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Irchester - News Snippets

The Northampton Mercury, 22nd April 1771, transcribed by Kay Collins

On Saturday the 13th inst. A Fire broke out in a Malt Kiln, belonging to Mr Dickins, at Irchester, near Wellingborough, which entirely consumed the Building, Stock, &c., but was happily prevented from spreading farther.

Northampton Mercury, 12th October 1878 p3

A mile from Chester House, a quantity of Roman pottery &c. was found in one of the iron pits: several handsome shaped water pots, almost intact, two of them large and capable of holding a gallon. Also the lower jaw of a human head, the teeth in a remarkably fine state of preservation, taken near the same diggings.

Hundreds of people have visited the Chester excavations.

Wellingborough News, 12th August 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

WOLLASTON STARS v. IRCHESTER—The return match was played on Saturday, on the ground of the Irchester club. The game was decided on the first innings in favour of the Star club by 74 to 61. W. Lucy made 15 runs, and A. Hurbst defended his wicket for nearly two hours. The Irchester team had the assistance of some players from Rushden, but failed to reach the Wollaston score.

Wellingborough News, 16th June 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

WILLIAMS-GRETTON-On the 10th inst at the Register Office, Wellingborough, Charles Williams to Elizabeth Gretton, both of Irchester.

Wellingborough News, 18th October 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

A Fox at Knuston Lodge—Early on Wednesday morning a fox paid a visit to Knuston Lodge, the residence of Mr. J. Austin, and killed six out of a brood of nine full grown turkeys which were accidentally left out all night. This is not the first time Mr. Austin has suffered loss in a similar manner the Lodge being isolated and adjacent to several fox coverts.

Wellingborough News, 2nd February 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

Irchester - The storm—The oldest inhabitants of this village cannot remember the wind to have blown with greater fury, nor the rain to have descended with greater violence than was experienced last Saturday night. Several substantial brick and slated cottages were thoroughly penetrated by the rain. The water ran down the walls inside and streamed about the floors. Beds and furniture had to be removed and other apartments sought for the night. One of the Irchester carriers was afraid to venture home with the cart, and left it by the way till the next morning.

Wellingborough News, 1st March 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

IRCHESTER, SHROVE TUESDAY—A correspondent writes:—Shrove Tuesday was celebrated as in olden times. The pancake bell was rung, giving a zest to the delicious dish. Some of us older people can recollect the bell being rung when we used to get scolded by our mothers for tossing the pancake out of the frying pan into the fire. It seemed like old times come again. A number of the farm labourers had a holiday given them to enjoy the day. On Ash Wednesday two services were held at the parish church; at the evening service the Rev. H. H. Slater preached a very appropriate sermon.

Wellingborough News, 29th March 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

PARISH MEETING—On Thursday evening, March 20th, a meeting was held in the Parochial Schoolroom, for the appointment of officers for the ensuing year. Messrs. Austin and Fortescue, were re-elected as guardians; Messrs. Eady and Parsons were nominated as overseers; and Mr. Turnell chosen as way warden.

Wellingborough News, 13th May 1887, transcribed by Kay Collins

IRCHESTER - ACCIDENT—A rather serious accident happened here on Tuesday morning. As a lad named Felix Bond was going along the street with an iron roller, belonging to Mr. Turnell, the horse started on furiously. The lad hung upon the horse, trying to stop it, till someone, seeing his perilous position, shouted "Let go." The boy took the hint and sprang away, but in doing so he fell and dislocated his shoulder. He had a very narrow escape from being crushed to death. As the horse proceeded up the street it ran against the raised causeway and broke the roller, which it is supposed led to the horse stopping. The lad was taken to the Northampton Infirmary.

Wellingborough News, 8th August 1890, transcribed by Kay Collins

A SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR—Mr. J. C. Eady of the Grange, took first prize at the Cambridgeshire show, held at Cambridge on Thursday, with his excellent pen of sheep.

