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Rushden Argus, 1st May 1914, transcribed by Kay Collins
Golden Wedding of Mr & Mrs J Horrell
Married Fifty Years
Mr. and Mrs. Horrell Mr & Mrs J Horrell, celebrated their golden wedding on Tuesday last, having been married at the Parish Church, Higham Ferrers, on the 28th day of April, 1864. Coming to Raunds the year following that of his marriage, Mr. Horrell was for a quarter of a century the confidential clerk and general manager of the well-known firm of Messrs. W. Nichols and Sons, boot and shoe manufacturers and Government contractors. At the close of that period, in 1889, he commenced business on his own account, and from that time has been the head of a very successful business, which, is now carried on in the name of John Horrell and Son, his only son, Mr. J. C. Horrell, having been admitted into partnership on the occasion of his marriage at Christmas, 1897.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Horrell have been conspicuous for their loyalty and devotion to the Methodist Church. Not only has Mr. Horrell held practically every office open to a layman in circuit Methodism, but both he and Mrs. Horrell have a long record of service in the Sunday school behind them, and both have been successful leaders of Methodist Society Mr. Horreil is still in harness, both as a leader and Sunday school superintendent, and Mrs. Horrell only retired a few years ago, when the total loss of her sight rendered such a course inevitable. The bright and cheerful spirit that she has manifested under this heavy affliction has been a benediction to her many friends who have been brought into contact with her in these trying years, and the workers in the Raunds Wesleyan Church are always conscious of the fact that although physical infirmity explains her absence from many meetings in which she delighted to take part in the years that have gone, she is still with them in her sympathy and thoughts. Notwithstanding her affliction, Mrs. Horrell still delights to take the part of a Methodist hostess, and visiting ministers and friends are ever assured of a hearty welcome at Mrs Horrell’s. We wish for them a happy eventide of life, and trust that they may be long spared to continue to serve the town and church of their choice.

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