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Wellingborough News, 14th January 1887, transcribed by Kay Collins

BOOT AND SHOE TRADE—Steady progress in trade continues to be made by most firms here, though the upward tendency is not on all sides pronounced. The goods in process of manufacture are of a seasonable class. The Irish and export orders are slow at present, yet opinions are expressed that the former will shortly experience a revival.—Boot and Shoe Trades Journal.

The Argus, 20th Dec 1889, transcribed by Kay Collins

Local Intelligence
Trade Items. — Messrs. J. Denton and Coombs have taken possession of their new factory in Washbrook-road. — Mr. C. Bull has removed into larger premises recently vacated by Mr. F. Knight. — Mr. B. Claridge has taken his eldest son, Mr. O. Claridge, into partnership. — Messrs. West and Child's new factory is completed, and Messrs. Lilley and Skinner had been advertising for tenders for a new factory.

Rushden Argus, Friday Dec 27th 1889, Transcribed by Kay Collins

Notes of the Week
Not much business has been done in Rushden during the week. Most of the factories "knocked off" early, and instead of the usual skurrying to and fro with finished and unfinished work, numbers of shoe hands have perambulated the streets, the general air being "We've got no work to do". Entertainments, bazaars, and social parties have been the principal events of the week, and the generality of the populace, have done their best to spend a pleasant holiday.

Rushden Echo and Argus, 18th February 1898, transcribed by Kay Collins

THE STAPLE TRADEA Rushden manufacturer estimates that the output from the factories in the town is 40,000 or 50,000 pairs of boots a week.

Wellingborough News, 12th September 1902, transcribed by Kay Collins

TRADESMEN'S ASSOCIATION—On Wednesday evening, at a meeting of the Rushden Tradesmen's Association, the secretary reported that at the request of several tradespeople, he had written to the Midland Railway Company asking for an additional late train during the Feast Week. A formal acknowledgment of his letter had been received. Notice was given of a notion for the next meeting to rescind the resolution appointing monthly meetings, and to that the meetings to be held quarterly.

Northampton Mercury, 16th July 1903

The staple trade of the town and district is decidedly bad. It would be difficult to recall a time when it was so bad at this particular season of the year. In many factories short time has been the order for some time, besides which Saturdays have invariably been knocked off in many factories, and in some even Monday too. During the present week some of the factories did not open till Wednesday. The number of unemployed who are anxious for work is daily becoming greater. It seems to be the general opinion that things will not improve now before the August holidays are over.

Rushden Echo, 26th January 1917, transcribed by Kay Collins

Prices for Army Boots – Important Communication Received at Rushden
We hear than an important communication was received in Rushden this morning by the Government contractors, which will, we believe, give universal satisfaction. A more rational system of arriving at the prices of boots between the contractors and the Government has now been adopted, and the new method will undoubtedly effect economy, and will ensure the distribution of prices on a much fairer basis.

While the new system of payment will relieve local manufacturers of much anxiety, it will also ensure a more equitable payment all round, and must ultimately work out as a saving to the Treasury.

Rushden Echo, 12th July 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins

Leather Supplies—Most of the boot manufacturers in this district have now received certificates for Army and war-time leathers for the quarter July-September. Some free bends have been released by the Department for civilian purposes. There are also a few chrome bends under 9-iron in substance released for civilian footwear.

Rushden Echo, 28th January 1921, transcribed by Kay Collins

BOOT ORDER—As we suggested in last Friday's "Rushden Echo," some promising inquiries from various sources were followed up by a fairly substantial order for 50,000 pairs of boots. They will be of a cheap kind, made of semi-chrome box, bals, open tabs, and Derbies. They are for a Continental destination, and are to be completed by February 9th. About 20 Rushden firms are participating, the order having been secured by the Rushden Fine Art Shoe Co., Ltd. On inquiry this morning we learn that there are no new orders, but several inquiries have been made.

Rushden Echo, 8th July 1921, transcribed by Kay Collins

Women in Rushden Factories

Letter to the Editor of the “Rushden Echo”

Sir, Is it right that so many married women should be working in the factories while so many single girls are waiting for a job? The married women have husbands to keep them and the young ones are depending upon their parents. Why not have all married women come out to give the young ones and the ex-service men a chance? As a mother of five, I should like to see it done. Trusting you will allow a space in your paper for this, from one who would like to see


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