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The Rushden Echo and Argus, 12th December, 1952, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Rushden Urban District Council

Rebuff for Council Committee
Church clock plan goes forward

A proposal to abandon the Coronation memorial gift of a second dial for St. Mary’s Church clock met with the heaviest possible defeat at Wednesday’s meeting of Rushden Urban Council.

It came from the Finance Committee following a letter from the Rector, who said that the Church Council, while approving the additional dial, had been advised by the architects that considerable structural work would be involved in making apertures for the internal illumination of the dials, and that illuminated dials would not be in keeping with the architecture of the church.

In view of the letter, which thanked the council for accepting financial responsibility for alterations to the clock, the committee felt that no useful purpose would be served by a new dial.

The attack on the report was led by Coun. A. H. Bailey, who exclaimed: “How the committee came to this decision I simply don’t know.” The clock, he said, had served a useful purpose for generations, though not illuminated, and there could be no better Coronation Year memorial than a dial facing High Street.


Couns. H. Waring and R. R. Griffiths joined in the protest, Coun. C. G. Faulkner replying that the gift had been offered from the first on condition that the clock would be illuminated.

The resolution was rejected by 15 votes to five.

Coun. A. Green expressed bewilderment when the Housing Committee reported in favour of licensing a caravan site for the Modern Electric Co. in Newton Road and the Plans Committee advised the County Planning Officer that the site was not suitable.

Both Mr. Green and Coun. E. A. Sugars, who defended the Plans Committee, expressed a desire to help the Americans who need accommodation.

Following a meeting between representatives of the Council, Chamber of Trade and Co-operative Society, it was agreed that not more than two shops were needed on the housing estates.

Coun. F. E. Brown complained that some housing contractors were not doing their best, and the Housing Committee threatened to enforce the provisions for liquidated damages.

Under the 1953 programme tenders are to be invited for the erection of 120 houses.

First steps were taken to formulate a programme for the clearance of unfit houses.

The Public Health Committee is urging the Minister of Local Government to reconsider his decision that the sewering of Court Estate properties in Newton Road should be deferred.

Proposals to remedy flooding in St. Peter’s Avenue at a cost of £1,400 are to be discussed.

The Highways Committee asked that Rushden’s development plan should include the extension of Duck Street to Station Road, the widening of Duck Street near High Street, and the widening of Rectory Road between Portland Road and the Rectory. The Clerk (Mr. A. G. Crowdy) will find whether the council can acquire the property at the junction of Rectory Road and Portland Road.

The surveyor (Mr. A. Millar) was requested to submit plans for a block of three or four garages in Upper Queen Street.


Twenty-four tenders were received for the internal decoration of 108 houses on the Newton Road Estate, and contracts were awarded as follows: Mr. B. J. Barnes, Wymington (43 houses), Mr. H. B. Wilson, Rushden (35 houses), and Mr. S. B. Keech, Irthlingborough (30 houses).

The owner of the land near St. James’ Close said he would raise no objection to the removal of the poplar trees, providing other trees of a more suitable type were planted in substitution. Estimates will be obtained.

A confidential report was circulated in regard to the Furnished Houses (Rent Control) Act, and the council considered it in committee.

A letter was received from the Borough Surveyor inquiring whether the council could provide facilities for the disposal of house refuse from Higham Ferrers, and it was agreed to arrange for disposal at the Bedford Road tip at a charge of 5s. per ton.

Building plans were as follows: Garage and stores for inflammable goods, Midland Road, British United Shoe Machinery Co.; new access “Westward Hotel,” Shirley Road, Mr. P. S. Neville; pigeon loft, 54, Gloucester Crescent, Mr. W. W. Knight; house St. Mary’s Avenue, Mr. P. F. Andrews; garage, 19, Fern Road, Mr. C. Sharpe; additions to garage, Woodland Road, Mr. J. R. Cross; bungalow, Bencroft Farm, Bedford Road, Mr. W. G. Holt; installation of petrol pump and tank, 21, Park Road, Mr. E. Wadsworth; garage, Grafton Road, Mr. W. Robinson; porch to back door, 17, Duck Street, Mr. W. H. Windsor; additional office accommodation, Irchester Road, Messrs. Eaton and Co., Ltd; greenhouse, 11, North Street, Mr. J. Smith; greenhouse, 12, Wentworth Road, Mr. G. Timpson; garden/coal shed, 147, St. Margaret’s Avenue, Mr. R. E. Marriott.

The council undertook responsibility for the erection and maintenance of omnibus stopping place signs on the understanding that replacements would be provided by the United Counties Bus. Co.

The traffic manager of the United Counties Bus Co. has undertaken to examine the possibility of a service for the Court Estate.

The County Surveyor stated in a letter that he was prepared to make an improvement at the junction of Wellingborough Road and St. Margaret’s Avenue if the Council would arrange the re-siting of the street lamp at the corner. In view of the proposals for re-lighting Wellingborough Road in 1953 it was decided to request that the improvement be deferred until next May.


A scheme was submitted for the numbering of houses in Wellingborough Road, from the junction of Irchester Road to Sanders Lodge, and notices are to be served to the occupiers accordingly. The surveyor was requested to submit to the next meeting a scheme for the re-numbering of houses in Roberts Street.

A letter from the Rushden, Higham Ferrers and District Chamber of Trade stated that the members were most anxious that nothing should be done to diminish the small car parking area available in the town.

The Highways Committee considered a suggestion that signs bearing the name of the town should be moved to positions nearer the town. It was decided, however, that they retain their present positions at the boundaries and have the wording altered to “Urban District of Rushden.”

The surveyor reported that office extensions at the Council Buildings are now virtually completed and that some of the new offices have been occupied.

Councillors Mrs. A. U. Muxlow, Mrs. A. Rowthorn and Mr. T. W. Cox were appointed to serve on the South East Northants Food Control Committee for 1953

On the motion of Coun. A. H. Bailey the council sent a message of sympathy to Miss W. M. Clipson, a member of the Library Committee, who has been injured in an accident.

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