Wellingborough & Kettering News31/10/1890, transcribed by Peter Brown

The Shoe Trade — A deputation from the Raunds Branch of the Rivetters and Finishers’ Union, consisting of Messrs. W. Cobley, F. Abbott, and J. W. Clark, visited Irchester on Monday last to assist Mr. D. Stanton, of Northampton, in forming a branch of the Union for that place. The meeting, which was well attended, was presided over by Mr. Thomas Coles. The Chairman opened the proceedings in a brief speech, and was followed by Mr. W. Cobley who gave reasons why a branch of the Union should be formed at Irchester, and how it happened that the Raunds branch had been called upon to assist Mr. Stanton at the meeting. Mr. Stanton then addressed the meeting at considerable length, explanatory of the principles and objects of the Union. A number of questions were asked and satisfactorily answered by Mr. Stanton. The enrolment of members was next proceeded with and a good number joined. The officers elected to act pro tem were Mr. Slater, secretary, and Mr. Spencer George, treasurer.

Wellingborough News, 14th December 1894, transcribed by Kay Collins

EMPLOYEES' GATHERING—On Saturday evening Mr. J. Letts, shoe manufacturer, invited his employees and the men employed in the erection of his new house, which is just completed, to a capital meat tea in his factory. About 40 sat down. After tea melody was indulged in, and at the close hearty thanks were passed to Mr. Letts for his kindness.

Rushden Echo, 11th January 1901

Invalided HomePrivate Geo. Sparkes, of the Northampton Militia, who has just been sent home from the front on account of his health, is at present staying with his grandmother, at Irchester.

Wellingborough News, 12th September 1902, transcribed by Kay Collins

QUOITS—On Saturday the quoit team of the Working Men's Club visited Wollaston in connection with the Higham Ferrers and District League. The home team won by 146 points to 107.

THE NEW VICAR—We understand that the Rev. Mr. Carr, a Lincolnshire clergyman, has accepted the living of Irchester. Mr. Carr, who is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Thomas, the widow of the late vicar, commences his duties in October.

FAREWELL TO A WORKMATE—The employees of Mr. E. Parsons, baker and butcher, experienced a pleasant departure from the turmoil of every-day work on Wednesday week, when they had a supper and social evening to bid adieu to one of the workmen, Mr. Charles Saxby, who has been engaged by the firm as a butcher for a period of eight years, and is about to follow a similar occupation in South Africa. About fifty were present at the gathering, which was exceedingly enjoyable. Mr. E. Parsons occupied the chair, and others present were Mr. J. E. Parsons. Dr. Baker, Mr. Baker, and Mr. S. Eade, of Farndish. After the supper a little speech-making ensued, when the health of the guest of the evening was heartily drunk, and Mr. E. Parsons wished him every success. During the evening several vocal contributions were rendered by Mr. E. Saxby, Mr. W. Tucker, Mr. G. Saxby, Mr. F. Smith, Mr. H. Bond, and Mr. E. Parsons. Mr. Saxby sails with the best wishes of his comrades, and it is their earnest hope that he may have a successful career.

Rushden Echo, 1st January 1909, transcribed by Kay Collins

The 177 Pensioners in the Rushden Old Age Pension District, including Rushden, Irchester, Wollaston, Newton Bromswold, and Higham Park, will receive pensions amounting to £2,262 4s a year.

Rushden Echo, 9th July 1909, transcribed by Kay Collins

Remarkable Death at Irchester - Drinking Sewage Leads to Typhoid
The Wellingborough Rural District Council on Wednesday received a report concerning a case of typhoid that had occurred at Irchester.

The victim, who had died, was, it was said, one of several females who had been working at some osier beds near Wellingborough sewage farm, and who had drunk water from the brook into which the effluent runs. All the females had been ill. One was still lying in a very critical condition.

Replying to a question, Mr. G. Bayes, the Sanitary Inspector, said the only thing to prevent any recurrence was to post notices warning people against drinking the water.

The officer of the Wellingborough Urban Council in whose district the stream is situated is to do this.

