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Joseph Knight - news & notes

York Road factory - now flats
The York Road factory - now flats

Rushden Echo, 26th February 1915, transcribed by Gill Hollis

Factory Supper At Rushden
Annual Social Gathering
Mr. Joseph Knight’s Employees

The annual supper of the employees of Mr. Joseph Knight, boot manufacturer, Rushden, was held at the Public Hall on Friday last, the company numbering about 130.  Mr. Joseph Knight presided, and each department was fully represented.  The Waverley Hotel Co. catered very satisfactorily, under the efficient supervision of Miss James, the manageress.  The whole of the cost was defrayed by Mr. Knight.

At the conclusion of the supper, Mr. Swannell moved a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Knight for his generous hospitality and said that all had enjoyed the bountiful spread.  With a good programme to follow, he was sure they would all have a very pleasant time.

Mr. Pettitt seconded, and said they had had an excellent supper, and all appreciated Mr. Knight’s hospitality.

The proposition was carried with cheers, and in response Mr. Knight expressed the hope that they would all enjoy themselves.  If that had been a temperance meeting he would have known how to make a speech to them (Laughter.)  He was exceedingly pleased that they had all met together.  This was a very nice way of enjoying themselves.  It was very good of the ladies and gentlemen who had promised to entertain them in the programme. (Applause).

The committee making the arrangements comprised Messrs. A. Adams (secretary), F. S. Knight, O. Thompson, and J. Jones, and Miss L. Rice.

An enjoyable social evening followed the speeches, a good programme being interspersed with dancing, Mr. W. Craddock being the M.C. 

Rushden Echo, 27th August 1915, transcribed by Gill Hollis

A Nasty Accident
A nasty accident occurred at Mr. Joseph Knight’s factory on Monday to Miss Stella Parker, of 20, Wellingborough-road, Higham Ferrers. Miss Parker was engaged in cutting waste bits on a splitting machine, when by some means or other her right hand was drawn between the rollers, her fingers being severely injured. Assistance was soon at hand, and the machine was stopped. First aid was rendered by Mr. A. Beeby, who was assisted by Mr. W. Willey, foreman of the department. Subsequently the injured girl was conveyed on the wheel litter to Dr. Crew’s surgery where further attention was given her. She is now, we understand, progressing as favourably as can be expected.

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