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Rushden Echo, August 3rd 1923, transcribed by Kay Collins
Mr. J. W. Smith

Wedding Feast—At the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Smith, a party of about 30 employees of Mr. Smith, with their wives, sweethearts, and friends, were entertained to an excellent supper in the granary on Wednesday evening, in honour of the recent wedding of Mr. J. W. Smith. The wants of the guests were attended to by Mrs. W. W. Smith, Mrs. J. W. Smith, Miss Muriel Smith, Mrs. Sugars, and Mrs. Norman. The company included the Rector (the Rev. C. L. Drew) and Mr. J. F. Houghton (chairman of the Parish Council). At the conclusion of the repast glasses were filled and the wedding cake was brought in and shared amongst the party. Mr. Houghton proposed the toast of the health of the bride and bridegroom, speaking in felicitous terms of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith. Mr. Arthur Dickerson spoke in support of the toast, which was enthusiastically accorded. Games and songs filled the rest of the evening, Miss L. Winsor officiating at the piano. On the initiative of Mr. Houghton, the thanks of the guests were accorded the hosts for the splendid and much-enjoyed supper and social evening. The party broke up just before midnight with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne."

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