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Northampton Infirmary - Fund Raising

Wellingborough & Kettering News, August 14th, 1880, transcribed by Kay Collins

NORTHAMPTON INFIRMARY—Somewhat later than usual the annual house to house collection on behalf of the Northampton Infirmary, has just been completed, the total amount collected being £234s. 11d. In accordance with a circular previously issued by the Local Committee, £9 9s. was forwarded to the Infirmary direct, the balance, £13 10s. 11d., after deducting 5s. for printing, being sent to the Hospital Week Committee. The practice adopted at Rushden of reserving a portion of the amount for the purpose of obtaining letters of admission to the Infirmary, adds considerable force to the annual appeal, the letters thus obtained being issued in the names of the Chairman and Secretary of the Rushden Club and Reading Rooms.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, April 23rd, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

BAZAAR—A few little girls of this village, wishing to do something to assist the Northampton Infirmary, set to work and made a number of fancy and useful articles, collected wild flowers, primroses, &c., which they made into bouquets, and on Wednesday afternoon they held a bazaar in the Temperance Hall, and charged one penny each admission to the committee-room of the Temperance Hall, which was tastily decorated for the occasion. The result was that £3 was realised for the benefit of the Infirmary. The following were the stall holders : Misses E. Claridge, E. Munns, S. Warren, A. Ward, E. Crick, J. Pashler, and E. Jaques.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, October 8th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

INFIRMARY FUND—For several years it has been customary to make a house to house collection in Rushden on behalf of the Northampton Infirmary, supplemented by collections at the shoe manufactories. For this purpose the parish is divided into two districts, willing helpers being always readily found to undertake the collection. Part of the money thus collected is forwarded through the Hospital Week Committee, and part is used to obtain letters of admission to the Infirmary, the letters thus obtained being issued in the names of the President and Secretary for the time being of the Rushden Reading Room. The annual collection, which this year is much later than usual, has just been made, the total sum realised being £23 8s. 6d. Deducting 6s. 6d. for printing, the only expense, there remained a balance of £23 2s. of which amount £12 12s. has been sent to the Infirmary as an annual subscription, and £10 10s. to the Hospital Week Committee.

Wellingborough News, 10th June 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

LITTLE FOLKS BAZAARS—On Tuesday the second annual bazaar got up by a few little girls of Rushden in aid of Northampton Infirmary was held at the New Hall, which was kindly lent them, and a very interesting sale took place. The following are the names of the workers, Misses S. Warren, C. Crick, E. Claridge, E. Jacques, A. Robinson, E. Sargent, E. Mackness, R. and A. Vorley, E. Green, B. Skinner, B. Fisher, E. Miller, E. Warren, and J. Jacques.— Also on the same day a similar bazaar got up by little misses was held in the National School. This was preceded by a tea at which about 100 were present. The proceeds of this bazaar and tea were towards the restoration fund. The following were the workers and stall keepers: Misses M. Packwood, E. Hodby, E. Millard, E. Denton, G. Perkins, E. Munns, L. Cox, M. and H. Sykes, S. and A. Lewis, L. Tassell, J. Pashler, E. Bird, and F. Percival, assisted by a few teachers and friends.

Wellingborough News, 13th May 1887, transcribed by Kay Collins

NORTHAMPTON INFIRMARY: A SUGGESTION FROM RUSHDEN—At a quarterly meeting of the Governors of the Infirmary held on Saturday last, Mr. James Trench read a letter from Mr. Coulson, the secretary of the Hospital Week Committee in Rushden, asking (1) how many extra beds would be required; (2) the estimated cost per bed; (3) the amount required for the endowment of a bed; and (4) could a bed be reserved for the use of the parish of Rushden if sufficient money were provided.—The Secretary stated that the cost of a bed was about £45, and to endow a bed such a sum would have to be invested as would produce £45 per year.—A discussion took place as to whether it would be advisable to allow beds to be reserved for the use of particular places.—Dr. Buzzard saw no objection to permitting particular beds to be called after particular places; and such beds could be used for cases from the places which supposed them; but of course the beds so supported could not be set apart exclusively for those places, and the Surgeons and physicians of the Institute would have to keep control.—This was the view generally taken.—Mr. Trench gave notice that he would introduce the matter and move a resolution at the next quarterly meeting.

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