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Street Lighting

Wellingborough & Kettering News 07/03/1890, transcribed by Peter Brown

STREET LIGHTING—The monthly meeting of the Inspectors was held at the Coffee Tavern on Monday last. Present: Mr. J. Bass (in the chair), and Messrs. A. Fisher, J. H. Nichols, G. Bass, and J. H. Clark. After the routine business had been transacted, Messrs. S. Head, W. Pettit, T. Stubbs, and A. Clark attended as a deputation from the inhabitants of the upper part of Hill-street, to make an application for a lamp to be put up in that locality, which was represented as being very dark and inconvenient. The Inspectors expressed themselves as favourably disposed towards the object of their application, but there had been other applications made which could not be acceded to for want of the means. They were willing to put up new lamps where they might be required, providing the parish would grant the extra money they purposed asking for at the annual vestry meeting. If they wanted lamps they must support their appeal, by attending the vestry meeting where the money was granted. The deputation then withdrew. Seeing so many applications were being made, it was considered advisable and ultimately resolved, on the motion of Mr. A. Fisher, that a general inspection of the lamps be made with a view to ascertain the number of new lamps and removals that are required.

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