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Rushden Echo, 10th June, 1932, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Rushden Urban District Council
Rushden Hall and Grounds Announcements
Bowling Facilities for Unemployed

Little contentious business detained the members of the Rushden Urban Council at their monthly meeting on Wednesday evening at the Council Chamber, and although there were lengthy committee reports, involving twenty resolutions, these were disposed of in less than half an hour.

Announcements were made concerning the provision of teas and refreshments at Rushden Hall.

Other matters discussed included housing, car parking, sanitation, etc., and it was stated that the bowling greens in Spencer Park would be available for the unemployed at a reduced fee on certain afternoons of the week.

£50 was allocated for the purchase of new books for the Free Library.


Members Present

There were present: Messrs. J. Roe, J.P. (in the chair), J. Spencer, J.P. (vice-chairman), A. Allebone, C.C., J. Allen, W. E. Capon, W. C. Tarry, T. F. B. Newberry, C. Claridge, F. Green, L. Tysoe, C. W. Horrell, C.A., T. Swindall, A Wilmott, L. Perkins, M.B.E., B.Sc., G. W. Coles, J.P., T. Richardson, J. Hornsby, D. G. Greenfield, M.D., with the Clerk, Mr. G. S. Mason, the Surveyor, Mr. J. W. Lloyd, and the Sanitary Inspector, Mr. F. S. F. Piper.

Assistance For Unemployed.

Arising out of the minutes of the last meeting, the chairman said: “With regard to the scheme for assisting the unemployed I may say that no further meeting has been held because the Rector has been away for the last fortnight, but a meeting will be held very shortly now.”

Housing Committee

The Housing Committee reported that Mr. Allen had been appointed chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year, and that Messrs. Allen, Capon, and Richardson were appointed to the Letting Sub-Committee.

Irchester-road Site

The Housing Committee reported that a letter had been received from the Ministry of Health stating that the Minister would now be prepared to entertain an application for sanction to a loan for the proposed construction of a further length of road on this site subject to the cost of the works being reasonable.

Mr. Hornsby: Who is to interpret the word “reasonable,” us or the Ministry?

The chairman: I take it that the Council will.

On the Committee’s recommendation the Surveyor was instructed to at once advertise for tenders for the construction of about 300 yards of road in continuation of Tennyson Place which would accommodate about 56 houses of the smaller non-parlour type.


The surveyor reported that certain repairs and renovations were necessary to a number of the Council’s houses, and he was instructed to obtain tenders for the work and submit to the next meeting of the Housing Committee.


On the recommendation of the Plans, Highways and Lighting Committee, plans were approved as follows:- Two houses on the Higham-road for Messrs. T. Swindall and Sons; house on the Wellingborough-road for Mrs. A. Boddington; bungalow on the Wellingborough-road for Mr. A. W. Kebble; garage in Court Avenue for Mr. George Bell; garage at No. 155, Wellingborough-road for Nurse Mather; garage near his house on the Wymington-road for Mr. S. H. Robinson.

Broadcast Relay Services

The application from the Broadcast Relay Services Coy., Ltd., for permission to install overhead wires in this district for the purpose of re-laying broadcast services from a station they proposed erecting was again considered.

A similar application was received from the Radio Central Exchanges, Ltd.

It was resolved that both applications be deferred for a further period of six months.

Electricity Orders

A notice was received from the Rushden and District Electric Supply Co., Ltd., of their intention to lay an underground cable in Moor-road.


The Surveyor was instructed to proceed with the repair of this road, including the piping in of the ditch, to the extent of the amount allowed in the estimates, viz: £500.

Car Parking

The Council had under consideration the complaint made by the owners of property in West-street of the nuisance arising from the parking of cars there and the Clerk was instructed to enquire from the occupiers if they would permit the Council to regulate the car parking there if it was understood that it would only be allowed from 9 o’clock in the morning until 6 o’clock at night.

Parks, etc., Committee

The Parks, Baths and Hall Committee reported that Mr. Coles had been appointed chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year, and that the following sub-Committees had been appointed :-

Baths and Parks Emergency, Messrs. Coles, Allebone and Greenfield; Hall Emergency, Messrs. Coles, Spencer and Wilmott.

Refreshments at the Hall

The Parks and Hall Committee reported that only one application had been received in reply to the Council’s advertisement with regard to the supply of refreshments at the Hall, and they had agreed that before coming to a definite decision the directors of the Waverley Temperance Hotel (Rushden), Ltd., should be approached with a view to their undertaking the supply and the Clerk had been instructed to ask them to meet the Hall Sub-Committee at the Hall.

