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Rushden Echo, 6th July 1923, transcribed by Kay Collins

The scholars attending the Church of England Day School, accompanied by parents and friends, had their annual picnic on Tuesday, this time to the Zoo, Regent’s Park, London. The journey was commenced at 7.15a.m., the party travelling in Mr. H. B. Scroxton’s motor charabanc. Proceeding via Bedford, Luton, and St. Albans, where a halt of 20 minutes was made, the Zoological Gardens were reached about 11a.m. The day was happily spent in and about the numerous houses, and, after tea, many of the adult members of the party ventured a little farther into the City, all meeting for the return journey, which was commenced at 7p.m. This was made via Hatfield and Hitchin where a halt was also made for about 20 minutes, and the happy party arrived home about 11p.m.

1925 Feast Celebrations
Rushden Echo, 22nd July 1927, transcribed by Kay Collins

Newton Bromswold - Outing—Through the kindness of several friends the Choir and Church-workers of the Parish Church had their annual outing on Thursday July 14. The party proceeded to Northey Farm, near Bozeat, where they had tea provided by Mrs Edwards, the kind hostess. An excellent tea was laid out. After tea, although the rain was falling, the members enjoyed the games of cricket and lawn tennis. Later, the party took care again and visited the churches of Emberton and Olney, and spent some time inspecting the treasures of William Cowper’s House and Museum, and then drove home by way of Lavendon, Harrold, and Sharnbrook, and arrived about 9.30, after having spent a happy day in spite of the inclement weather.

Rushden Echo, 22nd June 1928, transcribed by Kay Collins

Newton Bromswold Choir Outing—The Rector (the Rev W H McCleery) and the members of the Church choir, a party of 18 in all, had their annual outing on Thursday afternoon of last week. They journey by charabanc to Bedford and had a pleasant time by the river, at the cinema, etc. Tea was served at the Silver Grill, and at the tables Mr McCleery thanked the choristers for their services during the year. Outlining what their duties were, he said they were much appreciated.

Rushden Echo, 17th July 1931, transcribed by Kay Collins

Newton Bromshold Outing—The members of the choir and friends had their annual outing yesterday week, Ampthill and the Bedfordshire County Show being visited. Mrs. J. Cooper had charge of the arrangements.

Rushden Echo & Argus, 7th July 1933, transcribed by Kay Collins

Outing—On Monday the annual Day School scholars’ outing took place for the fifteenth year in succession, Hunstanton being the chosen spot. The party consisting of children, parents and friends, left the village about 7am, the first halt being made at Wisbech, where light refreshment was partaken of. Continuing the journey, they visited Sandringham, and later arrived at the seaside resort at noon. A very glorious day was spent, and seven full hours enjoyed by the sea. The return journey was commenced about 7pm. A short stay was made at Wisbech and about half an hour spent at Peterborough, the party arriving home about 11pm.

Rushden Echo & Argus, 24th August 1934, transcribed by Kay Collins

School Outing—On Friday the St. Peter's Sunday School scholars had their annual outing to the Wicksteed Park, Kettering. Accompanied by parents and friends, the scholars left the village about 1.30p.m. and despite light showers a very happy time was spent amongst the many amusements. One little chap had an unexpected overhead dip the smaller lake, but was none the worse for his adventure. Mrs. Mills (superintendent) had made admirable arrangements, which included a well provided tea at Barton Seagrave Hall. The happy party left the park at 8.15p.m.

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