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Court Reports - Higham Ferrers

This is not a comprehensive list, merely reports
found whilst trawling the papers for other items.

Wellingborough News, 27th May 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

POLICE—On Monday, before Mr. J. Higgins (mayor), and Mr. J. Crew. The following were charged by Sergt. Martin with having in their possession unjust weights and measures:—Thos. Eady, fined 10s., costs 8s.; Alfred Sanderson, fined 13s. including costs; Francis Sainsbury, fined 5s. costs 8s.; and John Seamark, £1, costs 8s.

Wellingborough News, 22nd July 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

Wellingborough Police Court - Friday, July 22.
Before Mr. Spencer Pratt (in the chair), Mr. N. P. Sharman, and Mr. C. J. K. Woolston.

DAMAGING WHEAT AT HIGHAM FERRERSGeo. Bolton and Frederick Lawrance, respectable looking boys, were charged with damaging growing wheat at Higham Ferrers. There is a footpath through the field leading from Irthlingborough to Rushden, and the defendants were found by P.S. Martin and P.S. Webster, rolling about in the wheat 40 or 50 yards from the path. Mr. Flintham spoke to them about the damage, although not wishing to press the case, and the boys were severely admonished, and ordered to pay a fine of 1s., and 9s. 6d. damages and expenses.

Wellingborough News, 11th November 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

Wellingborough Police Court. Friday, Nov. 10th.
Before Mr. Spencer Pratt, Mr. C. J. K. Woolston, and Lieut.-Col. Rawlins.

ASSAULT AT CHELVESTONWilliam Jeyes, of Higham, was summoned for assaulting Mr. Withers, landlord of "Fitzwilliam Arms," Chelveston, in February last. After the assault defendant left the neighbourhood, and has only recently returned. The evidence showed that defendant challenged a man named Spicer to fight, and on the landlord interfering struck him. Fined £1 and £1 7s. 6d. costs, or a month's imprisonment.

Wellingborough News, 13th January 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

The usual monthly sitting of this Court was held on Monday last. Most of the unsettled plaints were disposed of before the arrival of the Judge and the Registrar (Mr. O. H. Burnham), the disputed cases only occupying the Court a few minutes.
The following plaints were heard by his Honour (Mr. W. H. Cooke, Q.C.):—

THE MAYOR AND CORPORATION OF HIGHAM FERRERS v. LUKE ROBINSON clicker, Higham Ferrers —Plaintiffs, for whom Mr. C. H. Simpson appeared, sued defendant for the recovery of possession of a cottage at that place.— The cottage in question was let by the Corporation to Mr. W. Lamb, living in the same town, who had sub-let the tenement to the defendant, whose wife appeared and pleaded that the reason possession was not given up, was because they could not obtain another cottage.— His Honour pointed out that the action should have been brought against Lamb and the defendant conjointly, and amending the claim, he gave judgment against them, possession to be given up in 28 days.

SAME, v. GILBERT CHURCH, shoemaker, Higham Ferrers.—This was a similar claim, Mr. Simpson again appearing for the plaintiffs. The only defence appeared to be defendant's alleged inability to obtain another house.—His Honour gave judgement, possession to be given up in 28 days; and also 15s. 4d., rent of the cottage, due from the 4th Dec. to the 8th Jan.

Wellingborough News, 27th January 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

POLICE—On Thursday morning, before Mr. E. B. Randall (mayor) a lad named Alfred Shelton was charged with stealing a diamond, the property of his brother. The lad offered the diamond in pledge at Wellingborough, and the pawnbroker called in the police, who charged him with stealing the same. He was sentenced to one day's imprisonment, and was at once released.

Wellingborough News, 3rd February 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

HIGHAM FERRERS MAGISTERIAL—On Monday last, before Mr. E. B. Randall (Mayor), and Mr. J. Crewe.
William Gillam, living at Higham, was brought up in custody, charged with being drunk in the street, on the 28th inst. The charge was proved by P.S. Martin, who said that prisoner was very abusive in the lock-up. Sentenced to pay a fine of 5s. and costs 6s. or 7 days.—Arthur Pruden, and William Elstow, (the latter of whom did not appear), were also summoned by P.S. Martin for being drunk and disorderly. P.S. Martin deposed that on Saturday evening, about half-past ten he saw a number of people near the Swan, and as he approached he heard some one say "Go in, go in." Directly after he heard someone say "Pick them up." He went to them and saw both the men on the ground. They got up and put themselves in a fighting attitude. He then went between them and told them to leave off, when they desisted. Pruden said he admitted being drunk, but he had great provocation for being riotous. He was going home quietly, when someone hailed him back. He, thinking it was his brother, went back, when he received a blow, which he returned as well as he could. Fined 5s. and 9s. costs, or 14 days. A warrant was issued against Elstow.

Rushden Echo May 22nd 1914, transcribed by Kay Collins

Wellingborough Police Court
This day (Friday) Before Messrs. A. H. Sartoris, E. Parsons, T. Patenall, J. Claridge, J. B. Whitworth and E. M. Nunneley.

