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Salvation Amy - New Hall?
The Barracks
The Queen Street Citadel built in 1888
1927 - 1947
The Hall plan
This photograph shows how narrow the road was in 1927 and no footpath!
The plan (right) shows the area to be demolished for widening in 1947.
It also shows that the back of the building had been partly removed perhaps for the widening in 1927.

The Rushden Echo Friday June 10th 1927, transcribed by Susan Manton

New Salvation Army Hall at Rushden
Negotiations for Buildings and Sites
Latest Crossroads a Danger

Rushden’s great improvement – the opening of Rectory Road, having become so near an accomplished fact, is now under general discussion. Debate on the new danger spot (between the Salvation Army Hall and the Co-operative Society’s Shop) took place at the meeting of the Council on Wednesday. The point was made that pedestrians walking down Queen Street past the Salvation Army premises are exposed to great danger from vehicles making use of the road in the direction of the station. Both pedestrians and vehicles meet within a few inches of each other.

Rumour has been fairly insistent lately that premises which will become vacant before long have been acquired for the Rushden Salvation Army. We are officially informed that there is nothing known locally of a definite move like that being completed. On the other hand sites for a new building have been suggested by the interested parties, the Salvation Army members favouring any one of the three sites which have so far not been built on and are fairly central. Negotiations are still in progress.

Even when the Salvation Army are provided with a new place and the road at that point has been made, there still remains the “bottle-neck” at the Rectory cottages, scarcely wide enough for other than one-way traffic. It may be necessary to adopt stringent regulations for traffic making use of the road crossing Queen Street, such, for example, as making it compulsory for all traffic drivers to bring their vehicles to an actual stop at the point each side before crossing. This is done in many Canadian and American towns, the “slow” warning having proved “useless” because what constitutes “slow” was left to the drivers to decide. Certainly a special warning lamp will be necessary for the dark night, for the guidance of traffic drivers across Queen Street.

Scouts - so was the front of the hall remodelled after the 1927 widening?
note the lean-to hut at the side

The Rushden Echo and Argus, 2nd December 1949, transcribed by Gill Hollis

Old Citadel Demolished
Demolition workers were to-day removing the last few bricks from the old building in Queen Street which for years was the centre of Salvationism in Rushden.

Although their work will mean the elimination of one of the greatest traffic danger spots in the town and pave the way for the smartening up of Rectory Road which has been mentioned in the “one way street” scheme for the town’s artery many older Rushden people will view the change with regret.

The Queen Street Citadel, an oblong brick building, was recently bought by Rushden Urban Council as part of the Rectory Road improvement scheme. Its demolition was made possible by the fact that in the last two years, the Rushden Corps of the Salvation Army have acquired the spacious well-built new headquarters in Church Street which in previous years was the Congregational Church.

The Old Citadel, jutting out into the road at a blind corner has meant a slowing up of Rectory Road traffic for many years, and as the East side of the town grew in importance, the spot became more and more dangerous.

Commented Major W. Price of the Salvation Army: “It was only the other day when we marched past with the band, that I said that the old building must be a reservoir of sacred memories for many. Although we are far better placed to-day many of the older people will feel a tinge of sorrow at the thought of its end.”

But Mr. Alexander Millar, Rushden’s Surveyor, is a man who is more concerned with the future than the past. “It will mean that we shall be able to have a full-width of road,” he told us. “It will mean that traffic will be able to go up that part of Rectory Road both ways and make the spot less dangerous.”

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