Mr. Coles, chairman of the Hall Committee, in moving the Committee’s report, said: “Satisfactory arrangements have been made with the Waverley Hotel, and the sub-Committee are meeting after the Council meeting to select the chairs and tables to be placed at the Hall, and we hope that refreshments will be served within a few days. They will be served on Thursdays and Saturdays, and this will be extended if required.

Further Seats at the Hall

The Surveyor reported that he had obtained an estimate for the provision of three wooden seats, to be placed round trees to be selected by the Sub-Committee, amounting to £10.

The Council accepted this estimate.


The Surveyor was instructed to have the grass in the various parks cut as soon as possible.

Hall Grounds

An application was received from the Rushden Temperance Band for permission to give a concert on some Saturday evening from 6.30 to 8.30.

The application was referred to the Hall Sub-Committee who were requested to interview a deputation composed of representatives of the various Bands of the town.

Swimming Bath

A letter was received from the secretary of the County Education Committee asking for permission for the children attending the elementary schools of Rushden, Higham Ferrers, Irchester and Wollaston to use the Bath during the current term for the purpose of receiving instruction in swimming.

It was agreed to accede to the application on the same terms and conditions as last year.

Permission was given to the County Rovers of the Boy Scouts’ Association to hold their annual swimming gala at Rushden in July. It was understood that the Association would charge for admission and that they would give to the Council 25 per cent of the gross takings.

Jubilee Park

Upon the application of the Educational Department of the Rushden Industrial Co-operative Society it was agreed to allow the use of this park for the holding of children’s sports on Saturday, the 2nd July next. They were also given permission to assemble the children in Spencer Park.

Mr. Perkins: Jubilee Park is not such a good place for children’s sports as Spencer Park would be. I take it that at any time they request the use of Spencer Park we should let them have it.

The chairman: They have made application for Jubilee Park and their application was granted.

Mr. Coles: In reply to the question made, I should like to state that the Society are quite satisfied with Jubilee Park. As you know it originally belonged to the Society and they naturally have a leaning towards that particular field. So far as running is concerned, there is a small portion which has been levelled away where cricket used to be played.

A letter was received from the Secretary to the Society requesting to be allowed to graze Jubilee Park by sheep in the evenings and this was agreed.

Spencer Park

A letter was received from the Secretary of the local Blind and Cripple Fund accepting the Council’s offer to allow the use of this park for the holding of their annual fete and gala and asking for the use of the hut for the provision of teas, etc. This was approved.

Bowls Charges

The Parks Committee reported the receipt of an application from the Rushden Factory Bowls League for the charges to be reduced in connection with their matches to 3d. per man all round. The Clerk was instructed to reply that the Committee could not see their way to agree to this; they would however recommend to the Council that the unemployed be allowed to use the bowling greens on the afternoons of two days per week from 2 to 5 at an inclusive charge of one penny per hour.

The recommendation was approved.

Mr. Coles, chairman of the Parks Committee, said: “We wish to recommend that special facilities be given to the unemployed. Presumably the days will be Tuesday and Friday. The greens are not used very much on these afternoons, and it was felt that this would be a step in the direction indicated by Mr. Roe at the last meeting to keep up the health and spirits of the unemployed. We want to do all we possibly can.”

Fair Week

The usual application from Messrs. Chas. Thurston and Sons for the use of part of Spencer Park for their amusements during Feast week, 1932, was received, and it was resolved to accede to this upon the same terms and conditions as previous years.

Library Committee

The report of the annual meeting of the Library Committee stated:

The annual meeting of the Library Committee was held at the Library on Friday, the 13th May, 1932, when there were present:- Messrs. W. C. Tarry, C. Claridge, J. Spencer, W. W. Rial, J. S. Clipson and the Revs. T. S. Stoney and C. J. Keeler.

It was resolved that the Chairman with Messrs. Claridge, Rial, Saddler, Jones, Clipson and the Revs. T. S. Stoney and C. J. Keeler be appointed the Book Selection Committee for the ensuing year.

BOOKS ISSUED – The secretary reported that the number of books issued for the year ended 31st March last, was 35,605, made up as follows: Fiction 30,041, non-fiction 397, juveniles 5,167.

ADDITIONS TO LIBRARY – The secretary also reported that 465 had been added to the library during the year, as follows: Fiction 341, non-fiction 3, juveniles 121.

NEW BOOKS – It was resolved to recommend the Council to authorise the Book Selection Committee to expend a sum not exceeding £50 in the purchase of new books during the current financial year.

The Committee had under consideration the question of the renewal of various books, which had become very much the worse for wear, and agreed to recommend to the Council that a sum of £25 be expended in renewing such books.

PAPERS AND PERIODICALS – It was agreed to continue the present arrangements for the supply of papers and periodicals for a further period to the 31st March next, on the same terms.

The annual sale of papers and periodicals was left in the hands of the Book Selection Committee.

