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Imports and Exports 1881

Wellingborough & Kettering News, December 24th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

Imports and Exports in The Boot and Shoe Trade
The past month's import of boots and shoes fully compensates us for the slight increase in that of the month preceding in being very much less than an average one. Not only is it less for the corresponding month of last year, which in itself was very low, but it is some 30 per cent, under that for November, 1879. The year's imports are still more favourable, and we do not doubt that when tre returns for December are published, thus closing the year, we shall be able to announce a very considerable decrease in the year's import of these articles. The import of dry hides is rather higher than usual for the month, although the year's returns show nothing abnormal, being indeed, if anything rather under the average, while wet hides were imported in less quantities, the year's import being here also slightly less than usual. Dressed leathers were imported in larger quantities last month, as they have been indeed throughout the year. Bark for tanners and Dyer's use was about an average import for the mouth, the year's import being, if anything, under the average. Cutch, though less for the month, shows a much increased import for the year, Gambier being higher for the month, with an average year's import; Valonia has been imported in less quantities this year.

The increase in the export of boots and shoes is proportionately greater than the decrease in the imports. Last month's exports were even higher than those of October, while—compared with the returns for November 1879 and 1880, they show an enormous rise—between 40 and 50 per cent., indeed. The eleven month's returns are equally favourable, and it is evident that at the close of this preset year we shall be able to congratulate ourselves on a very much improved condition of our foreign trade. The increase in last month's export of boots and shoes to Australia is particularly noteworthy. Of other articles manufactured from leather the import is also favourable, the year's returns standing out in a very favourable light. We did not export so many dry hides last month as for the corresponding month of the past two years, nor have the eleven months’ exports been so high, although with wet hides the reverse has been the case. Unwrought leather, though exported in larger quantities than during last year, still shows lower than during 1879. Cutch and Gambier still continue to show a high export, while saddlery and harness have exhibited a steady rise in the export throughout the year.

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