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Rushden Echo, February 1st 1924, transcribed by Kay Collins

Rushden and Raunds Families

Four Generations

The photograph represents four generations of a family that has been known and greatly esteemed in Rushden for many years. The family has also contribute in no small measure to the good reputation of Rushden families.

Mrs Tye, wife of Mr Henry Tye, is the eldest member of the group. Mr and Mrs Tye celebrated their golden wedding last May. Mr Tye was for many years a departmental manager at Messrs John Cave and Sons’ factory, and is now in a similar position at Messrs Robinson Bros. Mrs Reynolds, the second in order on the group, a daughter of Mr and Mrs Tye, was born in Rushden. Her husband, Mr Charles Reynolds, was for many years principal of the boot trade sewers’ business, J Northern & Co, Raunds, which he acquired from the founders. The third member of the group is Mrs Wingell (daughter of Mrs Reynolds), also born in Rushden but having removed to Raunds. Mr Bertram Wingell, her husband, is a well known and respected resident of Raunds, being now occupied at Northampton as a motor driver. The fourth and last (but not the least important!) member of the group is the baby daughter (age six months) of Mr and Mrs Wingell.

Other sons and daughters of Mr and Mrs H Tye are as follow: Messrs Harry and Rowland (engaged in the boot trade), Frank (an insurance agent), Raymond (steward of Rushden Conservative Club), Reg (cashier and traveller for Messrs B Denton & Son Ltd., Rushden, with whom he has been 20 years, also general secretary of the Rushden Athletic Club about six years), and Howard, also in the boot trade; Mrs D Tilley and Nurse Mabel Tye. Of the latter we recently reported that she had set sail for India. She is one Lady Minto’s nursing staff at an important Government hospital in Calcutta. Nurse Tye is the holder of several diplomas for proficiency in the many requirements of nursing. She was for three years a nurse at a Government hospital in Tientsen in China, and sis much service in the late war. The ages of the nine sons and daughters total approximately 354 years. Mr and Mrs Tye have 14 grandchildren. We wish all the members of the family many years of happiness and health.

Nurse TyeRushden Argus, 2nd November 1917,

Rushden Lady Honoured
The name of Miss M Tye, sister at the Duston War Hospital, daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Tye, of 17 Moor-road, Rushden, has been brought to the notice of the Secretary of State for War for valuable services in connection with the war.

Miss Tye has been on the staff ever since the Duston War Hospital was opened.

Rushden Echo, February 8th 1924, transcribed by Kay Collins

Patients Entertained—Mr Henry Tye, jun., took a concert party to the Rushden House Sanatorium on Friday last, and the patients were given a delightful concert. The Rushden Instrumental Quartette rendered a number of classic selections, Miss M Sail gave solos which were deservedly encored, and Mr Tye himself contributed.

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