It was resolved that further copies of daily papers be placed each morning on the table in the News Room and the periodicals at present on that table be in future placed in the Reference Room.

The recommendations of the Library Committee with regard to new books were approved.

Health and Sanitary Reports

The Health and Sanitary Committee report stated that the report of the Medical Officer for the month of May had been received, and the Sanitary Inspector submitted a report of his work and inspections carried out during the past month.

The Inspector also reported a flush pipe at a house in Westbourne Grove was in a defective condition and the Council agreed to serve a notice on the owner requiring him to remedy the defect within 28 days.

Wellingborough Road

The Inspector also reported that the owners of properties in Wellingborough-road, who had caused the drain to the properties to be repaired and had filled in the trench without first submitting the work to him for testing and approval had failed to provide the means for inspection suggested by the Health and Sanitary Committee at the last meeting, and the Council were recommended to serve a notice on the owners requiring them within 28 days to take such steps as are necessary for the inspection and testing of the drain.

This was approved.

Milk and Dairies Orders

The Sanitary Inspector reported that since the last meeting six samples of milk had been taken from retail purveyors in the district and submitted to the County Laboratory for bacteriological examination. The reports, which were now received, all appeared satisfactory.

Petroleum Acts

An application was received from Mr. J. Joyce of Station-road for a licence to store 1,000 gallons of petrol in two underground tanks in Carnegie-street. The tanks had been tested and approved. This was agreed.

Refuse Receptacles

The Sanitary Inspector submitted a report to the Sanitary Committee with regard to certain houses showing the nature of the accommodation for the deposit of refuse and it appeared to the Committee by this report that the houses were without a sufficient ash-tub, ash-pit or other receptacle for the deposit of refuse, and the Committee recommended the Council that a notice be served upon the owner requiring him within 28 days to provide for each house a sufficient and proper receptacle. This was agreed.

Irchester Road

A memorial from the inhabitants of the Irchester-road district was received complaining of the nuisance caused by smoke from a factory in Irchester-road.

Mr. Claridge: Has anything been done with regard to the memorial; is there anything to report?

The Sanitary Inspector: I have seen the owners and they are doing all they possibly can to lessen the nuisance. As a matter of fact they have gone so far as to get better quality fuel, and I think the trouble is somewhat removed. I think it is now satisfactory.

County Road Scavenging

The Health and Sanitary Committee reported the receipt of a letter from the Clerk to the County Council enclosing an agreement for sealing by the Council in connection with the scavenging of the county roads in the district. The agreement provided for the payment by the County Council of one-third of the actual cost based on an estimated expenditure of £300 subject to a maximum aggregate payment of £100.

The agreement was sealed.

Housing Loan £4,140

The Clerk reported that he had now negotiated this loan with the Wellingborough Industrial Co-operative Society Limited at 4¾ per cent., and this mortgage was sealed.

Mr. Perkins: What period of notice has to be given by either side in order to terminate such an agreement?

The Clerk: Six months.

Road Fund

A letter was received from the Ministry of Transport stating that the Ministry would discontinue the existing agreement whereby they contributed a portion of the Surveyor’s salary and travelling expenses as from the 1st April, 1932. They were however prepared to renew such agreement upon the basis of an assumed reduction in the Surveyor’s salary of 5 per cent. as from the 1st October, 1931.

In moving the resolution, Mr. Green, chairman of the Finance Committee, said: It is a small matter, the whole amount being less than £5.

Mr. Perkins: I should like to ask if this really means that the Inspector’s salary is going to be reduced, in fact. If so, I should like the resolution to be referred back.

Mr. Green: No, it has not been reduced, it is only assumed to be reduced. There is no difference at all, only that the Council will have to pay about £5 more.

The Council accepted the revised terms and agreed to enter into a new agreement accordingly.

Council Buildings and Library

Tenders were received for the inside and outside renovation of the Council buildings and library and the Finance Committee recommended the Council to accept those of Messrs. Prickett and Dunkley for the outside of the Council buildings and the inside and outside of the library at £93 1s. the lowest, and that of Messrs. W. Packwood and Sons for the inside4 of the Council buildings at £99 19s 6d., the lowest. This was agreed.

12 Houses

The seal of the Council was affixed to a contract with Mr. Robert Marriott for the erection of a further 12 houses.

Agricultural Show

The Clerk read a letter from the Northamptonshire Agricultural Show Society expressing thanks to the chairman and to the Council for the splendid way in which they had worked to make the Show a success. “Considering the state of trade all round,” the letter continued, “we had a very good show, and a very good attendance, and the committee appreciate very much your efforts towards ensuring success.”

The chairman: I am sure we shall be pleased to hear that, for I am sure all worked very well to make the Show a success.

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