Mission Church Roll of Honour
harvest during WWI
An earlier postcard of the Roll of Honour? There are 96
photographs visible here, but perhaps more are along the
wall, and were gathered closer for the photograph below.
Where are they now?

Mission Roll of Honour
There are 230 photographs of men who served, and eight other postcards.

We have copied these from a postcard (top picture) and a photocopy (bottom picture).

The Argus, 5th January1917, transcribed by Kay Collins

Photographs of 230 Old Boys on Service

A most interesting gathering took place at Rushden Wellingborough-road Mission Church on Wednesday December 27th [1916], when 203 old Mission Boys, together with their wives, sweethearts and friends, met for social intercourse. The Mission was extremely fortunate in being able to hold such a gathering, for it is rare that so many are on leave at the same time. The guests were entertained by the Sunday School teachers. Tea was served at four o’clock, about 200 sitting down. Afterwards a pleasant evening was spent under the chairmanship of Mr. John Clark (Supt. of the Sunday School). The chairman welcomed all present, and the Rev. C. J. Keeler also gave an address. The secretary, Mr. E. Bandey, read letters from old boys, thanking the School for parcels. Interesting items were then given by the following: Solos: Madams Edwards, Miss I. Austin, and Mr. F. Ingram, and recitations: Mrs. Norman, and Mr. Harry Neal. A much appreciated feature of the evening was the pictorial “Roll of Honour” consisting of photos of 230 “old Boys” serving with the Colours. They were taken by the secretary, Mr. E. Bandey.

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