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Moor Road Spiritualist Church

entrance way
Spiritualist Church in Moor Road, taken about 1984
The entrance way to the Church

Rushden Echo, 20th May 1927, transcribed by Kay Collins

Spiritualist Rally at Rushden
Opening of the New Church
Difficulties of People in the Other Side of Life

A step forward in the life of the Rushden National Spiritualist Church was taken on Saturday, when the new premises in Moor-road acquired by the Church were opened. The opening ceremony was performed in the presence of a good company by Mrs Baird, of Earls Barton, who turned the key in the lock and declared the hall open.

Inside the hall Mrs Flawn (the president) presided, supported by Mrs Baird, Mr A Adams (president of the Northampton Colwyn-road Church), Mr G Flawn (secretary of the Rushden Church), and the following vice-presidents: Mrs Rollings, Mrs Clark, Mr Rogers, and Mr T Clark.

Mrs Flawn welcomed the company, and said that if they all worked hand-in-hand the cause would progress.

Mrs Baird said she knew a little about Rushden. Years ago it was quite a small place, but because of the enterprise and energy of the people concerned it had grown to be a town of which everybody could be very proud. They saw the result of that same spirit in that room that afternoon. It must have meant a great deal of courage and work to produce the result they saw that day. They were not afraid to bear testimony to the movement in Rushden. If they could have a

Great Call to All People

of the world, what a great landslide there would be! But timidity with regard to the subject still held good. She congratulated them and felicitated them on that occasion. There were quite a lot of priests in other Churches who did all they could to discredit the movement, and one was bound to believe that it was a question of somebody else poaching on their preserves. Yet the Roman Catholic Church, they were told, was practically founded on the facts of Spiritualism. All those there that afternoon were level-headed people. They had all had facts to make absolutely sure that they were on the right lines. Other priests said their procedure was dangerous and that as a whole those things were dangerous. Had they any grounds for that contention? As Spiritualists they should be able to meet those people on their own ground. Of course, there were temperamental difficulties in Spiritualist worship; they were not nearly so thick-skinned when they were developed physically. And on the other side of life people were just the same; their vision was greater, but there were forces by which it was not well for them to be swayed. Their sure shield was prayer. If they could only cleanse their movement of all that might hinder it!

They must realise that they wrestled not against flesh and blood, but against invisible enemies. They had to remember the pioneers of the movement who made it possible for .....................

Mrs Flawn briefly outlined the history of the Rushden Church, and said they started in 1919.

Thanks to Mrs Baird were passed on the proposition of Mrs Flawn, seconded by Mr Adams.

For the tea which followed the meeting about 80 sat down, those present including Mrs and Miss Baird, Mr and Mrs Adams, of Northampton, Mr and Mrs Bryan Smith, of Kettering Dalkeith Church, and friends from Wellingborough, Raunds, Bozeat, Burton Latimer, and Kettering.

Rushden Echo, 16th November 1928, transcribed by Kay Collins

A Sausage Supper was held on Tuesday evening at the National Spiritualist Church, Moor-road, about 50 sitting down. A concert followed, songs being given by Mrs. Bayes and Miss Harbour and recitations by Miss Martin, Miss D. Fortescue, Master G. Fortescue, and Mrs. Farrar. A sketch, “The First of April” was given by Mrs. Maycock, Mrs. Fortescue, Mrs Newell, and Miss Ball.

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