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St. Mary's Church - Snippets
This old photograph has a caption "1902 taken from Shippen Stile, about the top of Purvis Road"
In the snow
In the snow c1981

Extract from diary notes of Ebenezer Knight:

Churchyard Road
1869 November. The Road stopped through the Churchyard on the 7th November, 1869.

Churchyard Shrubs
1870 March 21st. The Shrubs planted in the Churchyard on March 21st, 1870.

Wellingborough News, 4th May 1878, transcribed by Kay Collins

PARISH CHURCHWARDENIn our last impression it was reported that at the Vestry meeting, held on the 24th inst., Mr. Sartoris and Mr. Packwood were nominated for the office of parish church warden, and that the latter gaining a majority of votes a poll was demanded in behalf of Mr. Sartoris. We are glad to say that, since the vestry meeting Mr. Packwood wisely decided to withdraw from the contest, so that a poll is rendered unnecessary.
Wellingborough News, 28th September 1878, transcribed by Kay Collins

RUSHDEN - HARVEST THANKSGIVINGOn Sunday last, a harvest thanksgiving service was held in the Parish Church which had been very beautifully and chastely decorated by Mrs. Barker, Mrs. Sartoris, Mrs. Currie, Miss Stevenson, and Mr. Smith. An excellent sermon was preached by the Rector, and a collection was made realising £8 6s. 0d., which will be added to the Restoration Fund.
Wellingborough News, 23rd November 1878, transcribed by Kay Collins

CONCERTOn Friday evening, Nov. 15th, a concert, of vocal and instrumental music, intermixed with readings, was given in the National Schools in behalf of the fund for providing a new Church clock. At the restoration of the Church the old clock was taken down with a view to be repaired, but when it was examined it was deemed advisable to have a new clock, and a concert was held previously, at which £10 was realised. The Church organist, Mr. J. E. Smith, got up the present concert, and notwithstanding the unfavourable state of the weather, upwards of 200 persons were present, amongst whom we noticed—Mr. F. U. Sartoris, Mrs. and Miss Sartoris and party, Sir F. Robinson, Mrs. Currie and party, the Rev. J. T. and Mrs. Barker and party.

The programme was a capital one, and all the performers acquitted themselves satisfactorily. The Rev. J. T. Barker read a new poem, by the Poet Laureate, which was listened to with breathless attention, and elicited hearty applause. The following was the programme presented:—Duet, pianoforte, "Masaniello," Miss Sartoris and Mr. Smith; song, "The slave chase," Mr. J. Warren; four-part song, "The distant sea," Choir; reading, "Japheth in search of a father," Rev. Sir Frederick Robinson; song, "The lost chord," Mrs. Dickens; solo, pianoforte, "Bonnie Scotland," Miss Mason; quarrtette, "Silent night," Mrs. Barker, Mrs. Dickens, Mr. Baker, and Mr. Warren; song, "Tell me, my heart," Mrs. Wetenhall; duet, pianoforte and violin, "Cosi fan tutte," Messrs. J. E Smith and J. Jolley; glee, "Gipsy life," Choir; duet pianoforte,"Zampa," Miss Sartoris and Mr Smith; song, "The bellringer," Mr. W. Skinner; quartette, "The last wild rose," Miss H. Wrighton, Mrs. Dickens, Messrs. J. Nichols, and W. Skinner; reading, "The revenge," Rev. J. T. Barker; song, "Shall I wear a white rose," Mrs. Barker; solo, pianoforte, "Home, sweet home," Miss Mason; song, "The anchorsmith," Mr. J. Farey; ballad, "Ye little birds that sit and sing," Choir; song, "Sally," Mrs. Wetenhall. Mr. Smith acted as accompanyist.

The proceeds amounted to upwards of £5, which amount was handed over to the Rector. At the conclusion, the Rector, on behalf of Mr. Smith, thanked the audience for their patronage, and gave notice of a series of lectures to be given during the winter.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, January 3rd, 1880, transcribed by Kay Collins

Church Decorations—The Church presents a model of artistic taste in the art of decoration, and reflects the highest credit upon the decorators — Miss Stephens, Messrs. Clayton, Swan, and others.

