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Rushden Echo, 14th September, 1906, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Rushden Urban District Council

Appointment of Sanitary Inspector
The Dust-Laying Experiments
The New Tramway Scheme

  At a meeting of this Council on Wednesday, there were present:- Messrs. T. Swindall (chairman), F. Ballard (vice-chairman), Fred Knight, G. Denton, J. Claridge, A. Mantle, C. Bates, A. J. Dobbs, W. Bazeley, J. Hornsby, J. S. Clipson, with the Clerk (Mr. G. S. Mason) and the Surveyor (Mr. W. B. Madin).

Council in Committee

  A meeting of the whole Council in Committee was held at the Vestry Hall on Wednesday, the 15th August, 1906, when there were present:- Messrs. T. Swindall (chairman), F. Ballard, J. Claridge, G. Denton, A. J. Dobbs, J. S. Clipson, C. Bates, W. Bazeley, J. Hornsby, and F. Knight.

Council Offices

  The Chairman informed the Committee that he thought it desirable that a small Sub-committee should be appointed with whom the Surveyor might consult on various matters arising in connection with the completion and furnishing of the buildings, and the following Committee was accordingly appointed, with power to act:- The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Mr. Claridge.

  It was resolved that the new Offices should be known as the “Council Buildings.”

Standing Orders

  The Committee expressed an opinion that the time had now arrived when the Council should adopt Standing Orders for the conduct of its business, and the following sub-committee was appointed for the purpose of considering and submitting a draft to the Council:- The Chairman, Mr. Denton, and Mr. Claridge.

Russian Duma

  The Chairman submitted a circular letter he had received asking him to obtain signatures to a memorial to the President of the Duma conveying to him a message of sympathy and respect.

  The memorial was signed by the members present.


  A letter was received from Mr. J. W. Ransome, M.I.C.E., stating that he was forming a syndicate for constructing tramways in the Wellingborough district, and asking if this Council would be in favour of same.

  The Committee considered they should be furnished with further particulars before expressing any opinion, and the Clerk was instructed to reply to this effect.

Prevention of Dust

  The Surveyor reported that as instructed he had tarred the surface of the road between Queen Street and George Street with what he considered very satisfactory results; he believed that the tarring of the surface would materially prolong the life of the road.

  The Committee authorised the Surveyor to continue the experiment in the High Street on such portions of the road that he might think desirable.

  Mr. Claridge asked whether the tarring of the High-street had reduced the dust.

  The Surveyor believed it had, but dust blew on the road from other roads.

  Mr. Claridge understood from one tradesman that if anything the dust was rather worse.

  Mr. Bazeley said one tradesman had told him that the tarring of the road had had excellent results so far as the dust was concerned.

  The report was adopted.

Plans, &c., Committee

  A meeting of the Plans, Water, Highways, and Lighting Committee was held at the Vestry Hall on Wednesday, the 29th Aug., 1906, when there were present:- Messrs. T. Swindall (chairman), G. Denton, A. J. Dobbs, A. Mantle, J. S. Clipson, and Fred Knight.


were presented by:-

  Mr. B. Ladds for additions to his house in Moor-road and passed.

  Mr. E. Bramley Moore for house on the Court Estate and passed subject to the drainage arrangements being modified to the satisfaction of the Surveyor.

  The Church wardens of Rushden, amended plan for increasing the size of and bringing forward the porch to the new Church in the Midland-road and passed.

  Mr. W. Smith for w.c. in the yard at the rear of his house and shop in the High-street and rejected as encroaching on the air space of the adjoining property.

Main Roads

  The annual report of the County Surveyor was received.  The following is an extract from the report so far as the roads in the Urban District of Rushden are concerned:-

  The roads in this district continue to be maintained in a high state of efficiency.  The increase in cost per mile shown on page 9 is accounted for by the fact that during the year 1902-3 the expenditure was considerably reduced in view of the expected disturbance of the roads for the new water mains.  This reduced expenditure in one year causes the average for the three years to be a low one, and it will be noticed that the expenditure for the past year is about the same figure as the Wellingborough Urban District.

  Kettering and Higham Ferrers Road – 3m, 5¼f. – In excellent surface and condition.

  Wellingborough and Kimbolton Road – 1m. 4½f. – A very good road, one of the best in the County.

  The Committee congratulated the Surveyor on the very satisfactory nature of the Report.

Mr. Ashby’s Gate

  The Surveyor called the attention of the Committee to the fact that the gate to the villa residence recently erected by Mr. Ashby on the Bedford Road was hung so as to open outwards.

  The Clerk was instructed to call Mr. Ashby’s attention to the matter pointing out that it was contrary to the regulations and requesting him to make the necessary alterations.

Water Works

  It was resolved to at once dismantle the works at Pumping Stations Nos. 2 & 3, and the Clerk was instructed to communicate with the owners informing them thereof and suggesting to them that they should meet the Surveyor on the site with a view to arranging the condition in which the works should be left.

Brook, Bedford Road

  The Surveyor reported that the County Surveyor had again communicated with him requesting to be informed as to what steps the Council proposed to take with regard to the retaining wall near Mr. Asher Abbott’s property.  Having regard to the contemplated improvements at the south end of the town, it was resolved that the Surveyor be instructed to ask the County Surveyor to allow the matter to remain over for six months.

