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Mr. Horace Twelvetree

Rushden Echo, 25th September 1914, transcribed by Gill Hollis

A Rushden Aviator Getting Ready - In Training as a Naval Airman – Valuable Work

Mr. Horace Twelvetree, of Newton-road, Rushden, attached to the Royal Naval Flying Corps, is in regular training as an aviator. Some time ago he underwent a test for a flying certificate, but failed just as he was about to complete the last part of the flight.

We understand that Mr. Twelvetree is stationed at Yarmouth, where active preparations are being made in the naval flying quarters to get the men as efficient as possible in view of the possibility of naval aviators being required.

It is interesting to note that the test for an aviator’s certificate is an exacting and complicated one. In addition to being able to start up and alight in the proper manner, competitors must be able to fly in a figure 8 for several distinct times and must qualify also in the theory of aeronautics.

Mr. Twelvetree has been in the navy for about seven years and has twice belonged to the Flying Corps. He was formerly under Lieut. Sampson. Those who know him and saw the film at the Royal Theatre recently of Lieut. Sampson, might have noticed the Rushden aviator at his side.

The position of naval airmen is likely to prove very serviceable from the point of view of the country and Mr. Twelvetree certainly has the best wishes of the people of Rushden for his success.

Horace TwelvetreeThe Rushden Echo, 15th January, 1915, transcribed by Jim Hollis

Royal Naval Flying Corps - A Rushden Promotion

We heartily congratulate Mr. Horace Twelvetree, late of Newton-road, Rushden, on his recent promotion. He is the only Rushden man attached to the Royal Naval Flying Corps, and has gained, after very arduous and exacting work in the flying department at Yarmouth, the distinction of First-Class Petty Officer in Aeromechanics. Since the beginning of the war, Mr. Twelvetree has been worked up to the hilt perfecting his knowledge in aviation in view of contingencies such as have already arisen in some parts of the country. He was formerly under Lieut. Samson, who has been gazetted to a position in command over the Royal Naval Flying Corps.

Mr. Twelvetree has been in the Navy for over seven years.

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