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The Rushden Echo, 18th November 1904, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Rushden Urban District Council

At a meeting of this Council on Wednesday night there were present :- Messrs. J. S. Clipson (chairman), T. Swindall (vice-chairman), J. Claridge, G. Denton, A. Mantle, W. H. Wilkins, J. Hornsby, W. Bazeley, F. Ballard, and G. H. Skinner, with the Clerk (Mr. G. S. Mason) and the Surveyor (Mr. W. B. Madin).

Plans &c., Committee

A meeting of the Plans, Water, Highways, and Lighting Committee was held at the Vestry Hall on Wednesday the 19th October 1904, when there were present :- Messrs. J. S. Clipson (chairman), W. Bazeley, C. Bates, G. Denton, A. Mantle, J. Hornsby, G. H. Skinner, and W. H. Wilkins.


were presented by :-

Rev. Dr. Riddle for temporary Church and Presbytery at the corner of the Hayway and Higham Road (amended plan) and passed subject to the cellar being above the sewer level as shown on the drawings.

The County Council for Elementary Schools on the Hayway and passed.

Upper Queen Street

The Surveyor submitted :-

(a) Specification of the Private Street Works proposed to be carried out in this Street.

(b) Estimate of the probable expenses of the works proposed amounting to £340/19/-

(c) A provisional apportionment of such expenses among the premises liable to be charged therewith.

It was resolved that the same be submitted to the Council with a recommendation from the Committee to approve the same.

Main Road Improvements

The Sub-Committee reported that they had now completed their negotiations with the owners of the property on the west side of the street, on satisfactory terms; the owners in question giving up the land required without compensation, the Council carrying out the necessary works and re-building the boundary walls.

It was resolved that the action of the Committee be approved and confirmed and that the Surveyor be instructed to proceed with the work forthwith, commencing at the south end of Mr. C. Barker’s property.

Public Lighting

A letter was received from Mrs. Warner asking for a public lamp to be erected near Beaconsfield Terrace.

Referred to the Lighting Sub-Committee.

Accident To Mr. Robinson

A letter was received from Mr. C. Robinson, of Felmersham, stating that when driving to Rushden on the 8th instant he met with a serious accident, inflicting severe injury on his boy and damaging his pony, cart and harness. Mr. Robinson alleged negligence on behalf of the driver of the steam roller in starting it before his pony had passed, and claimed compensation for the damage done and for medical attendance on the boy.

The Committee were unable to admit any legal liability, but authorised the Clerk to see Mr. Robinson and arrange to make him some compensation for the loss sustained.


The Surveyor was instructed to asphalte the footpath between Griffith-street and Park-place.

Wymington Rectory

A letter was received from the Rev. C. E. Drew complaining of the inadequate supply of water to Wymington Rectory.

The Surveyor informed the Committee that he did everything in his power to give Mr. Drew a full supply and it was quite impossible for him to do more without cutting off the parish of Wymington during some hours of the night, as the town of Rushden was at present cut off.

The Committee authorised the Surveyor to try this experiment and the Clerk was instructed to so inform Mr. Drew.

Water Works

The Surveyor reported that he had received the following estimates from Messrs. Ellis and Everard, Limited, for the supply of coal for the Water Works for the ensuing 12 months :-

Cossall’s best screened nuts, delivered at No. 2 Station, 15/9; delivered at No. 3 Station, 16/0.

Bolsover best hard steam nuts, delivered at No. 2 Station, 19/0; delivered at No. 3 Station, 19/3.

The Committee instructed the Surveyor to obtain coal as required from Messrs. Ellis and Everard at the prices quoted.

The report was adopted.

Finance &c. Committee

A meeting of the Finance, Estates, Cemetery, and Sanitary Committee was held at the Vestry Hall, on Wednesday, the 2nd November, 1904, when there were present :- Messrs. J. S. Clipson (chairman), T. Swindall, W. Bazeley, C. Bates, Geo. Denton, J. Hornsby, F. Ballard, G. H. Skinner, and W. H, Wilkins.

Surveyor’s Cash Account

The Committee examined the Surveyor’s cash account with the wages books, the expenditure shown therein being as follows :-

Week ending 6th Oct. 1904
Week ending 13th Oct. 1904
Week ending 20th Oct 1904
Week ending 27th Oct. 1904

Collector’s Account

By the Collector’s account produced it appeared that during the last month he had collected the following sums on the under mentioned accounts :-

General District Rate
Water Rate

Treasurer’s Accounts

The Treasurer’s accounts were examined from which it appeared that the following sums had been paid to him during the past month by the under mentioned persons on the following accounts :-

Oct 7th J. Sargent, District rate
Oct 8th J. Sargent, District rate
Oct 8th J. Sargent, Water rate
Oct 13th J. Sargent, District rate
Oct 15th J. Sargent, Water rate
Oct 22nd J. Sargent, Water rate
  Wilson, Chimney on fire
  Grohman, Chimney on fire
  Lightstrung Cycle Co., Petrol License
  Chettle, Slaughter House License
Oct 25th J. Sargent, District rate
  Sinclair and Co., re-paid
  J Sargent, District rate
Oct 27th J. Sargent, District rate
Oct 28th J. Sargent, District rate
Oct 29th J. Sargent, District
Nov 1st County Council, High Street Improvement

And that the following balances were in hand on the under-mentioned accounts :-

General Account
Loan Account, No. 16

Tradesmen’s And Other Accounts

A number of accounts were examined and passed for payment.