For playing football in the street William Hales, Arthur Boxall, Albert Knight and Chas. Patterson, Higham Ferrers, were ordered to pay 5/0 costs between them.

Rushden Echo May 12th 1916, transcribed by Kay Collins

Higham Ferrers Police Court
Monday, before the Mayor (Ald. T Patenall) and Ald. Owen Parker

Lighting Order
Henry J Gadd, hairdresser, Market-square, was fined 6s under the Lighting Restrictions Order. P.C. Powell said there were no blinds drawn in a back-room window, and the light was shining through.

Charles Cox, who resided at the W.M.C., of which his son is caretaker, was fined 10/0. P.C. Powell said that the kitchen lights were shining down the yard, and some skylights were all showing. Defendant had been previously warned.

John Holyoak, hairdresser, High-street, was fined 6/0. The bedroom blinds, according to P.C. Powell, were not drawn, and the light was showing.

Wellingborough News, 10th March 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

Wellingborough County Court
Monday, March 5—Before W. H. Cooke, Q.C.

WM. J. LAMB, Higham Ferrers, v. JOHN BRAFIELD. This was an account dating back to 1879 for bread and flour. Defendant denied that he owed the amount, and said he had been paying cash for his purchases long since the day named. Plaintiff having admitted this, his Honour said that that being so he should give judgment for defendant, as no honest man would be safe if tradesmen, after a number of cash transactions could send in a claim four or five years old upon an old account.

WM. J. LAMB, Higham Ferrers, v. LUKE ROBINSON. This was a claim for the rent of a cottage. In reply to Mr. Heygate, who defended, plaintiff said he rented the cottage up to Michaelmas last from the Corporation of Higham at £3 10s. a year, and sublet it to the defendant for 2s. 6d. a week. His tenancy under the Corporation expired last Michaelmas, but he should pay rent up to the present time. His Honour said he hardly saw how plaintiff could make his claim unless he had actually paid the rent to the Corporation. Plaintiff thereupon paid the amount of the rent to Mr. C. H. Simpson, who happened to be in Court. Mr. Heygate then raised a legal point as to the tenancy, but this was overruled by his Honour, who gave judgment for plaintiff with costs; payment 4s. per month.

Wellingborough News, 24th March 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

HIGHAM FERRERS MAGISTERIAL—On Friday last before the Mayor, (Mr. E. B. Randall), and Mr. J. Crew, William Elston was charged with being drunk and riotous in the streets of this borough on Jan 13th. The facts were stated by P.S. Martin. Fined 10s. and £1 costs, or in default one month's imprisonment.

Wellingborough News, 12th May 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

The monthly sitting of this Court took place on Monday last, the undefended cases being disposed of by Mr. G. H. Burnham, the registrar of the Court, and the following cases by his Honour, Mr. W. H. Cooke, Q.C.;—

E. SHELTON v. G. GROOME both of Higham— Mr. Willan Jackson for the defendant. Plaintiff claimed 10s. 6d., three days' work in the hay-field, at 2s. a day, 1s. 6d. for cutting a grape vine, and the balance for killing beast. Plaintiff stated that defendant had taken his son's business, and subsequent to this he (plaintiff) had rendered him the services named in the claim. Defendant was to pay him in meat, but he had since put his son in the County Court for the meat so supplied. Under these circumstances he brought the present claim. Defendant denied any agreement to pay the plaintiff, and said that whatever he did after the business changed hands was done voluntarily. His Honour said it seemed pretty plain from the plaintiff's own statement that these had gratuitous services, but when something had happened which he didn't like he tried to convert them into a debt. Judgment for defendant.

Wellingborough News, 7th July 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

MAGISTERIAL—On Monday last, before Mr. E. B. Randall (mayor), and Mr. J. Crew, George Perkins and R. Crop, of Rushden Hill, were charged with creating a breach of the peace by fighting in the borough on the 25th ult., and J. Cox for aiding and abetting the same. The charge was proved by Mr. Flintham, and the defendants were each fined 5s. and costs.
DRUNKENNESS—On Wednesday last, before Mr. E. B. Randall, Mayor, Thomas Sparks, of Irchester, was charged with being drunk in the borough, at two o'clock in the morning. The charge was proved by P.C. Onan. Defendant was fined 5s. and 5s. costs.

