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The Rushden Echo, 8th March 1901, transcribed by Jim Hollis
Rushden Urban District Council

In the absence of Mr. F. Knight, the chairman, through illness, Mr. G. Denton, the vice-chairman, presided at a meeting of this Council on Wednesday night, the other members present being Messrs. J. Claridge, J. S. Clipson, J. Spencer, W. Bazeley, G. Miller, W. H. Wilkins, G. H. Skinner, G. Fountain, and T. Swindall, with Mr. G. S. Mason (clerk), Mr. W. B. Madin (surveyor), and Mr. J. B. Martin (sanitary inspector.).

Plans, &c., Committee

A meeting of the Plans, Highways, and Lighting Committee was held on Wednesday, 20th February, 1901. Present :- Messrs. Wm. Bazeley, W. H. Wilkins, J. Claridge, J. S. Clipson, and Tom Swindall.

In the absence of the Chairman, Mr. Claridge was voted in the chair.


Plans were presented by:-

Mr. H. Warner for three coal barns at rear of Nos. 119, 121, and 123, Glassbrook Road, and passed.

The Newport Pagnell Brewery Co., Ltd., for house at junction of Queen-street and Cromwell-road and passed subject to satisfactory drainage being provided and roof water being carried into storm water sewer.

Mr. M. B. Moore for house on the Rushden Court Estate, Bedford-road, and passed.

Messrs. Jaques and Clark for store room on the Midland-road and passed.

Mr. A. Ladds for two houses with stable and coach house at rear, on the Hayway and passed.

Mr. H. Knight for villa residence in Park-road and passed.

Mr. G. Farey for four houses in Grove-street and passed.

Mr. H. Hobbs for two houses in Sartoris-road and passed.

Mr. C. E. Bayes for workshops at rear of cottages in Irchester-road and passed.

Mr. B. H. Claxton for house on the Rushden Court Estate and passed.

Mr. Jack Green for stable and coach house (iron building) in Upper Queen-street, and passed subject to it being set back eight feet from the street.

The report was adopted.

Finance, &c., Committee

A meeting of the Finance, Cemetery, and Sanitary Committee was held on Wednesday, Feb. 27, 1901. Present – Messrs. Geo. Denton (vice-chairman) in the chair, G. Miller, G. H. Skinner, and J. Claridge.


Accounts – A number of accounts were examined and passed for payment. The committee also signed three cheques in favour of the Atlas Assurance Company for £14 19s., £125 1s. 9d., and £4 3s. 7d. for interest on loans due on the 18th inst.

Medical Officer’s Report

The following report was received from the Medical Officer:-

“There have been three cases of infectious disease reported since the last meeting – one of membranous croup which was fatal, one of typhoid, and one of erysipelas. I visited the houses and could find nothing at all likely to cause the disease. I examined a sample of water sent by your Inspector and found it bad and quite unfit for domestic use.

“I enclose annual report, which is highly satisfactory.


Sanitary Inspector’s Report

The Inspector reported that he had visited the cases mentioned by the Medical Officer and as regards sanitary matters found everything in order. Disinfectants had been supplied and the usual precautions taken. He had also posted the usual notice on the pump from which the water referred to was taken and notified the tenants and owner. The pump was now locked up.

The Inspector also reported that he had fumigated the house, No. 19, Queen-street, where the case of enteric fever occurred and by the advice of the Medical Officer destroyed the bedding used by the patient. The Committee agreed to recommend that Mr. Tomlin be compensated to the amount of £1, the value placed by the Inspector upon the bedding.

Medical Officer’s Annual Report

The annual report of the Medical Officer of Health was received and a printed copy ordered to be sent to each member of the Council.

The report was adopted.

Waterworks Committee

A meeting of the Waterworks Committee was held on Wednesday, 27th February, 1901. Present – Messrs. G. Denton, (vice-chairman) in the chair, Wm. Bazeley, J. Claridge, J. S. Clipson, G. Miller, G. H. Skinner, T. Swindall, and W. H. Wilkins.

Bedford Road Well – The Clerk reported that Mr. Smith’s terms for allowing a main to be carried across his land were £10 compensation and £2 per annum as way leave rent. He also asked for water for a drinking trough if required. The terms were agreed to and the surveyor instructed to carry out the work.

Wymington – The Vice-Chairman also reported that Mr. Eady would allow trial holes to be sunk on land in his occupation at 10/- per hole. This was also agreed to, and the Surveyor instructed to proceed.

