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Train Times 1898

Steam Train
A steam train at the platform

The Argus 27th May 1898, transcribed by Kay Collins

Letters To The Editor - The Train Service For Rushden

Dear Sir,—The residents in Rushden have much to be thankful for in having a Council who look after their interests in the way that is done, and now that the question of trains, and their connections, is taken in hand, I trust that there will be neither hesitation nor respite until some—if not all—of the inconsistencies referred to at the last meeting are reduced.

I consider travellers to Bedford are very badly served, especially in the early evening, for the 6.30 p.m. train from Rushden does not reach Bedford until 7.15, this being caused by a wait at Wellingborough of nearly an hour, whereas if the slow up train leaving Kettering at 4-48 was delayed only some thirty minutes (injuring no one by so doing) in starting, the Rushdenite would arrive at Bedford at something near 6.15 in time for meetings that commence about 6.30 to seven, and for shopping purposes; and if, in addition, the 10.30 ex-Wellingborough on Saturdays only was run all the week—or say Thursday, for the benefit of the early closers—to Rushden and Higham Ferrers, the advantage would be immense and thoroughly appreciated.

I trust this, as well as the other changes, to be fought for by the action of the Urban Council will have speedy consideration and success, and in this wish I do not stand alone.

Dear Sir, yours faithfully.

ONE WHO HAS SUFFERED. May 24th, 1898.

The Argus, 10th June 1898, transcribed by Kay Collins

Local Notes

It will be seen by the correspondence in another column that the Rushden Urban Council are making overtures to the Midland Railway Company with a view to securing a better train service to and from Rushden. As we pointed out before, the present service is very badly arranged, for it necessitates long and tedious delays to those travelling beyond Wellingborough. A point in instance is the 7.5 p.m. out of Kettering, which arrives at Wellingborough at 7.15. Here the passenger has to wait until 9.20 before he can proceed to Rushden. The same aggravating delay is to be met with when travelling from the county town, the 12.42 p.m. from Northampton not reaching Rushden until 2.38, an hour and a half of the time being spent on the Wellingborough platform. Those whose business takes them over the Midland system have made repeated complaints about the present inadequate train service, and now that the Ruahden Urban Council have taken the matter up it is to be hoped that their representations to the Company will meet with the success they deserve. Whatever the result, the Council certainly deserve the thanks of the long-suffering public for interesting themselves in the matter.

Train Service

It was decided, on a suggestion from Mr. Patenall, to ask the M.R. Co. to detain the 8 p.m. Wellingborough to Rushden train a few minutes so as to connect with the express from London.

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