  In reply to Mr. Mantle, the Surveyor said he had received no reply from the County Surveyor with regard to the contemplated improvements at the south end of the town.

  The Chairman thought the Council was to be congratulated on the report of the County Surveyor on the state of the Rushden roads.  Their roads were the best in the county, and he thought great credit was due to the Surveyor.   The report was adopted.

Finance, &c., Committee

  A meeting of the Finance, Estates, Cemetery, and Sanitary Committee was held at the Vestry Hall on Wednesday, the 5th Sept., 1906, when there were present:- Messrs. T. Swindall (chairman), W. Bazeley, C. Bates, J. Claridge, G. H. Skinner, and J. Hornsby.

Surveyor’s Cash Account

  The Committee examined the Surveyor’s cash account with the wages books, the expenditure shown therein being as follows:-




Week ending 2nd Aug., 1906




Week ending 9th Aug., 1906




Week ending 16th Aug., 1906




Week ending 23rd Aug., 1906




Week ending 30th Aug., 1906




Collector’s Accounts

  By the Collector’s accounts produced it appeared that he had during the month collected the following sums:-




General District Rate




Water Rate








Treasurer’s Accounts

  From the Treasurer’s accounts produced it appeared that the following sums had been paid to him during the month:-




Collector, District Rate




Collector, Water Rate




County Council, Main Roads, 1906-7




Collector, Fittings








  And that the following balances were in hand on the undermentioned accounts:-




General Account




Loan Account No. 16




Loan Account No. 18








Tradesmen’s and Other Accounts

  A number of accounts were examined and passed for payment.

Health and Sanitary Reports

  The Medical Officer reported that seven cases of infectious disease had been notified since the last meeting – six of scarlet fever and one of diphtheria.  He had examined two samples of water which had been supplied to him by the Inspector and recommended that the town water should be laid on to the property from which the samples were taken.

  The Sanitary Inspector submitted particulars of the notified cases, all of which he had visited; disinfectants had been supplied and instructions given as to their use.

  The water referred to in the Medical Officer’s report was taken from wells in Robert-street and notices had been posted on the pumps stating that the water must not be used for domestic purposes.  The agent of the property had been informed of the Medical Officer’s recommendation and the town water was now being laid on.

  The Inspector submitted returns of out-door workers received by him from the various factories and workshops in the town during the month of August.


  Damage to trees. – The Caretaker reported that on Thursday, August 24th, he caught two boys, C. Thompson and Jesse Smith, of Crabb-street, committing damage to the hedge; considerable damage to the trees and shrubs had been done lately.

  It was resolved that the Clerk be instructed to request the parents to attend the next meeting of the Committee with the boys named, the Caretaker to be also present.

  Storage of plants. – It was resolved to make similar arrangements for the storage of plants, &c., during the ensuing winter as made last year.

  Caretaker. – The question of Sunday duty of the caretaker was considered with a view to relieving him from attendance during certain hours of the day, and adjourned until the next meeting.

Inspector of Nuisances

  One hundred and two applications for the post of Inspector of Nuisances were received, from which the following four candidates were selected to attend before the whole Council in Committee at a special meeting to be convened at 6.30 p.m. on Wednesday next:-

  Geo. Pollard, 86, Garnet-road, Dewsbury-road, Leeds.

  A H Merryman, 254, Staveley-road, Wolverhampton

  W H Filer, Town Hall, Bedford

  Harry Hunter, Town Hall, Croydon

  In requesting the candidates’ attendance the Clerk was authorised to inform them that the Committee was prepared to pay their third-class travelling expenses and hotel expenses, if any.

  Referring to the question of the storage of plants at the Cemetery, Mr. Bazeley contended that it would be much cheaper for the council to build a glass house and store their own plants.  He believed the present system would be very expensive in the end.

  The Chairman said it was really the matter of expense that weighed with the committee.

  Mr. Denton and Mr. Claridge were both of the opinion that the erection and maintenance of a glass-house would be far more expensive that the present system.

  The report was adopted.

Appointment of Sanitary Inspector

  The candidates for the position of Sanitary Inspector and Waste Water Inspector were interviewed by the Council in committee and the Chairman moved that Mr. Hunter, of Croydon, be appointed.

  Mr. Ballard seconded the motion, which was unanimously agreed to.

Game Licence

  An application was received from Mr. G. Willmott for a game licence, and the application was acceded to.

Steam Fire Engine

  Mr. Bates gave notice that at the next meeting of the Council he would move that the Council purchase a steam fire engine.

  Mr. Dobbs said he wished to ask a question about the Brigade.

  The Chairman said he did not think he could allow that.  Mr. Dobbs could bring the matter before the committee.

  Mr. Dobbs thought he was in order, but he would do as the Chairman suggested.

The Waterworks

  Mr. Bazeley asked if the Chairman of the Water Board would report to the next meeting of the Council on the cost of the waterworks.  They never heard anything beyond what appeared in the papers.  Some people were dissatisfied with the new rates and the regulations, and he thought it was time the public had a little more information.

  Mr. Denton thought nothing could be added at present to what appeared in the papers.  The regulations were at present in the hands of the Local Government Board.

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