The Rushden Echo, 5th November 1909, transcribed by Kay Collins

Third Prize at the Wellingborough Band Club fur and feather show on Saturday in the members’ and affiliated members classes (poultry section) for Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks, or Orpingtons, was taken by C Norris, Irchester. He also took first prize for carrier dragoon, pouter or Antwerp. J. H. Percival, of Irchester, won third prize in the "any other variety'' class.

Rushden Echo, 10th November 1911, transcribed by Kay Collins

Hinwick – An Awkward Predicament—Mr. Clayson, of Harrold, who was driving on Sunday afternoon last to Irchester to conduct services at the Baptist Chapel there had an unpleasant experience between Hinwick and Farndish. The gale had blown down a tree, which lay right across the road, so that the trap could not get past. There was no time for Mr. Clayson to drive to Irchester by way of Wymington and Rushden, so he sent his companion with the trap via Rushden while he himself walked to Irchester across country. Meanwhile word was sent to the Podington policeman, who took steps to have the tree removed.

Rushden Echo, 8th September 1911 transcribed by Peter Brown

W M C - Mr J. S. George has been appointed steward and manager at the Irchester Working Men's Club.

NEW DOCTOR—Mr J. E. Gadd, M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P., has purchased Dr Ardagh's practice at Irchester. At the meeting of the Wellingborough Board of Guardians on Wednesday Dr Gadd was appointed Medical Officer for the Irchester district.

A GIRL in the Irchester Cottage Home, Frances Goodfellow, aged 13, has won first prize for needlework, open to all England, offered by "The Teacher's Aid."

Rushden Echo, 5th April 1912

Lace PillowMr. W. Desborough, of Rushden, has this week make a pillow for lace making for Mrs. Riddle of Irchester, who is an old age pensioner.

Rushden Argus, 27th September 1912

Irchester - Mr. J. E. Parsons’ farm has been selected for the ploughing and hedge-cutting competition with the Northamptonshire Agricultural Society on October 17th.

Rushden Echo May 8th 1914, transcribed by Kay Collins

Housing Problem at Irchester - Should Rushden do the Building?
Rural District Council’s Views
Irchester’s housing problem was again dealt with by the Wellingboro’ Rural District Council at their meeting on Wednesday, when the Clerk gave particulars of the proposed answers to the queries made by the Local Government Board with reference to housing in the district.

To the question whether any houses were required the Clerk suggested the Council state that Irchester required 20 six-roomed houses.

Mr Dunkley asked if it was not a fact that many people who lived at Irchester worked at Rushden. If so, he did not see why the Rural Disctrict Council should provide housing for

Rushden People
Mr J C Turner (Irchester) said that Rushden was as badly off for houses as Irchester.

Mr Dunkley said his question was: Would there be enough house accommodation in Irchester if the Rushden workers lived in Rushden? If so, he did not see why the Rural District Council should do work which the Rushden Urban Council should perform.

Mr Turner said that the people who worked at Rushden were Irchester people, and were bound to go out of the village to work.

Mr Tomkins asked if it was the Irchester Parish Council that recommended 20 houses or only the sub-committee, but the information was not forthcoming. He suggested that this particular question be left over until a reply had been received from the Parish Council. He hoped the Rural District Council would not build houses.

It was eventually decided, on the proposition of Mr Turner, seconded by Mr E Parsons, to fill in the form as suggested by the Clerk.

Rushden Echo, 4th June 1915, transcribed by Kay Collins

Diphtheria—The Medical Officer to the Rural District Council reported to the meeting on Wednesday that a case of diphtheria had occurred at Irchester among the military. In two cases at Irchester the Sanitary Inspector had been interfered with in disinfecting houses. The Clerk stated that people were responsible for disinfecting their houses, and were liable to a penalty of 10/0 a day so long as it was not performed. The Sanitary Inspector did it on behalf of the Council because he had the apparatus. It was decided that the Clerk should write to the people concerned, informing them of this. With reference to the case of diphtheria it was considered that the men might be billeted in better quarters.

