Sunday evening for the unveiling of the Church’s Roll of Honour. The pulpit was draped with two large Union Jacks and the Roll of Honour, which was placed in front of the pulpit, was veiled with a smaller Union Jack. Red, white and blue flowers were also arranged at one side of the pulpit. The minister, the Rev. E. F. Walker, preached a powerful sermon, taking for his text the words "A voice crying, Prepare ye in the wilderness the way of the Lord." He said that the records of history showed many "wildernesses" for different people. Much good might have come out of all these times of crisis if only the people had prepared the way of the Lord and made straight His pathway. In the present crisis Europe was in a wilderness of sorrow and bloodshed. He could see how much good might come out of it if the people would only prepare the way of the Lord. To do that they must clear away obstacles from the road along which God would come to them. One of the obstacles that would have to be removed was despair. It had been said that God could forgive anything but despair, for despair showed weakness and loss of faith. The sorrow of losing those near and dear to us was hard to bear, but sorrow need not go hand in hand with despair. It was just at such times as this that our faith in God was tested. If we despaired, and thus had no faith in God, we could not expect God to help us. Another obstacle to be put away was self-pity. Self-pity was hard to conquer. It was selfishness under the cloak of sadness, and it crept into our lives at all points. In the names of those heroes at the front he appealed to the people at home to prepare the way of the Lord and clear those obstacles out of His way. Then, and only then, would a great deal of good come out of this great crisis.—There were about 50 names on the Roll of Honour and the minister read these out, several being deceased. There was a very good congregation.

We have no further information - if you can help or have a picture showing
the Roll of Honour, we'd be grateful to hear from you, please.

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