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The Rushden Echo, 4th August 1905, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Rushden Urban District Council

Messrs. Clipson (chairman), Swindall, Knight, Denton, Wilkins, Claridge, Ballard, Bazeley, Bates, Mason (clerk), and Madin (surveyor), were present on Wednesday night.

Finance &c, Committee

A meeting of the Finance, Estates, Cemetery, and Sanitary Committee was held at the Vestry Hall on Wednesday, the 19th July, 1905, when there were present:- Messrs. T. Swindall (chairman), J. Hornsby, G. H. Skinner, J. Claridge, and C. Bates.

Sewage Farm Manager

The Surveyor reported that the Manager had obtained an appointment to a similar post at Luton and wished to be relieved of his duties as soon as possible.

It was resolved that the Manager’s resignation be accepted and that the Surveyor advertise for a new Manager at a salary of 28s. per week.

The committee arranged to meet again on Wednesday next to receive applications.

A meeting of the Finance, Estates, Cemetery, and Sanitary Committee was held at the Vestry Hall on Wednesday, the 26th July, 1905, when there were present:- Messrs. T. Swindall (chairman), J. S. Clipson, F. Ballard, J. Hornsby, G. H. Skinner, J. Claridge, and C. Bates.

Sewage Farm Manager

Thirty-eight applications for this post were received, from which the Committee made a selection of four to attend for a personal interview with the Committee on Monday next at 6.30 p.m. The Surveyor was authorised to pay the expenses of out-of-town Candidates.

The Clerk reported that another meeting of the committee was held last Monday when Mr. E. Robinson, of Wollaston, was unanimously appointed sewage farm manager.

Mr. Swindall said the committee were very sorry to lose the services of the late manager, who was a first-class man. They felt that in Mr. Robinson they would have a good successor. Mr. Robinson had been manager of the Wollaston sewage farm for four years, and that farm was the same system as the Rushden farm.

Plans &c, Committee

A meeting of the Plans, Water, Highways, and Lighting Committee was held at the Vestry Hall on Wednesday, the 26th July, 1905, when there were present:- Messrs. J. S. Clipson (chairman), T. Swindall, A. Mantle, W. Bazeley, and F. Knight.

Public Lighting

The Surveyor was instructed to procure 12 new lamps to replace a number no longer fit for use.

It was resolved to re-commence public lighting on Saturday, August 19.

Harborough Road

The Committee again considered the question of the short length of sewer laid in Harborough-road in order to make the connection to Mr. Bayes’s property. The total cost amounted to £8. the Committee saw no reason to alter the decision previously arrived at, viz., that Mr. Bayes should contribute £2 towards this amount.

Steam Fire Engine

A communication was received from the Clerk to the Wellingborough Urban District Council stating that that Council were considering the question of providing a new steam fire engine and inquiring if this Council would be willing to subscribe annually towards its upkeep in return for the privilege of having the right to call for the engine in the event of a fire. The letter also stated that it must be understood that the owners of property on fire outside the area of the Wellingborough Council would still be liable to pay for the use of the engine, and it was anticipated that the Council would refrain from sending out the engine in case of fire in districts not subscribing.

The Clerk was instructed to reply that this committee also contemplated the provision of a steam fire engine at an early date and were therefore unable to recommend their Council to enter into the arrangement suggested in the letter.

Public Seats

The Surveyor reported that as instructed he had fixed six public seats as follows:-

One on the Bedford-road.

Two on the Wymington-road.

One on the Irchester-road.

One on the Newton-road.

One on the Wellingborough-road.

He had also moved the seat on the Washbrook-road to the Wellingborough-road near Duck-street.


The Surveyor reported that he had engaged Mr. Swannell to do the plumbing required by the Council on time work in the place of Mr. Cartmall who had ceased to be engaged by the Council.

Field Footpaths

A letter was received from the Allotment Association calling attention to the condition of the gate on the footpath leading to Chelveston, near the cricket pavilion.

The Clerk was instructed to reply that the Council were under no liability to keep this gate in repair and to refer the Association to their landlord who, some time since, had informed the Council that he would do the necessary repairs to the gates and stiles of public footpaths running through his estate.

The report was adopted.

Game Licences

were renewed to Mr. G. Willmott and Mr. H. W. Moon.

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