Rushden Echo, 15th September 1916, transcribed by Peter Brown

Irchester - Primitive Methodist Church—The harvest festival was held on Sunday, when sermons were preached by Mr J. A. Raithby, of Rushton. On Monday there was a tea, followed by a service of song by the Wellingborough Choir, entitled "Reaping the whirlwind.” Mr J. Mason presided. On Tuesday the sale of fruit, vegetables, etc., took place. The proceeds were for the chapel funds.

Rushden Echo, 12th January 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins

One case of diphtheria at Irchester and five at Wollaston were reported at the Rural District Council on Wednesday.

Rushden Echo, April 27th 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins

Irchester - Overseers—Messrs. J. A. Kemshead, Geo. Bowen, C. Berrill, and H. Warner have been re-elected.

Rushden Echo, 9th November 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins

The Farm occupied by Mr. J. Ashwell (part of the Arkwright Knuston estate) has been purchased by Messrs. Willmott Brothers, farmers, dairymen, etc., of Rushden and Knuston.

Rushden Echo, 12th July 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins

Irchester—The first batch of flax gatherers, consisting of about 20 young ladies, have taken up their quarters in readiness for gathering the flax, which starts in a few days. Some 300 more are expected next week. The catering has been secured by Messrs. E. Parsons and Son Ltd.

Rushden Echo, 7th January 1921, transcribed by Kay Collins

HOUSING—At a meeting of the Irchester parish Council on Wednesday the architect reported that the Rural District Council had that day accepted tenders for the erection of 18 houses at Irchester and eight at Little Irchester.

Rushden Echo, 23rd February 1923, transcribed by Kay Collins

Staff-Sergt. Prigmore and Pte. W Burgess, of the Rushden St. John Ambulance Division, attended the funeral of the late Mr Walden at Irchester on Monday. Deceased was sergeant in the Irchester St. John Ambulance Division.

Rushden Echo, August 24th 1923, transcribed by Kay Collins

Cricket—On Saturday Wellingborough Brotherhood played Irchester second eleven, and were beaten by three runs, the scores being 67 – 64. The umpire was accidentally knocked down and rendered unconscious, and had to be carried off the field.

Rushden Echo, January 4th 1924


Industrial and Provident Co-operative Society Ltd.

Tenders are invited for the Building of Six Houses on the
Society’s “Pioneer Estate,” Wollaston-rd., Irchester.

Plans and Specifications will be forwarded on receipt of application.
Closing date for tenders, January 19th, 1924.

Apply: E. A. Taylor,
Managing Secretary.

Rushden Echo, 5th September 1924

Irchester - The funeral took place yesterday week of the late Mr Thomas Robinson, aged 78, one of the church bell ringers. The Vicar officiated.

Rushden Echo, 6th March 1925, transcribed by Kay Collins

Six Years’ perfect attendance and good conduct at the Council School by Florrie Brown were rewarded by the presentation to her of a book entitled “The House of Surprises” at the Education Committee’s meeting on Thursday last week. The chairman (Mr J A Kemshead) made the presentation on behalf of the School Managers.

Rushden Echo, 31st July 1925, transcribed by Kay Collins

Irchester—Another Victoria has been registered by Irchester’s well-known boxer, Young Salisbury, who defeated Austin O’Connor, of Leicester, on points over 15 rounds yesterday week at Hinkley.

A Senior Scholarship of £10 a year and a bursary of £40 a year, tenable at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, have been granted by the Northants Education Committee to Herbert L Crook, of Irchester (Wellingborough School).

The Irchester Sports Club is taking over Irchester United F.C. so that the team can continue in the Wellingborough and District Football League, and applied to the annual meeting of the league on Monday for financial assistance. It was decided to grant this by organising a competition, and Rushden Town, Irthlingborough, and Wellingborough Town promised to do something to help.

Rushden Echo, 26th February 1926, transcribed by Kay Collins

Eight in a Bedroom at Irchester - Inspector’s Report to Rural Council
Electric Lighting Scheme to Go Forward
A very serious case of overcrowding at Irchester was reported to the Wellingborough Rural District Council meeting on Wednesday by Mr George Bayes (Rushden), the Sanitary Inspector.