Health And Sanitary Reports

The Medical Officer reported that 19 cases of infectious diseases had been notified during the past month, viz., 15 scarlet fever, 3 of erysipelas, and one of diphtheria. He had visited the latter case and made an inspection of the home and premises but could not find anything at all likely to produce the disease. The case was a mild one.

The Inspector submitted to the Committee detailed particulars of the notified cases, from which it appeared that the fever cases were distributed over nearly the whole town, the diphtheria case was in Washbrook-road, and the cases of erysipelas in Queen-street, Pemberton-street, and Duck-street.

The Inspector stated that he had visited all the cases, some of them several times; disinfectants had been supplied and isolation observed as far as possible; most of the cases were of a mild form, and the whole were going on as well as could be expected.

It was resolved to ask the Medical Officer to meet the Committee on Wednesday next and confer with them as to what further steps, if any, could be taken to prevent the spread of the disease.

Water Rate

The Collector submitted a water rate for the Quarter ending 25th December next, amounting to £507 15s 2d.

It was resolved that the Council be recommended to seal the rate at their next meeting.


The Sub-Committee recommended that an additional gate be provided below the Cemetery lodge leading to Pightles Terrace at an estimated cost of £8

The Committee approved, and authorised the Surveyor to carry out the work forthwith.

The Sub-Committee further reported that they had now made satisfactory arrangements for storing the plants with Mr. Farmer and Mrs. Knight at a nominal cost.

The Surveyor submitted an estimate which he had obtained from Messrs. H. E. and W. Lack for the supply of trees and shrubs for the extension, amounting to £7 6s 6d.

It was resolved that he be authorised to accept same.

Accident To Mr. Robinson

The Clerk reported that he had seen Mr. Robinson with regard to his claim for compensation, who agreed not to institute any proceedings if the Council would pay him £5 for the damages sustained by him, and pay the cost of the medical attendance on his son amounting to £2 10s.

The Committee whilst still declining to admit any legal liability for the accident agreed, rather than enter into litigation, to settle with Mr. Robinson upon these terms.

Council Chambers And Public Offices

The Surveyor was instructed in consultation with a Special Committee, consisting of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Messrs. Wilkins and Claridge, to proceed with the preparation of plans for the proposed Council Chamber and Offices.

The report was adopted.

Council In Committee

A meeting of the whole Council in Committee was held at the Vestry Hall on Wednesday, the 9th November, when there were present:- Messrs. J. S. Clipson (chairman), T. Swindall, Geo. Denton, W. Bazeley, C. Bates, A. Mantle, John Claridge, J. Hornsby, and F. Ballard.

Council Chamber And Offices

The Surveyor submitted four sketch plans for the proposed buildings on the Newton-road from which the Committee made a selection and instructed the Surveyor to prepare plans and elevations thereof and submit to the Plans Committee at their next meeting.

Health And Sanitary Reports

The Medical Officer attended the meeting and conferred with the Committee at some length with regard to the present epidemic of scarlet fever.

The Medical Officer was of opinion that every reasonable precaution was being taken by the Council’s officers to prevent the spread of the disease and, with the exception of suggesting to the School Authorities that disinfectants should be freely used in the school buildings and the rooms thoroughly fumigated, he was unable to see what further could be done.

It was agreed that representation should be made to the local School Managers that disinfectants should be used for cleaning purposes, and that they should arrange for the buildings to be thoroughly fumigated at an early date.

The report was adopted.

North End Schools

A letter was received from the County Education Authority giving statutory notice of their intention to enlarge the North End Schools by providing additional accommodation for about 400 children.

Rushden Postal Service

The Chairman gave notice that at the next meeting he would raise the question of improving the postal service at Rushden.


Mr. Ballard called attention to the great inconvenience caused by the fence dividing Portland-road into two parts between Mr. Franklin’s and Messrs. Lilley and Skinner’s properties and asked whether anything could be done to remove the obstruction. People living at the east end of the street had to go round by Queen-street to get into the town. Perhaps Mr. Skinner, who was present, would do what he could to remove the inconvenience.

Mr. Skinner said he would be very pleased.

The Clerk pointed out that both portions of the street were private.

The matter was referred to the Highways Committee.

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