Christmas Festivities were commenced in this village by the two brass bands serenading; the inhabitants at midnight on Christmas Eve. The members of the temperance band also sang carols and Christmas pieces. The bells were rung merrily at midnight on Christmas Eve, and again on Christmas morning their peals resounded gaily through the village. The ringers on Christmas Day succeeded in ringing a peal of 720 grandsire, with twelve bobs and six singles.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, May 1st, 1880, transcribed by Kay Collins

CONFIRMATION-On Friday, the 16th ult., a confirmation service was held by the Bishop of Peterborough, in the Parish Church, when candidates were presented from Rushden, Newton Bromshold, Higham Ferrers, Irthlingborough, &c. In the evening a special sermon was preached in the Church, suitable for the occasion.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, January 1st, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

TEA AND ENTERTAINMENT- On Monday evening about 200 scholars of the Church Sunday School had tea in the National Schools, and in the evening the Rev. T. Grabham, Rector of Irthlingborough, interested them with a series of magic lantern views. Mrs. Currie, Rushden House, also presented the prizes, and a few words of counsel were given by the Rev. Canon Barker, the donor of the feast. On Tuesday evening the smaller scholars were similarly entertained in the same place by the Rector.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, January 8th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

PRESENTATION—On New Year's Eve the members of the choir and teachers of the Church Sunday Schools presented the Rector with an address, beautifully illuminated and framed, and Mrs. Barker with a revolving tray, filled with Dresden china. The presentation was made by Mr. J. Warren, and acknowledged by the Rev. Canon Barker. A tea party preceded the presentation, and an entertainment followed.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, April 30th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

In Easter Week the Church choir and Sunday School teachers and friends provided trays for a public tea in the National Schools, at which there was a large attendance. Outdoor amusements were indulged in until dusk, when the party re-assembled in the schools, in one room of which the farce of "Box and Cox” was acted, and the other was set apart for dancing, and the company were highly delighted with the evening's amusements. The proceeds were given to the Church Restoration Fund.

Wellingborough News, 11th March 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

CHURCH TEMPERANCE SOCIETY—On Tuesday last a meeting in connection with this society was held in the large hall at the Coffee Tavern. The chair was taken by the Rev. Canon Barker, who delivered an excellent opening address, and speeches followed by the Rev. Mr. Hayes, of Swineshead, and the Rev. A. E. Kinch, of Bozeat. Musical selections were given at intervals, in admirable style, by Mrs. Barker, Miss K. Packwood, and Messrs. W. Packwood, Farey, C. Stringer, W. Skinner, and K. Skinner. J. E. Smith accompanied upon the piano. Hearty votes of thanks were passed to the speakers and the friends who had provided so great a musical treat, and the proceedings were brought to a close with the National Anthem, the Chairman making a brief incidental allusion to the dastardly attempt upon the life of the Queen.

Wellingborough News, 22nd April 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins

VESTRY MEETING—On Thursday week the Easter meeting was held in the Vestry-hall, the Rev. Canon Barker presiding. Mr. F. U. Sartoris and Mr. R. O. Butcher were appointed churchwardens, and Messrs. G. Skinner and Woodward, sidesmen.

Church Sunday School & National Scools - Tea 1882
Wellingborough News, 6th January 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins

SCHOOL FEAST—On Wednesday, the 27th inst., the infants connected with the Church Sunday Schools had tea in the infant school; about 100 were present. On the Thursday the elder scholars and about 50 teachers and friends had tea in the new Hall. Among the visitors we noticed Mrs. Currie, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson and party, Higham Ferrers; Canon Barker and Mrs. Barker and family, Rev. E. Secker. After tea the scholars were entertained with charades, and in the evening a part of "The Merchant of Venice " was very ably given.

Wellingborough News, 27th December 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins

YOUNG MEN'S FRIENDLY SOCIETY — The adjourned meeting to further discuss the formation of the above was held in the Infant Schoolroom on Tuesday evening last, when the Rev. Canon Barker presided. It was decided to bring the matter more prominently before the parish, by holding a tea at an early date.

Rushden Echo and Argus, 18th February 1898, transcribed by Kay Collins

MEN'S GUILD—The Rev. W. R. Morse (the Rector) presided at the usual meeting of the Men's Guild on Tuesday evening, when an excellent address on "Worship" was given by Mr J. C. Stevens. A discussion followed in which Mr. C. F. Tall and Mr. Williams took part.
The Rushden Echo, 22nd April 1898, transcribed by Kay Collins

CHURCH GUILDThe Rector (Rev. W. R Morse) presided at a united meeting of the Guild on Tuesday evening, when Mr. A. G. C. Vann gave a very interesting paper on "Christian Socialism." Discussion ensued. The paper was much appreciated.

The Rushden Echo, Friday May 27, 1898 transcribed Sue Manton

Parish Church
The curate (the curate J. R. Blunt) preached in the morning and at the close of the service the “Dead March” (Handel) was played by the organist, Mr. J. E. Smith. In the evening the Rector (the Rev. W. R. Morse) referred very feelingly to the Christian character of the deceased statesman. [Mr. Gladstone]

The Wellingborough News, 23rd May, 1902, transcribed by Jim Hollis

The Church Tower
Rushden people will note with satisfaction that the work of restoring the fine tower of the Parish Church has already been taken in hand. Scaffolding has been erected, and the work will be at once proceeded with. Some five or six years ago it was considered advisable to discontinue the ringing of the bells, and this has been followed out except upon rare occasions. Messrs. Brown and Fisher, after a thorough examination of the structure, have recommended the pointing of the tower and other repairs. The estimated cost is £500, and Mr. R. Marriott, builder, Rushden, has been instructed to carry out the required work.