Wellingborough News, 8th September 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

MAGISTERIAL—On Monday Thomas Flawn, beer retailer, was summoned for Belling beer on his premises on Sunday morning, the 19th ult., he having only an off license.—P.C. Onan, stationed at Higham Ferrers, said on Sunday morning, the 19th ult. He was secreted watching defendant's house and about a quarter after eleven he saw two men named Richard Horn and George Groome go towards the house. He followed, and there found Wm. Flawn, Wm. Flawn's wife, G. Flawn, Wm Keech, Richard Horn, and G. Groome in the kitchen. He asked Wm. Flawn how he accounted for the men being there. G. Flawn said he was a distant relation, Groome said he went to show Flawn same cucumbers, Horn said he was a friend of Groome's, and went in with him, and Keech was a lodger. At that time there were on the table three pint jugs, four glasses, and one half-pint mug; all the jugs and glasses had beer in, and the mug had porter in. He asked Flawn how he accounted for the beer, to which he replied that they were all friends, and he asked them to have a glass of beer. They had not paid for a drop. The men all said that was right. He had had great complaints about the house. The constable was cross-examined by Mr. Gaches, of Peterborough, who appeared for the defence, but he failed to shake his evidence. Mr. Gaches contended there was no case to answer, as the prosecution had neither proved the sale nor consumption of the beer. He said the magistrates must be reasonably Sure that money passed, but here was Keech the lodger, and Horn and Groome friends, and G. Flawn a relative, and there was nothing to prevent a man entertaining his friends. The Bench suggested that Mr. Gaches call witnesses, and Martha Flawn, the wife of Wm. Flawn, said that on the 19th ult., when the policeman came in, her husband and Keech were having their lunch. They always had beer with their lunch on Sunday morning. They gave Keech some for taking the cows down. G. Flawn often came in on Sunday morning, as he was a relative of her husband's, and Horn and Groome came to show them the cucumbers. Neither Horn nor the others asked for beer. Her husband asked Groome to have some. The mug on the table she had had diet drink in for her lunch. The policeman might have taken that for porter. Cross-examined by Supt. Bailie, she said Keech had beef-steak for lunch, and her husband bread and cheese. Accounting for the jugs she said one contained water she was cooking with; and the other two beer for her husband and Keech, and one of the glasses was a spruce glass in which Thomas Flawn had had some ginger-ale before they went to chapel, and the mug contained the herb beer she had been drinking. Some of the glasses she had brought out of the other room to wash up, as they had been used over-night. G. Flawn was called, and generally confirmed Mr. Flawn's statement. He did not know, however what Flawn and Keech were eating. He believed bread and cheese. He did not see any meat. They concluded the evidence, and the magistrates reserved their decision until the next Petty Seesions.—This being the annual licensing session, the police had given notice of opposing the license of Flawn but the hearing of the objection was adjourned until the next session. There being no objection in any other license, they were all renewed.

Wellingborough News, 3rd November 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

Serious Charge of Stealing Corn at Higham Ferrers
ON Monday last, before Mr. E. B. Randall (Mayor), and Mr. J. Crew, Geo. Spencer, labourer, Irthlingborough, and Joseph Ager, Rushden, were charged with stealing corn, the property of Mr. Henry Clark.

P.C. Onan deposed that on the 25th at about one o'clock, he went to prosecutor's rick-yard at the back of the Green Dragon, where he saw the prisoner Spencer going towards the Green Dragon. He asked him where he was going, and the prisoner replied to fetch some beer for dinner. He then asked him what he had done with the corn he took from Mr. Clark's barn that morning. Prisoner denied taking, or having seen any corn taken away. Witness then took him into custody, when he said he would tell the truth, he had taken two lots of stuff for the pigeons, but no corn. Prisoner then took him and showed him the place where he set the stuff, inside Mrs. Goodfellow's back door, under the stairs. Witness tried the door, which was locked. He said that was where he set it. There were two empty bags outside, and prisoner said they were what he took it in. Witness called the attention of Mrs. Goodfellow to the matter, when she denied all knowledge of it. She gave him seven bushels of tailing corn, and three sacks, which were now at his house.

P.S. Webster said he was on duty at Higham Ferrers, on October 25th, when Spencer was apprehended. He made enquiries about the corn, and from what he heard he apprehended Ager on the 26th, and charged him with stealing corn with Spencer. He replied that he knew nothing about any corn. He didn't take any away, but he helped Spencer put some in a sack, and he (Spencer) took it away and brought some beer back, and he (Ager) helped him to drink it. He never gave him any money, and he never asked him to give him any. Ager said he did not tell the officer he helped to put it in the sack. What he (Ager) took he put on the grass.

Henry Clark, farmer, deposed that the prisoners were employed by him up to the time they were apprehended. On Oct. 25th the police showed him some tailing corn and three sacks. The sacks were his, and the corn was similar to what was in his barn. He never gave either of the prisoners any authority to dispose of the corn.

The case was not carried further, Superintendent Bailie asking for a remand. The prisoners were remanded to Monday next, bail being accepted for Ager. A summons was taken out against Mrs. Goodfellow, for receiving the corn, knowing it to have been stolen, to be heard at the same time.

