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Borough Shoes

1947 Outing - Invitation card

Rushden Echo & Argus, 6th February 1948, transcribed by Kay Collins

150 Were at Staff Party
Like a large, happy family, the staff of Borough Shoes, Higham Ferrers, got together for a "New Year" party at the Parish Rooms on Friday.

An attractive feature of the entertainment was provided by their popular managing director and his wife (Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Norman), who, as well as acting as hosts, proved their versatility on the stage.

Mr. Norman was at the piano, and with his wife—a soprano—got the biggest applause of the evening.

There were about 150 present and the evening was mainly occupied with old-time and modern dancing to the music of Vic Riches' Band.

The stage entertainment followed refreshments served under the direction of Mrs. A. Neville.

Mr. Arthur Lines, of Northampton, with a lively song and humorous tales, kept things moving at a fast pace. Mr. and Mrs. Norman made their biggest hit with a medley of popular songs.

Among those present were the Mayor and Mayoress (Coun. and Mrs. F. G. Felce), the Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayoress (Coun. and Mrs. A. C. A. Colton), Ald. and Miss Walker, the Rev. and Mrs. J. Wainwright Utley, the Rev. H. S. Hoar, Mr. and Mrs. Norrie Norman, Mr. N. Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Higho, Mrs. Alfred Sudborough, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Groocock, of Rothwell, and Mr. and Mrs. John Gammidge, of Finedon.

Mr. C. Norman thanked all for the part they had played in the past 12 months, and had a word of welcome for the Mayor, Mayoress and guests. The Mayor replied.

card for the outing menu
This card tells us there were seven coaches of staff on the trip,
4 from Higham and 3 from Shoreditch, on Saturday 3rd July.

Lunch at 1.15 and High Tea at 5.15 would be served at
Davey's Embassy Restaurant at Clacton-on-Sea.

right: Menu card and message from the Directors

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