The Wellingborough News, 7th November, 1902, transcribed by Gill Hollis

Rushden Parish Church
After standing for three or four months, the scaffolding erected for the purpose of repairing the tower of the Rushden Parish Church has this week been entirely removed, and the inhabitants have the satisfaction of knowing that the edifice has been made secure. It will be remembered that Mr. Talbot Brown reported to the Church Council that the ironwork which held the four angle pinnacles and flying buttresses was a source of danger, through rust and expansion splitting the stones. He recommended that this should be removed and the stone-work re-set where required, and also that the whole of the tower should be thoroughly examined and repaired. The work was entrusted to Mr. Marriott, who has carried out the work to the satisfaction of all concerned. The Urban Council also took advantage of the scaffolding to have the clock faces re-gilded, and this remains as a bright reminder of the improvements effected. The completion of the work comes at an opportune time, seeing that on Saturday a series of meetings commence which will make the church a centre of special interest, Canon Lester, of Lichfield, assisted by others, entering upon a special evangelistic mission.

The Argus, Friday 30th September 1910, transcribed by Kay Collins

Rushden Notes
Clerical Changes – The Rev. E. W. Suart, curate at the Parish Church, left Rushden on Tuesday. He will take up his new duties at Hursley, near Winchester, in about a month’s time.

Rushden Argus, 31st July 1914, transcribed by John Collins

Free-will Fund—The “Free-will Offering Fund has now 134 subscribers, with an estimated annual income of £53 1s 3d”, writes the Rev P Robson in the “Parish Magazine”. “I am hoping that we may still have some more subscribers. Let us try to make sure of 200 subscribers at least. Will those who have not yet subscribed make up their minds to join these 134 and so feel that they are taking their share in bearing some of the financial burden of the church where they are privileged to worship?”

Rushden Echo, 14th July 1916, transcribed by Kay Collins

A Flower and Egg Service was held on Sunday afternoon in St. Mary’s Church, conducted by the Rector (the Rev. P. Robson). An address was given by the Rev. P. J. Richards, Vicar of St. Peter’s. Generous gifts of flowers and eggs were brought by the scholars, and 700 eggs were sent away for the wounded soldiers, in addition to which about 100 were sent to the sick in the town.

1924 - bequest to St Mary's
Rushden Echo, 3rd June 1927, transcribed by Kay Collins

A Collision, which fortunately was not serious, occurred in Newton-road, near the Council Buildings, on Thursday, when Mr Collins, dairyman, of Wellingborough-road, and the Rev P E Robson (Rector of St Mary’s), both riding bicycles, ran into each other. Neither was hurt beyond bruises, though the front wheel of Mr Collins’s cycle was buckled.

Rose King & Queen 1930
We have this photograph captioned:

Crowning the Rose King and Queen 1930

If you can name anyone, we'd be pleased to hear from you.

The Rushden Echo & Argus, 31st July 1931, transcribed by Peter Brown

CHURCH GIFT Writing in the current issue of St Mary's Parish Church Magazine, the Rector, the Rev. Travers S. Stoney says: “I have been promised a new St. George's flag. This is a kindly and much appreciated gift. The giver prefers to remain unknown. I think I would like a band of Churchyard Servitors, who would undertake in summer to mow our hallowed acre, and put up the flag when necessary. It is rather a perilous climb.
FETE RESULT – The excellent sum of £151 was raised at the recent garden fete in connection with St Mary’s Church Rushden.

The Rushden Echo and Argus, 11th July 1958, transcribed by Gill Hollis

burying the bones
Bones’ Final Resting Place
Human remains which were disturbed during recent excavations in the churchyard of St. Mary’s, Rushden, were committed to a new resting place on Tuesday afternoon.

Filling a large wooden box, which had been made especially for the purpose, the bones – among them four skulls – had been dislodged from several graves.

They were now resting in a shallow square grave near the wall on the Park Place side of the churchyard, and when the box had been nailed down by the people’s warden (Mr. G. E. V. Fleeman), a short committal service was conducted by the Rev. I. E. Douglas-Jones, who asked for a blessing on the grave as “the final resting place of these Thy Servants.”

The only onlookers were the Rev. A. J. Tomblin (curate), Mr. Fleeman, Mr. W. Clayton (verger), and two representatives of the Press.

Afterwards the Rector said that he did not think the bones would be disturbed again. He thought the workmen who removed them did the work very respectfully.

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