Mr. Middleton – It was agreed at Mr. Middleton’s request that his retainer as engineer should be sealed by the Council.

The Council adopted the report.

The Annual Report

of the Medical Officer of Health was presented to the Council, and the Chairman observed that on the whole it was very satisfactory. The death-rate was a low one, a fact which was taken by the Medical Officer as evidence of a satisfactory sanitary state of the town.

Mr. Claridge said the only unsatisfactory thing in the report was the infant mortality, which the Medical Officer thought could be lessened by proper attention.

Mr. Wilkins said the Medical Officer had, in his opinion, and judging from past censuses, put the population of the town too high. The average per house was presumed to be 5.7, but it would not be anything like that. The population would be nearer 13,000 than 14,000. This would slightly increase the death-rate, but would also increase the birth-rate.

Mr. Bazeley thought the Medical Officer ought to make an inspection of all the factories in the town and report the results in the book provided by the Council.

In reply to Mr. Fountain, the Chairman said it was the duty of the Medical Officer to inspect the factories, according to the regulations of the Local Government Board and to keep a diary.

Mr. Bazeley regarded it as the most important part of the Officer’s duties, but it seemed that some of the factories were not visited personally by the doctor, though the Sanitary Inspector went round.

After further discussion, it was resolved, on the motion of Mr. Bazeley, seconded by Mr. Spencer, to receive the Medical Officer’s report, to call his attention to the regulations of the Local Government Board with regard to the keeping of a diary and to request him to comply with them.

Dairies and Cowsheds

Referring to a paragraph in the Medical Officer’s annual report, the Chairman said it would be within the recollection of the Council that the question of inspecting local cowsheds and dairies was before the Council some time ago, and it was then pointed out that all cowsheds should be registered. The matter was deferred to see whether the County Council would take upon themselves the duty of seeing that the cowsheds met the regulations, but it was now left for each authority to take its own course. It meant a considerable amount of work and the appointment of an inspector.

In reply to Mr. Miller, the Chairman said it would be quite possible for a number of Councils to join in supporting an official.

Mr. Claridge : And you would get more uniformity of treatment that way.

Mr. Skinner said it opened a very wide question of compensation. It would be a serious thing if the inspector ordered twenty cows to be slaughtered simply because they were not quite so healthy as they might be.

Mr. Claridge : And so they ought to be slaughtered.

Mr. Bazeley : Yes, it would be a very serious thing if he did find twenty unhealthy cows.

Mr. Skinner : But the inspector might come here and find twenty unhealthy members of the Council. Would they have to be slaughtered? (Loud laughter). The cows might be all right, though not as healthy as it was possible to be. There was more milk imported into Rushden than was produced there. It was the tinned milk that did the mischief.

It was resolved, on the motion of Mr. Swindall, seconded by Mr. Spencer, that the Clerk should communicate with neighbouring Councils to ascertain whether they were prepared to co-operate with the Council in carrying out the provisions of the dairies and Cowsheds Act.

Robinson Road

The seal of the Council was affixed to the contract with Mr. W. G. Willmott for the making up of Robinson-road, the work to be completed before June 24. The price was £850.

Councillors’ Attendances

The Clerk read a list of the attendances of Councillors at the Council and committee meetings held during the past year. They were:-

Possible attendances

Actually attended

Mr. F. Knight



Mr. G. Denton



Mr. W. Bazeley



Mr. Paul Cave *



Mr. J. Claridge



Mr. J. S. Clipson



Mr. G. Fountain



Mr. G. Miller



Mr. G. H. Skinner



Mr. J. Spencer



Mr. T. Swindall



Mr. W. H. Wilkins



*Mr. Cave has been absent from England the greater part of the year.

A Tradesman to be Cautioned

The Sanitary Inspector reported that as he was coming along High-street that morning, a tradesman emptied some refuse into the street and said that as the Council’s man refused to take it away he should empty it there.

The Chairman said the question of the removal of trade refuse was before them some time ago. A number of tradesmen who had no convenience for getting rid of rubbish felt it was unfair to them, as large ratepayers, that the scavengers would not remove it. It did not come within the Council’s duties, however, and it was not possible for them to carry out the work. It would be difficult to draw the line if they attempted it.

It was resolved to caution the tradesman mentioned that if more rubbish was emptied in the street proceedings would be taken against him.

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