Wellingborough News, 2nd February 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

MAGISTERIAL— On Thursday, before Mr. Crew (mayor), and Mr. E. B. Randall, W. Smith was charged with embezzling leather. George Robert Cade, wagoner to Mr. Chown, said that on the 3rd January, Smith asked him if he was going to Irthlingborough, as he had a parcel he wanted to send, and he asked witness if he would take it. Witness agreed to do so, and Smith brought a bag with something in it, but what witness could not say. Witness took it with him, and left it at the shop at the top of the hill at Irthlingborough. Smith told him to take it to Maddison's and he forgot the name, and took it to Mr. Spencer's, where he left it. — P. S. Elias Brown said that about 9 a.m. on the 4th January he went to Mr. Spencer's warehouse, and Mr. Spencer gave him the bag now produced containing leather. He weighed it, and found it weighed 30lbs. He saw the last witness, and from what he showed it to different manufacturers. Mr. Shelton identified 3lb. or 4lb., and Mr. Jolley 7lb. or 8lb. of the leather. He then went to Smith and asked him if he sold or sent any leather away on the previous day or at any time. He said, "No," but corrected himself and said he had sent a few pounds the previous evening by Cade, the miller, to Mr. Maddison. He asked him if he had sent any away to Maddison before. He said "No," but afterwards said he had sent 6lb. or 7lb. about a month ago. The leather was that produced. Mr. Philip Shelton said that on the 4th January the policeman showed him a bag of leather, and he identified some heel pieces and stiffeners as Mr. G. Shelton's property. There was no mark on the leather, but he could swear to the knives. Mr. C. Jolley said that on the 4th January the police brought a bag containing leather, and he identified some as the property of his firm. The stiffeners, piece soles, and lifts were the property of their firm. Witness, in answer to the Bench, said the leather that was not identified was such leather as would be given out to be made up. Defendant, in his defence, stated he had no idea he was doing wrong, as none of the leather he bought was stamped. He was seventy years of age, and he was trying to get an honest living by mending shoes, and as he could not buy just the quantity he wanted, he had a place to sell what he did not want to use. He bought odd pieces of the shoemakers, not wishing either to violate the laws of God, or injure his neighbour. The two prosecutors asked the Bench to deal leniently with the case on account of defendant's age, and as they thought he was not aware he was doing wrong. He was fined £2, and 12s. 6d. costs.

Wellingborough & Kettering News 12/04/1889, transcribed by Peter Brown

Monday, April 8th.—Before Mr. Spencer Pratt and Mr. E. B. Randall.

DAMAGING A FENCEErnest Gadsby was charged with damaging a fence, the property of Geo. Wyman — The charge was proved by P.C. Elliott, who stated that he saw defendant get on the fence, and break it down.—Defendant denied, getting on the fence. He said he got hold of the stakes, but did not get on the fence. Defendant called his father, who said he went and examined the fence, but could not see that any damage had been done. He further said the field of Mr Wyman's had been used as a recreation ground and no notice had been given that the public might not use, the field.—Prosecutor said he might do the field up every day, for if he did it up one day it was broken down the next.—Defendant was fined 1s., damage 6d., and costs 6s. 6d.

SCHOOL ATTENDANCE CASEOwen Cox was summoned for neglecting to send his son Edward. James Sargent proved the case stating that the possible attendances were 408, and the boy had not attended at all. He was seven years old last October.—Fined with costs 4s.

Wellingborough & Kettering News 03/05/1889, transcribed by Peter Brown

ALLEGED ROBBERY—On returning from church on Sunday evening Mr. Richard Flintham states he found his cash box had been broken open and £5 taken. He gave information to the police, who made enquiries but failed to obtain any clue outside the house. The doors and windows were securely fastened, and no trace of any one having entered, the case remains rather mysterious, as not only were the outer doors locked, but also the cupboard in which the box was kept.

Wellingborough & Kettering News 03/05/1889, transcribed by Peter Brown

Higham Ferrers Petty Sessions
Monday, May 13th 1889 Before Mr. G. Wyman (Mayor), and Mr. E. B. Randall.

SWINE FEVERCharles Norman was charged with having pigs affected with swine fever on the 31st of March, and not reporting the same with all speed.—P.C. W. Elliott stated that on the morning of the 6th ult. Mr. Norman reported he had three pigs bad. He visited defendant's premises, and saw three pigs alive, and one dead, in a stye. Defendant informed witness that he purchased eleven pigs on the 18th of March, of which he had sold five, one had died on the 3rd, and another on the 5th of April, which he buried, and one that morning. Witness called his attention to the colour of the pigs, as they were very much discoloured, and asked him how it was he had not reported them. He replied that he did not know what was the matter with them; he thought it was a bad cold.—Mr. B. B. Aris, veterinary inspector, said he visited Mr. Norman's premises on the 6th of April, and saw three live pigs and one dead pig in a stye at the back of his house. He examined the dead one carefully, and found it had died of swine fever. He again visited the place on the 12th April, when the three he saw alive on the 6th were dead. He told Mr. Norman that it was swine fever, and advised that the pigs be kept clean.—P.C. Elliott, re-called, said Norman told him on the 6th April that he noticed the pigs would not eat on the 31st March.-Defendant pleaded ignorance of the disease, as he had never had pigs with it before, and he thought it was only a cold.—Fined £1, and 18s. 6d. costs

Wellingborough & Kettering News 21/06/1889, transcribed by Peter Brown

DESERTING A WIFE AND FAMILY—On Thursday a currier named Thomas Bailey was charged before Messrs. G. Wyman and E. B. Randall with deserting his wife and family, whereby they became chargeable to the funds of the Wellingborough Union. The case was proved by Relieving Officer Turner, and prisoner was sentenced to one month's hard labour.

