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The Rushden Echo and Argus, 10th July 1953, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Rushden Urban District Council

Council Flats for Veterans?
But – ‘specific type,’ urges Mrs. G. Marriott

Two women members of Rushden Urban Council championed the cause of old people and shopkeepers at Wednesday’s monthly meeting. Mrs. G. W. Marriott maintained that the veterans should not be allocated homes “suitable for just anyone” and Mrs. O. A. H. Muxlow that the tenants of flats over council shops should have the benefit of subsidised rents.

Mr. C. Ginns, chairman of the housing committee, stated that a suggestion had been made that some of the flats now being erected in Blinco Road should be specifically allocated for old people with appropriate reductions in rent. The committee had decided to consider the matter when the flats were nearing completion he said, and the rents had been determined.

Mrs. Marriott: Would it not be better if something was specifically done for the old people in the way of structure and design – not just something that will do for anyone?

“There are only 16 bungalows in Rushden specially constructed for old people,” she went on, “and I believe there are over 700 people over 70 years of age in the town. Surely the time has come when something must be done to provide them with accommodation and not just flats that are suitable for anyone.”

Mr. Ginns replied: I cannot say we have discussed it yet at any length. We may do in the future and we will take notice of what you have said. These things must be thought out well.”


Because the Finance Committee do not agree with subsidised rents for flats over the proposed two shops on the Upper Queen Street estate the Housing Committee rescinded a recommendation that tenders be invited for tenancies of the shops until the matter is considered further. The Finance Committee recommendation was adopted.

Protesting, Mrs Muxlow said she felt that the subsidy should be passed on to the tenant as it was in other cases. “I cannot see because people take shops we should clamp down on them for the few extra shillings we can get out of them. I feel we should help our own tenants this way.

Chairman of the Finance Committee, Mr. C. Faulkner said: “We take the view that a matter of principal was involved here – that of subsidising shopkeepers which would put some section of the private enterprise population at a disadvantage.”

Mr. Ginns, commenting on the fact that the 500th post-war council house had just been completed, said he was “afraid” it would be the autumn before any others were completed owing to the shortage of bricks.

The Regional Office of the Ministry notified the council that as they had received approval of tenders for the building of 124 houses since January, it was unlikely any further would be approved for three months in view of the supply position in materials.

The council approved a Highways Committee recommendation that they proceed with the scheme for the acquisition of land in Duck Street for a car park.

Petition Fails

The committee chairman (Mr. R. H. S. Greenwood) admitted that a petition from 18 residents in the street objecting on the grounds of road safety had “considerable substance” and an investigation into the possibility of making it into a one way street was proposed. The committee did not envisage, he said, that the street would always be the bottleneck it is at present.

The Highways Committee learned that the continuation of street lighting throughout the summer months would involve an additional cost of £600. It is now proposed that lighting shall be continued as in 1952-53 with full lighting from August 16 to May 17.

The council agreed to a scheme for the lighting of a portion of Park Avenue, recently adopted by the council, at an estimated cost of £70.

Permission was given for the erection of a garage to house an invalid carriage supplied by the Ministry of Pensions at 65 Westfield Avenue.

It was agreed to invite tenders for alternative types of refuse collecting vehicles after the Surveyor reported that the existing vehicle in use was 16 years old and deteriorating rapidly.

The sanitary inspector (Mr. H. Ellis) submitted a list of proposed improvements in the facilities at the Abattoir which he suggested might be the subject of official representation to the Ministry of Food.

The Public Health Committee, after consideration, appointed a sub-committee to visit the Abattoir and discuss the matter with those locally responsible for the arrangements.

Recruits Wanted

A Civil Defence Committee review reported that little further progress could be made until more volunteers were obtained to man the services. The question of a further recruitment campaign is to be considered.

Building plans were as follows: Store for inflammable goods, Midland Road. British United Shoe Machinery Co.; lock up garage, Station Road, Mr. C. Freeman; reconstruction of coach garage, Portland Road, Lord’s Garage; additions and garages, Midland Road, Express Dry Cleaning Services; house, Wellingborough Road, Mr. M. B. Cave; house, Hall Avenue, Mr. J. T. Bird; garage, off Bedford Road, Mr. D. Johnson; bungalow and garage, St. Mary’s Avenue, Mr. W. Hart; greenhouse, Upper Park Avenue, Mr. C. H. Clarke; extension to factory, Irchester Road, Strong and Fisher, Ltd; extension to King Edward VII public house, Queen Street, Charles Wells, Ltd; offices and showrooms, Washbrook Road, Johnsons Motors, Ltd; house, 78 Park Avenue, Mr. C. A. Slater; bungalow, Grafton Road, Mr. E. Hartwell; conversion of two flats over shop premises, 57 High Street South, Mr. J. Knight; garage, Wilson Road, Mr. Rott.


Council Appeal To Teachers

Further malicious damage to a window at Rushden Hall and the continued riding of bicycles by children in the recreation grounds of the town, in contravention of the bye-laws is causing “grave concern” to Rushden U.D.C’s Parks Committee who take a serious view of the matter, said Mr. A. H. Bailey (committee chairman) at Wednesday’s monthly meeting.

The Clerk to the council (Mr. A. G. Crowdy) has been asked to communicate with the head teachers of local schools, asking for their co-operation in bringing the matter to the notice of the pupils.

The committee have also requested the architect to arrange for the damaged windows to be temporarily protected by a wire grill and repaired towards the end of the contract works when it is hoped the occupation of a flat at the Hall will prevent further damage.

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