Mr Bayes said that in a house in high-street the father, mother, and six children, including a boy of 15 and a girl of 14, slept in one small bedroom. It was a nuisance and was injurious to health. He suggested that this case be considered when the next applications for Council houses were granted.

It was decided to ask the family to secure alternative sleeping accommodation for the boy.

Electric Lighting at Irchester
The Clerk reported a letter from the Parish Council on the question of electric lighting for the new Irchester houses. The Ministry of Health had considered the estimate of the Rushden Electric Light Company too high, but the Parish Council, at their last meeting, resolved that it was reasonable.

Mr J A Kemshead and Mr L Parsons supported the Parish Council’s view, Mr Parsons stating that the idea was to install electric fittings for lighting, but use gas for cooking purposes.

Mr C H Tomkins suggested that only half the houses be fitted with electric light.

It was eventually decided that the scheme should be proceeded with.

The Rushden Argus, 3rd August 1928, transcribed by Kay Collins

Parish Council—A report was considered by the Water Committee of the Irchester Parish Council on Wednesday evening, when the committee expressed much satisfaction at the progress made by the engineers of the Rushden Water Board and the Wellingboro’ R.D.C., as they are now informed that there is no shortage of water in any part of the parish at the present time. Mr L Parsons was in the chair.

Rushden Echo & Argus, 27th July 1934, transcribed by Kay Collins

Nuisances at Irchester - Effects of the Drought Revealed
A nuisance caused by the lack of rain brought to the notice of the Parish Council on Wednesday evening.

The Sanitary Inspector, Mr. George reported a nuisance from a manhole near the infant schools, which had been rectified. He also stated that the sewer in Farndish-road had been the subject of complaints, and asked that it be flushed.

Mr. Bayes was instructed to have the sewer flushed and to take the water from the well near the War Memorial for the purpose.

The librarian's report showed that 102 books had been issued to 32 borrowers during the month.

L. Parsons was in the chair, supported by Messrs. C. Fisher, G. S. Rivers, W. Townsend, E. A. Taylor, W. Horn, H. Warner, A. G. Brown, J. Brown, J. E. Reesby, T. Saxby, W. Kitchins, S. Warner, and F. F. Parsons.

Rushden Echo and Argus, 27th April 1945, transcribed by Peter Brown

50 Years Work Recognised

Twenty guineas has been presented to Mr John Prentice, Clerk to Irchester Parish Council, in recognition of fifty years service in that office.

He thanked the Council for their generosity at the annual meeting of the Council on Wednesday evening. This useful gift was in addition to a dinner given in honour of Mr. Prentice during March.

Mr F Dunmore was re-elected chairman of the Council and Mr W Horn was re-elected vice-chairman.

Present: Couns F Dunmore (chairman), W Horne (vice-chairman), T H Denton, A Bagshaw, J Hardwick, C S Spencer, B Clark, P Edwards,  F W Webb, E Ritchens, H J  Sanders, S Warner, T Saxby, J Brown and F F Parsons.

Rushden Echo & Argus, 5th November 1954, transcribed by Kay Collins

Gipsy Lane may soon have its own shop
RESIDENTS of Gipsy Lane, Irchester—who have to walk nearly half a mile to the nearest shop—may soon be able to buy goods almost on their own doorsteps.

Mr. C. L. Hanwell, Wellingborough Rural Council surveyor, said this week that the idea of a general shop at the corner of Gipsy Lane and Wollaston Road had been approved by the council.

 Unidentified Newsclip - see more about Bob Whitworth

Rushden Echo, 25th September 1964

Band practice permission

Permission for the reading room of Irchester Library High Street, to be for band practice—but not performances—has been given by Wellingborough Rural Council. Conditions are that the use of the building for band practice shall cease on or before July 31 next year, and that practice shall be limited to between 6.0pm and 9.0pm on not more than two evenings a week, excluding Sundays.

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