Wellingborough & Kettering News 12/07/1889, transcribed by Peter Brown

Magisterial—On Monday morning, before Mr. G. Wyman (Mayor) and Mr. E.B. Randall, Thos. Brown was summoned for allowing three horses to stray on the highway unattended, on the 26th ult., in the borough. The case was proved by PC Elliott, and the defendant was fined 2s. 6d. and costs 6s. 6d.

Wellingborough & Kettering News 18/10/1889, transcribed by Peter Brown

Magisterial—On Tuesday last. Wm. Mawby, licensed hawker, was brought up, before Messrs. G. Wyman and E. B. Randall, and charged with allowing his horse and van to stand in the street longer than was necessary, on the 23rd August last. Fined 7s.and costs.—The same defendant, with Hannnah Nutt, was charged with assaulting P.C. Elliott, on the same date. The policeman asked the prisoner Mawby to take his van on, when he became very abusive and assaulted the constable, who was about to apprehend him, when the female prisoner went to his assistance, and they both got away and drove off. The charge was proved P.S. Onan, P.C. Elliott, and Geo. Warren. Mawby was fined for this offence £2 and 19s. 7d. costs, and Nutt was fined £3 and 18s. 6d. costs, or one month each. The money was paid.

Wellingborough & Kettering News 17/01/1890, transcribed by Peter Brown

DRUNKENNESS—On Monday, before Mr. C. Parker, Mayor, and Mr. G. Wyman, Robinson Bigley of Irthlingborough, pleaded guilty to being drunk in the Borough on Dec. 26th. The facts were stated by P.C. Elliott, and defendant was let off on paying the costs 9s. 4d.

Wellingborough & Kettering News 14/02/1890, transcribed by Peter Brown

MAGISTERIAL—Mr. J. Affleck, "Green Dragon” applied for an extra hour on Monday night on the occasion of the annual dinner of the Higham Ferrers and District Association for the Prosecution of Felons.

Wellingborough & Kettering News 14/03/1890, transcribed by Peter Brown

Keeping a Dog Without a License — Before Mr. C. Parker (Mayor) and Mr. G. Wyman. Thos. Brown, carter, was charged by Mr. Skinner, supervisor, with keeping a dog without a license on the 30th December last.—The prosecutor called attention to the section of the Act under which the information was laid, and by that section any person having a dog on his premises was deemed the owner until the contrary was proved. He then called Mr. Murphy, excise officer, Stanwick, who deposed that he found two dogs on defendant's premises on the 30th Dec. last. He asked him if they were his, and he said one was, and the other belonged to Mr. Warren, butcher. He then went to Mr. Warren, who denied the ownership of the dog, saying he only had one dog and one license. Witness then returned to defendant and told him what Warren said, when he told him the dog belonged to his brother at Stanwick, who had an exemption paper for it. Witness then saw defendant's brother, who said the dog did not belong to him, as he gave it to defendant last April. He then again saw Brown, who told him the dog belonged to Warren. Witness then took out the summons.—In defence, Brown said his brother wanted a dog 12 months last December, and he lent him the one in question, and in April last he returned it. Warren told him he wanted one as he had so much work, and he had two licenses and only one dog, and he should like it. When it came from Stanwick he took it direct to Warren. In answer to his Worship, he said the dog belonged to him.—The Mayor said there was no doubt he had been let into the hole by Warren, but as the dog belonged to him they must fine him 7s. 6d. and 6s. 6d. costs.

Wellingborough & Kettering News 23/05/1890, transcribed by Peter Brown

MAGISTERIAL—On Wednesday morning, before Mr. C. Parker (Mayor) and Mr. Geo. Wyman.— John Reynolds, a shoe-hand, was charged with embezzling six pairs of boots, the property of Messrs. Johnson, Jolly, and Co., given to him to finish.—Prisoner was sentenced to two months' hard labour.—The charge was proved by Mr. C. Jolly.

Wellingborough & Kettering News 03/10/1890, transcribed by Peter Brown

Higham Ferrers Petty Sessions—On Monday last, before Mr. J. Crew and Mr. G. Wyman, John Brown, blacksmith, Rushden, was charged with stealing a pipe and a pouch containing tobacco at Higham, on Saturday. J. W. Cooper was the prosecutor, and from his evidence it appeared that he gave Brown a ride to Higham in his furniture van. Prisoner agreed to help unload the van, and at night prosecutor missed his pipe and pouch from his coat pocket. Brown pleaded guilty, and was fined 10s. and 14s. 8d. costs.

