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Rushden Mission Band Rules

(as printed on pink pocket card in 1947)

a, That the Band be called “The Mission Band,” it being an organisation of the Rushden Mission Church, its objects being to win men and women to Christ and to extend His Kingdom on Earth.

b, That Officers shalt be elected annually at the Band annual meeting (November) by the members of the Band, viz :-

President, Vice-Presidents, Superintendent, Bandmaster, Treasurer, Steward, and Secretary, who with a Committee of four similarly appointed, shall form an executive for the conduct of the general business of the Band.

c, That the Band’s Superintendent’s duties shall be to have the oversight and direct a proceedings and be responsible t the Church for the observance of all Rules and Regulations.

d, That the Band, through it’s officers and committee, may make rules and revise same from time to time as may be necessary for the efficient and perfect working of the band, and until such rules are made, the following shall operate :-

1. That only members of a Church, or those eligible to become such, can be admitted a member of the Band, and they must profess belief in the Christian religion and willingness to serve in the furtherance of Christ’s Kingdom.

2. That each member of the Band shall give an assurance by signing his name to a document prepared for the purpose, that he has no claim whatever upon any instrument, stand, music or uniform coat and cap held by him belonging to the Band, and will deliver up such instrument, stand, music, or equipment when so requested, to the Committee, or to whom they may appoint.

3. That each member pay an entrance fee (Seniors 16 years and over) of 1/6, and pay a weekly contribution of 3d.: Juniors – an entrance fee of 1/-, and a weekly contribution of 1½d.

4. That any member absenting himself for more than two successive practices will require to give an explanation to the committee.

5. That any injury caused to instruments while in custody of any member, must be reported to the Committee, who may direct the damage to be made good.

6. That the selection and purchase of music to be in the hands of the committee.

7. That the payment of members’ expenses in attending engagements for which a fee is paid to the Band, shall be made by and with the members of the committee.

Rushden Mission Band Rules

Revised 1984

a, That the Band be called “The Mission Band,” it being an organisation of the Rushden Mission Church, its objects being to win men and women to Christ and to extend His Kingdom on Earth.

b, That Officers shall be elected annually at the Band annual meeting (November) by the members of the Band, viz :-

President, Superintendent, Bandmaster, Assistant Bandmaster, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Steward, Librarians (2), Church Leaders (2), plus one other elected member, who shall form an executive for the conduct of the general business of the Band.

c, That the Band’s Superintendent’s duties shall be to have the oversight and direct a proceedings and be responsible to the Church for the observance of all Rules and Regulations.

d, That the Band, through its officers and committee, may make rules and revise same from time to time as may be necessary for the efficient  working of the band, and until such rules are made, the following shall operate :-

1. That persons admitted into membership of the Band are expected to respect the doctrine of the Mission Church when engaged in Band activities, and also be prepared to make themselves available for any evangelistic work the Band may be called upon to perform.

2. That each member of the Band shall give an assurance by signing his name to a document prepared for the purpose, that he or she has no claim whatever upon any instrument, stand, music or uniform held by him or her belonging to the Band, and will deliver up the same when so requested, and that any injury caused to instruments while in the custody of any member, must be reported to the Committee, who may direct the damage to be made good.  

3. That each member pay a weekly subscription. Employed members 20 pence. Unemployed members 10 pence.

4. That any member absenting himself for more than four successive practices will require to give an explanation to the Committee.

5. That the selection and purchase of music to be in the hands of the Committee.

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