Wellingborough News, 19th December 1890, transcribed by Kay Collins

STEALING A COAT—On Monday, before Messrs. C. Jolley (Mayor), and C. Parker, a tramping conjuror, giving the name of Charles Brown, was charged with stealing a coat, value 17s. 6d., from outside the shop of Joseph Anstey, draper, of Higham Ferrers, on the 11th inst.—Joseph Anstey deposed that on the morning of the 11th he placed five overcoats outside his shop, and at 6 o’clock in the evening he missed one of them. He gave information to the police, and the coat produced was the one he lost.—Samuel Ager, an engine driver, living at Irthlingborough, said he went into the Bull Inn at Irthlingborough about half-past seven on the evening of the 11th inst., and prisoner was there singing a song. He afterwards sold his coat to witness for 9s., having offered it to several other people, none of whom would give more. He took the coat home, and after he had gone to bed the police called him up, and asked him if he had bought a coat that evening. He said he had, and showed them the coat, which they took away.—P.C. Elliott said from information he received he went to Irthlingborough on the 11th inst., and went to the last witness, who gave him the coat produced. He found prisoner, and told him he was suspected of stealing the coat, when he said he knew nothing about it. He had not seen it before. He then took him into custody.—Prisoner elected to be summarily dealt with, and asked for leniency, as he had never been in such a case before. He could get a good living, and he would never do such a thing again.—He was sentenced to one month's hard labour.

Wellingborough & Kettering News 10/04/1891, transcribed by Peter Brown

Higham Ferrers - Magisterial — On Monday last before Mr. C. Jolley (Mayor, in the chair), and Mr. C. Parker, George Thompson was fined 10s. and 7s. 6d. costs for carrying a gun without a license. — Arthur Darlow was summoned by Mr. S. J. Joll, for breaking a window, doing damage to the amount of 6s. It was stated that the parties had arranged to settle the matter on defendant paying the damage, and this the bench allowed.

Wellingborough News, 28th December 1894, transcribed by Kay Collins

MAGISTERIAL—On Monday Dec. 24th, before the Mayor (Mr. T. M. Coleman) and ex-Mayor (Mr. W. Spong).—Charles Bollard, labourer, of Irthlingborough, was charged with having on the 24th inst. stolen one hayrake, value 6d., the property of Mr. E. B. Randall, J.P. After hearing the evidence of P.C. Slaughter, in consequence of the weak intellect of the prisoner the prosecutor asked the Magistrates to allow the charge to be withdrawn, and this was allowed.

Rushden Argus Newsclip 14th April 1899

Without a LicenceRobert Parker, shoe hand, Higham Ferrers, was summoned for keeping a dog without a licence on March 14th—P.C. Slaughter stated the facts of the case, but the defendant denied the offence, saying that the dog did not come into his possession until March 20th. He paid a deposit.—Fined 15s. and costs. Robert Parker - Pardoned 1905

14 March 1902 - Northampton Mercury

Borough Petty Sessions, Monday, before Mr. O. Parker (Mayor, the chair), Mr. T. Patenall (ex-Mayor), and Mr. F. Knight (Rushden).—Affiliation: Edith Elizabeth Baxter v. Jonah Bettles, married man, both of Higham Ferrers.

18 April 1902 - Northampton Mercury

George Pasilow, Higham Ferrers, coal dealer, was summoned for a breach of the Weights and Measures Act. Thomas Mattison, of Kettering, Inspector of Weights and Measures, prosecuted, and said defendant was selling coal in small quantities without a machine required by the Act. Fined 10s. and 6s. costs.

Rushden Echo, 14th February 1908, transcribed by Kay Collins

Higham Ferrers Police Court - Monday
Before the Mayor (Mr Owen Parker) and the Deputy-Mayor (Ald. Patenall).

Obscene Language
Edward Westley, shoehand, Rushden, was charged on an adjourned summons with using obscene language at Higham on December 14. The case had been adjourned for further evidence to be produced.

P.C. Powell repeated the evidence he gave at the previous court, and in reply to the Bench, said defendant was the worse for drink at the time.

Defendant: Then you ought to have charged me with that.

Witness: I didn’t do so because a friend took you away.

Matthew Horsfield said he was at Mr Mumford’s fish shop on Dec. 14 and there was a disturbance between defendant and another man. Defendant was assisted outside and used very bad language afterwards.

Frederick Waterfield gave corroborative evidence.

Frank Mobbs called by the defendant, said he did not hear any obscene language used.

In cross-examination, witness said he did not remember swearing at the last court that defendant did not use bad language. He thought he said he did not hear it.

The Mayor (to the witness): Whenever you are called to give evidence in a police-court again, have some regard for the truth, or you may find yourself in a serious position. If you did not tell a falsehood, you wished to mislead the bench.

Defendant, in reply to the Mayor, said: I am sorry I did use such words, but I really don’t think I did use them. I can’t recollect using any such words.

Fined 15/- and costs, 27/- in all.

The Bread Act
Roland Saxby, baker, was summoned for selling bread without being provided with scales at Higham on Jan 27, and admitted the offence.

Thos Mattinson, Inspector, stated the case, and a fine of 10/- and costs was imposed.

The Higham Ferrers Co-operative Society were summoned for a similar offence on an 25, and were fined 10/- and costs.

No Exemption
Charles Brown, Higham, applied for an exemption from taking our a dog licence on the ground that he kept his dog to tend his cattle.

Supt. Onan objected on the ground that the applicant had only three acres of land and no cattle.

Applicant said he had cattle.

P.C. Powell said applicant had two bullocks and a pony.

The application was refused.

Rushden Echo, 24th January 1908, transcribed by Kay Collins

Sacrilege at Higham Ferrers – Robbery at the Parish Church
Some time during Sunday afternoon, the Parish Church at Higham was entered by a thief or thieves and some priceless old lace was stolen from the communion table and an offertory-box was broken open.

The lace was presented to the church just before Christmas by Miss Simpson, of Chelveston, and was very valuable. It was of great age and of considerable beauty. Its length was nearly three yards and its depth about four inches.

At the morning service the lace was in its place on the communion table, but in the evening it was missed. It was thought, however, that it had been temporarily moved to some other place in the church, so that no apprehensions were felt, as to its safety. Inquiries on Monday showed that no one connected with the church knew anything about the lace, and when it was discovered that an offertory-box in the chancel had been broken open it was realised that thieves had been at work.

Information was given to the police and bills were got out describing the lace and offering a reward of £10 for information leading to the conviction of the thief.

Man Arrested
A man has been detained by the police at Leighton Buzzard on suspicion of being concerned in the robbery at Higham Ferrers Church last Sunday, and witnesses from Higham Ferrers have proceeded to Leighton to see if they can identify him.

Rushden Echo, 14th February 1908, transcribed by Kay Collins

Sacrilege at Higham Ferrers
An Old Offender – Four Years’ Penal Servitude
At Northants Assizes on Saturday, George Vernon (58), tailor, was indicted for sacrilege at St Mary’s Church, Higham Ferrers, on January 19th, and with having stolen therefrom two yards 35 inches of Italian braid lace, valued at £10, and 1/7 in money, the property of the churchwardens of the parish.

Prisoner pleaded guilty
Mr Attenborough prosecuted, and said the act was not one of violence, as prisoner walked into the church as an ordinary member of the public by lifting the latch, the church not having been locked up. He was noticed in the church and left there by one of the churchwardens about three o’clock. He appeared to have cut off the lace which surrounded the altar cloth and to have broken open one of the offertory boxes. He sent the lace to a Mr Rippen, in London, who bought it for 15s. He was taken into custody later on, and was identified, and had since given information which had enables the police to recover the lace. Mr Rippen, who bought the lace, said he had bought lace from prisoner on six or seven occasions, but always by post. Several photographs, which he believed were of foreign churches, were found on prisoner, and also various articles to help him in his trade. Prisoner had just come out of prison after having served 18 months for a similar offence at Salisbury.

There were eight convictions against prisoner, including one for stealing lace and another for stealing a crucifix.

Prisoner was sentenced to four years’ penal servitude.

Rushden Echo, 12th June 1914, transcribed by Gill Hollis

Rushden Police Court

Tuesday, before Mr. F. Knight and Mr. J. S. Clipson.

Horrible Language

William Chapman, tramp, an elderly man, was charged with using obscene language at Rushden.

Thomas Horn, of Higham Ferrers, said he was in Hayway on Monday afternoon. Prisoner, after asking the way to Wellingborough, began to abuse him and used horrible language. He also used bad language to a female.

Emily Burton, of Westfields, Higham Ferrers, said that the prisoner used very bad language to her.

Fined £1/1/0 and 6/- cost, or a month’s imprisonment.

“Workhouse Ain’t So Nice”

John J. Kelly, aged 83, a native of Northampton, was charged with being drunk at Rushden.

P.C. Sharman said that on Monday he saw prisoner sitting on the pavement in High-street. He told prisoner to go away, but the man could not get up. Witness, with the assistance of P.C. Norton, took prisoner to the police-station.

Inspector Bailey said there were 22 convictions on record against prisoner during the last 12 years, including drunkenness, indecent exposure, and sleeping out.

Mr. Knight: Why don’t you stop in the workhouse?

Prisoner: The workhouse ain’t such a nice place.

Fined 10s. or seven days in gaol.

Rushden Echo, 12th January 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins

Higham Ferrers Police Court – Monday
Before the Mayor (Alderman T Patenall) and Mrs John Claridge

Lighting Restrictions
Anna Dickens, Newton Lodge, Higham Ferrers, was summoned for driving a horse and trap without a lighted lamp attached.

P.C. Powell said he requested defendant to light her lamps, and she drove off. Witness intercepted her, and again told her to light her lamps. She said, “It’s no good. I’ve only one lamp. I’ll light it another time.” She then drove off to her home, a distance of two miles, without lights.

A fine of 15s. was inflicted.

Dog case
Lovell Samuel Mayes, Kennel-row, Higham Ferrers, labourer, was fined 7s. 6d. for having a greater number of dogs than he was licensed to keep.

P.C. Powell said he found defendant had two dogs and one licence. Defendant said he had had one dog two years and the other about ten weeks. Witness had to go to the defendant, as one of the dogs went mad, and had to be shot.

Cycle Light
Frederick Holman, Kennel-row, Higham Ferrers, a mechanic, was fined 6s. for not obscuring his cycle light.

P.C. Powell said defendant told him he had scratched off some of the obscuring substance so that he could see better.

Too Much Light
Frederick Boddington, labourer, Chelveston, was fined 6s. for failing to obscure his bicycle lights at Higham Ferrers on Dec 16th.

Defendant said he thought he had to have a lamp less than 4½inches wide.

P.C. Powell said defendant had not obscured the light at all.

Rushden Echo, 2nd March 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins

County Court Case—Charles Brown, Corporation-terrace, Higham Ferrers, farmer, sued L Mayes, 8, Kennel-row, North End, Higham Ferrers, in the County Court, for £32 balance of account, the principal item of which was £50 in respect of tenant rights. The total original claim was £58 16s., and defendant had paid £32 16s.—Mr J C Wilson appeared for plaintiff, who said he was a tenant of some Duchy land at Higham Ferrers for 27 years, and defendant, who followed him, agreed to pay £50 for tenant rights. Other items of indebtedness were incurred by defendant, who, it was stated, had never repudiated the agreement until the matter was placed in the hands of plaintiff’s solicitors.—Defendant, in his evidence, denied that there was ever any agreement for him to pay £50 for the rights. He thought he had paid quite sufficient for what there was on the land. His Honour gave judgment for plaintiff, with costs.

The Argus, 20th April 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins

Higham Police Court
James Harris, sen., and James Harris, jun., farmers, were summoned for keeping a dog without a licence on March 19th at Higham Ferrers.—P.C. Powell said defendant told him he forgot to send for his exemption for the dog.—Supt. Mcleod said the defendants were entitled to an exemption had they applied, so the Revenue was not defrauded.—The Chairman said owing to previous convictions they would be fined 25s.

Charles Fleming, 29 Wellingborough-road, Higham Ferrers, was summoned for not shading lights.—Defendant said there was some mistake in his name, which was Frederick. His brother Charles had to vote for him as he was not on the register.—The summons was amended to “Frederick” and the defendant was fined 6s.

Rushden Argus, 18th January 1918

At the Police Court on Monday before Ald. T. Patenall (Mayor) and Ald. Owen Parker, O.B.E., Mrs. Mary Ann Priscilla Pruden was summoned for not shading the light of her dwelling-house.—Defendant did not appear.—P.C. Powell said there was only a light blind, partly down.—Fined 6s.

Rushden Echo, 27th December 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins

Fireworks—At Wellingborough on Friday last, Cecil Kilsby, shoehand, of Higham Ferrers, was summoned for letting off fireworks, to the danger of the public, at Rushden on December 11th, and was fined 5s. 6d.

Rushden Echo, 24th June 1921, transcribed by Kay Collins

Rushden Police Court - Before Mr. Fred Knight

Horace Seamarks, an unemployed man, Commercial-street, Higham Ferrers, and Leonard Bishop, Warmonds Hill, Higham Ferrers, were charged with breaking into the Golf Club House, Chelveston-road, during the night of July 1st-2nd, and stealing two bottles of gin, two bottles of whiskey, one bottle of wine, and a quantity of other articles.

Inspector Hobell stated that when he arrested Bishop on Saturday evening last the man was drunk and incapable in Beaconsfield Terrace, Rushden, and he smelt strongly of spirits. On arresting Seamarks a cigarette case and pocket wallet found in his possession at the time of arrest had since been identified as some of the missing property.

Prisoners were taken to Northampton prison under remand until July 7 at 3p.m. at a special Court at Higham Ferrers.

Rushden Echo, 29th August 1924, transcribed by Kay Collins

Higham Ferrers Police Court
Transfer of Licence

A Special Court was held at the Town Hall, Higham Ferrers, on Monday, before the Mayor (Ald. T Patenall) and the Deputy Mayor (Mr Frank Walker).

Mr J Cairns Parker applied for the temporary transfer (until Oct 13th) of the licence of the Queen’s Head, Higham Ferrers, from Harry Ernest Partrick to Joseph Mitchell, of 47 Cromwell-road, Rushden. Mr Parker said that the owners were Messrs Allsop and Son. The testimonials of Mitchell were in the hands of the police, and he understood that they were satisfactory.

Inspector Hankins said that the police were quite satisfied.

The application was granted.

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